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MaxiWoodcutter TRIAL [Deleted]

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Mar 3, 2016
Having the same issue as above, deposits logs and then just sits with bank tab open not leaving bank (OSRS)
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
Does it deposit the inventory, and then sit at the bank as if it should be closing it and proceeding? Also is this OSRS or RS3?

OSRS or RS3?

If it helps, I am getting this bug too on OSRS.

It has happened with Celestial fisher as well, exactly how Cloud described above. I suspect it may be an issue with the client, rather than individual bots?
Apr 14, 2016
If it helps, I am getting this bug too on OSRS.

It has happened with Celestial fisher as well, exactly how Cloud described above. I suspect it may be an issue with the client, rather than individual bots?

When you guys say "client" you're referring to the runemate spectre UI all together, correct? And if so, does that mean the bot developers can not fix the banking issue and we will have to wait for another runemate update? Just trying to learn a little!
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
When you guys say "client" you're referring to the runemate spectre UI all together, correct? And if so, does that mean the bot developers can not fix the banking issue and we will have to wait for another runemate update? Just trying to learn a little!


My (limited) understanding of how things work:

Runemate Spectre is the client.
MaxiWoodcutter is a bot (formally known as s©ripts)
MaxiWoodcutter interacts with code within Runemate Spectre.

When something in Runemate Spectre (in this case banking) is not working correctly, then the staff/developers will need to update the client (Spectre) for banking to work properly. Alternatively, the bot author (Aidden) may be able to add a work around in their code, however that depends on the severity of the issues with the client.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
If it helps, I am getting this bug too on OSRS.

It has happened with Celestial fisher as well, exactly how Cloud described above. I suspect it may be an issue with the client, rather than individual bots?
They should all work now, at least as much as they did before spectre. Lol. The banking issue is apparently a client issue, so sit tight and it should be fixed shortly.
Please note the red text.
Apr 10, 2016
(IGNORE THIS) My bad I should of read above, sorry guys.

In Draynor cutting for Willows
The bot will just do 5 or so runs and will stop, it won't do anything at all
If you manually fill the bag with willow logs, it will bank on its own but then stop
Jun 9, 2015
Banking issue is fixed on my end.
I assume this was the bank issue:
"Does it deposit the inventory, and then sit at the bank as if it should be closing it and proceeding?" > You said it was fixed, right?
If yes, the bot banks the logs perfectly, but then goes into idle state and does not return to the trees.

This is Varrock west Oak logs.
If you know this problem still exists , please ignore this post
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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I assume this was the bank issue:
"Does it deposit the inventory, and then sit at the bank as if it should be closing it and proceeding?" > You said it was fixed, right?
If yes, the bot banks the logs perfectly, but then goes into idle state and does not return to the trees.

This is Varrock west Oak logs.
If you know this problem still exists , please ignore this post
All i know is there was a bank issue and it's supposedly fixed now. It works fine for me so if its not working for you guys i don't know how i can fix it.
Jun 9, 2015
All i know is there was a bank issue and it's supposedly fixed now. It works fine for me so if its not working for you guys i don't know how i can fix it.
I'll test it out again, see if I get any errors popping up. Thanks

EDIT: Ah, I think I know why the bot is acting weird. If you set up and area, while selecting bank + Trees, and the area is too small, the bot can't return to that area. But if you select : NONE on the area, the bot returns to the nearest Oak, and that's not always the same place.
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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I'll test it out again, see if I get any errors popping up. Thanks

EDIT: Ah, I think I know why the bot is acting weird. If you set up and area, while selecting bank + Trees, and the area is too small, the bot can't return to that area. But if you select : NONE on the area, the bot returns to the nearest Oak, and that's not always the same place.
Well you're not supposed to be setting your own area if you're using banking lol. That's only for powerchopping. But yes, that is indeed a bug if that's the problem. Can everyone please confirm that works so i can put instruction on the details page.
Mar 27, 2016
All i know is there was a bank issue and it's supposedly fixed now. It works fine for me so if its not working for you guys i don't know how i can fix it.

There's also another bug: picking the radius for the area of chopping doesn't work either. Like for draynor oaks I'm trying to only chop the one next to the bank and I chose an option for the distance to be 1 (so only the tree next to the bank) but it still walks over to the other oak where the guard is.
Jun 9, 2015
Well you're not supposed to be setting your own area if you're using banking lol. That's only for powerchopping. But yes, that is indeed a bug if that's the problem. Can everyone please confirm that works so i can put instruction on the details page.
Yea, but when I don't select an area, the bot just runs to the nearest tree from the bank location, rather than the location you had it setup with. For instance: I set up my bot to chop Oak logs in Varrock West. The bot starts, banks and then locates the nearest Oak and runs towards it. That's a bug, right?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
There's also another bug: picking the radius for the area of chopping doesn't work either. Like for draynor oaks I'm trying to only chop the one next to the bank and I chose an option for the distance to be 1 (so only the tree next to the bank) but it still walks over to the other oak where the guard is.
As i just said. The area stuff is only for power chopping. You can't change the size of the area that the banking options use. However, v2.0 will have that functionality. No idea when i'll have time to finish writing that though.
Mar 27, 2016
As i just said. The area stuff is only for power chopping. You can't change the size of the area that the banking options use. However, v2.0 will have that functionality. No idea when i'll have time to finish writing that though.

Oh! Sorry I'm on mobile and didn't really notice, my bad! But okay that's cool, the area thing would be really useful for banking at draynor oaks. Thanks for all the bots you make though man, have you ever considered making a Firemaker for osrs?
Sep 4, 2015
@@@@@@@@@@ ITS WORKING SMOOTHLY @@@@@@@@@@
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