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Jan 15, 2019
Hello, I'm new to the premium bots and i didn't realize starting and restarting the bot charged be each time, i used about 2 hours and was charged 6 times, how do i go about getting a refund for the 4 hours i didn't use??
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hello, I'm new to the premium bots and i didn't realize starting and restarting the bot charged be each time, i used about 2 hours and was charged 6 times, how do i go about getting a refund for the 4 hours i didn't use??
Bot authors have no obligation to issue refunds, especially when the user is at fault. However, as you're new i'll give you a refund for 4 hours. Don't expect the same leniency from other authors, or from myself in the future.
Jan 18, 2019
Hi I cant seem to get the bot to make headless arrows. I set the bot to make 6000 which I have the material for but it gets stuck on the screen that asks how many sets I need to feather. it just says Using Arrow shaft on SpriteItem(name:Feather, quantity: 6454, index: 1, origin: INVENTORY).
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hi I cant seem to get the bot to make headless arrows. I set the bot to make 6000 which I have the material for but it gets stuck on the screen that asks how many sets I need to feather. it just says Using Arrow shaft on SpriteItem(name:Feather, quantity: 6454, index: 1, origin: INVENTORY).
Sounds like it could be a client issue. I'll have to debug it and possibly let cloud know. Is this OSRS or RS3?
Dec 9, 2018
I start the bot and it runs really great for about 150 bows but then it just stop and attempts to log me out, i have a goal of 10,000 set so i am not sure as to why this is happening. Not only is it wasting time every time it stops that, i also lose money. I am running on rs3
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I start the bot and it runs really great for about 150 bows but then it just stop and attempts to log me out, i have a goal of 10,000 set so i am not sure as to why this is happening. Not only is it wasting time every time it stops that, i also lose money. I am running on rs3
Which type of bow? What's the status when it's logging you out? Please upload the log file.
Dec 9, 2018
Which type of bow? What's the status when it's logging you out? Please upload the log file.
Elder shieldbows, the status says finished all activities, logging out. but it doesnt actually log out it attempts to and then it just sits at the screen that confirms that i would like to logout.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Elder shieldbows, the status says finished all activities, logging out. but it doesnt actually log out it attempts to and then it just sits at the screen that confirms that i would like to logout.
Okay, please upload the log file.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Can you please monitor the bot to see what happens. I'm assuming it's failing to find the items in the bank even though they may be there.
Dec 9, 2018
Can you please monitor the bot to see what happens. I'm assuming it's failing to find the items in the bank even though they may be there.
The problem is still occurring, ive tried moving the items around in the bank, i have a preset set for the bows and strings. i really have no clue why this is happening.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
The problem is still occurring, ive tried moving the items around in the bank, i have a preset set for the bows and strings. i really have no clue why this is happening.
When i say monitor I mean watch it. And tell me what it does before it stops.
Try not using the preset
Jan 26, 2019
finding that when making headless arrows in osrs the bot gets stuck on the select screen, also when trying to make steel arrows after setting a quantity and having the items in my inventory it will deposit the items in the bank, withdrawal the arrow shafts and think i have completed making all of the arrows and log me out.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
finding that when making headless arrows in osrs the bot gets stuck on the select screen, also when trying to make steel arrows after setting a quantity and having the items in my inventory it will deposit the items in the bank, withdrawal the arrow shafts and think i have completed making all of the arrows and log me out.
Interesting, i'll take a look as soon as i can.
Hi everyone, i've gone over the feedback of the last two pages and added anything that hasn't been done to my internal issue tracking. I hope to have some time to work on this soon, stay tuned!


Jan 9, 2019
Since yesterday's OSRS update (I know it warns that not supported just thought you'd like to know) when trying to make darts it seems to almost constantly spam the dart tips and rarely does a feather.


Dec 15, 2018
  • Status at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes
just now
  • Selected category and item type of the current activity
making steel arrows
  • RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS
  • Details of what happened
Tried to fletch arrows, would only take out the headless arrows and then say task was completed and stop the bot after making 0 arrows, steel arrowheads definitely available. doesnt seem to recognize steel arrowheads.
  • Any other info to help me reproduce the issue.
just try to make steel arrows with arrowheads and headless arrows

00:00:00 INFO [MaxiBots] MaxiFletcher PRO V2.1.0 started!
00:00:25 INFO No supplies remaining, ending the activity
00:01:41 INFO No supplies remaining, ending the activity
00:01:59 INFO [MaxiBots] ---MaxiFletcher PRO V2.1.0 [OSRS] ---
00:01:59 INFO [MaxiBots] Runtime: 00:01:59
00:01:59 INFO [MaxiBots] Last status: Finished all activities, stopping the bot
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
  • Status at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes
just now
  • Selected category and item type of the current activity
making steel arrows
  • RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS
  • Details of what happened
Tried to fletch arrows, would only take out the headless arrows and then say task was completed and stop the bot after making 0 arrows, steel arrowheads definitely available. doesnt seem to recognize steel arrowheads.
  • Any other info to help me reproduce the issue.
just try to make steel arrows with arrowheads and headless arrows

00:00:00 INFO [MaxiBots] MaxiFletcher PRO V2.1.0 started!
00:00:25 INFO No supplies remaining, ending the activity
00:01:41 INFO No supplies remaining, ending the activity
00:01:59 INFO [MaxiBots] ---MaxiFletcher PRO V2.1.0 [OSRS] ---
00:01:59 INFO [MaxiBots] Runtime: 00:01:59
00:01:59 INFO [MaxiBots] Last status: Finished all activities, stopping the bot
Hi, thanks for the report. I'll take a look as soon as i can.
Feb 23, 2019
Loving the bot, it has been working like magic, really appreciate the work you have put into it! Today I started making dragon Javelins and when I set the bot up to create them it just stays in the section where you choose how many javelins you want to create and the bot doesn't do anything. This for OSRS, again the bot works amazingly so far for everything else, I just noticed this little issue today when I started making the dragon javelins.