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[OutDated]Exia Miner AIO [Deleted]

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Nov 3, 2013
Maybe adding LRC to the list? The script is sick and have a lot of potential, hope you don't drop the project.
If you find my github, LRC is mostly implemented, I think it was just like the combat logic or the death walk logic that need to be implemented before I actually released it. So if you want to finish it or find a scripter to finish it, feel free.
Actually, now that I look at it, I think that it is finished, I just never got the levels on my testing account to fully test it.
Jun 23, 2015
If you find my github, LRC is mostly implemented, I think it was just like the combat logic or the death walk logic that need to be implemented before I actually released it. So if you want to finish it or find a scripter to finish it, feel free.
Actually, now that I look at it, I think that it is finished, I just never got the levels on my testing account to fully test it.

Could you push a update if you got it working?

Link me your github, I can't seem to find it.
Nov 3, 2013
Could you push a update if you got it working?

Link me your github, I can't seem to find it.
Yeah, but my account is not the correct levels for it yet, I've been slowly getting a testing account back into shape by hand since my last one got banned while I was grinding div for no reason. I've also been busy hunting for a job since I'm graduating soon. If there is more interest in this script, maybe I'll get back into it if I can find time.
Jun 23, 2015
Yeah, but my account is not the correct levels for it yet, I've been slowly getting a testing account back into shape by hand since my last one got banned while I was grinding div for no reason. I've also been busy hunting for a job since I'm graduating soon. If there is more interest in this script, maybe I'll get back into it if I can find time.

This miner is one of the best if not the best mining script on RM. I defiantly would continue with it making it into premium later as it has that much of potential.
Dec 17, 2014
I agree with MMOSaga, used this bot for a while at Resource Dungeon and it never stopped working or something. Ran it multiple times for longer than 12 hours without any trouble :).
Jun 23, 2015
No need there is already a LRC bot.

That works flawlessly? Don't think so.. I've tested them all here on RM.

Also stating that this is an AIO miner, it should include everything to reach perfection, as this probably is the best mining script around. Just adding all of the 20+ locations would make it AIO. :)
Jul 25, 2015
Wondering when this bot is getting updated :p Just keeps teleporting. Hope it gets fixed soon!
Nov 3, 2013
Wondering when this bot is getting updated :p Just keeps teleporting. Hope it gets fixed soon!
That's cuz they messed something up in the default web for path finding. I'm working on a custom web right now, so hopefully in the future this won't be a problem.
Jul 27, 2015
Bot also keeps teleporting to Lumbridge for me. I mine copper at Al-Kharid and I use standard mining because you can't choose powermining. After it finishes an inventory, keeps teleing to lumbridge.
My settings are on full screen, EOC interface.
Nov 3, 2013
Bot also keeps teleporting to Lumbridge for me. I mine copper at Al-Kharid and I use standard mining because you can't choose powermining. After it finishes an inventory, keeps teleing to lumbridge.
My settings are on full screen, EOC interface.
That's the same problem that @Jonesy was having. They tried to add load stones to the web, but set the cost of them too low. Either they will fix their web, or I'll finish making my custom one. It will be fixed soon, I'm sure.
Jul 27, 2015
That's the same problem that @Jonesy was having. They tried to add load stones to the web, but set the cost of them too low. Either they will fix their web, or I'll finish making my custom one. It will be fixed soon, I'm sure.
Sounds good, Bruce Wayne ;)
Nov 3, 2013
Hey guys, I did a bit of testing, and it SEEMS like the default web is fixed, but I can't be certain, so keep me updated and feel free to post here with your specific location and the lodestone it is teleing to so that the admins can debug the problem with more test cases and get it fully fixed.

On another note, I finally started work on power mining again since I now have a reasonable testing account. I'll hopefully have that done pretty quick.

A new release should be actually be out soon, but here is my to do list before that update hits:
  1. Finish Power mining
  2. Figure out sandstone/granite's multiple exp rates
  3. Finalize and recheck OSRS
  4. Finalize and recheck OSRS location data
  5. Recheck East/West Varrock
  6. Grab data for Rimmington
  7. Recheck Shillo Village since it was buggy (I need to finish the quest for this one, so I might skip it)
So, I've gotten power mining finished now. I've got a couple of hours of testing left to go for RS3 and I haven't even tried OSRS yet.

I also figured out mostly how I'm going to handle granite and sandstone which have multiple ore types, again, just needs testing.

West varrock seems like it's good, but I'll have to go over East as well.

I also have now added the Desert Quarry as a location, I'll have to figure out were the best bank is though.

So I guess check bad tomorrow night, hopefully I'll have it done by then :)

Oh, one more thing, the name of the script will be changing, but that should effect anything for people who are already users.
So, powermining is done with some cool features like: it will set the action bar up for you if it isn't correct when the script is started.

One issue is with granite and sandstone. Currently there is no good way to drop off the action bar using keys (if you know a way, let me know so I can put it in). This means that the action bar is pretty much useless for those two ores. I have optimized the mine one drop one, so it will hover the inventory where it expects the item to pop up at.

Also, I'm still working out a way for the ores/hr display to work for granite/sandstone since each ore actually gives multiple exp rates. This only effects the paint, so no worries there.

These are all of the ores that it will support at release:
Living rock remains
Concentrated Coal
Concentrated Gold

The higher level ores, I won't be able to test since my account is only ~lvl50 mining, so I'm going to leave that up to you guy to test out and report back.

If you want to try this release out early, PM me, and I'll send you a copy, but you will have to keep in mind that it is still not completely tested.

Hit me up with any suggestions that you might have.
Nov 3, 2013
So a quick update:
  1. Finish Power mining I'm still tweaking a few things as I find them, but I would be comfortable releasing this.
  2. Figure out sandstone/granite's multiple exp rates I said fuck it, and just disabled it for now, more work than it's worth just for an ore/hr count
  3. Finalize and recheck OSRS -> I think this is done, but I also have to finish grabbing some ore data for some of the higher lvl stuff
  4. Finalize and recheck OSRS location data -> Done!
  5. Recheck East/West Varrock - > I think this might be OK, so I'm not gonna change it too much.
  6. Grab data for Rimmington/Desert quary/Lumbridge/Iron in Al Kharid -> should be easy enough, there are a lot of locations now so I'm going to give them all the once over :)
  7. Recheck Shillo Village since it was buggy (I need to finish the quest for this one, so I might skip it) Finished the quest, so this is coming up next!
Can't wait for the LRC option. You are the best!
For now, it's just going to be power mining, I don't recall exactly how much I had done for the banking. I'll also see about adding a "drop while moving" option for it.

I might push that back another couple of days, just so I can get general power mining out.
Another note, I'm not going to include pay-dirt in the power mining, too many of the mechanics are far too specialized for it to work into my generalized system. I'm cutting it from this update, but it will be added later under the "Special mining" style.
Just checked shilo, my new pathing system seems to be handling it just fine.

I just have to grab the data that I want. Check back later tonight!
Update inbound whenever the additions are approved.
Change log:
Exia Miner AIO updated to v1.4.0.
1. Power mining
  • Mine one drop one style
  • Action bar support
  • It will setup the action bar if you have not done so already
  • Power dropping, which allows you to disable anti-ban for faster dropping
  • Optional radius based of the location of the player when the script bot is started
2. OSRS support
3. Back end changes for code clarity
4. Filled out the current locations with all of their ores.
5. Changed the name
6. Just about every ore is supported for power mining in both RS3 and OSRS.
7. Seren mining should now be possible.

New Locations:
1. West Lumbridge
2. East Limbridge
3. Rimmington
4. East Varrock (OSRS)
5. West Varrock (OSRS)
6. Al Kharid (OSRS)
Known Bugs:
  1. West Lumbridge may experience glitches due to an anti-bot feature applied by jagex in that location.
  2. Seren power mining is untested. (DO NOT MARK "mine drop one" if you wish to keep the ores)
  3. LRC power mining is untested (I don't have the levels to fully test this yet)
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