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MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
it just says opening bank and nothing else happens. ive tried different banks and starting with bank open etc. i may be starting it wrong but i think im doing everything right lol. like i said im not complaining just wanted to let you know :)
Hi Mooncheese, i also found this today and reported it to @Cloud. It's actually an issue in RuneMate's detection of the bank being open. The good news is that it's only an issue for bank tabs that aren't the main one, so switch to the main tab and it should work fine. Let me know how it goes. The next client release has a fix for this.
Oct 24, 2018
ahh coolio :) ill give it a try now thank you for your help again :)
hey just a quick update. working great so far for 30 mins :) nice little bot thank you! the only thing i think could improve and maybe make look a bit more human if you could set it to use the new "withdraw/desposit all" function with 1 click. that way its less right clicks to deposit etc and lets face it these days most people would choose 1 click to the old right click deposit all etc function :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
ahh coolio :) ill give it a try now thank you for your help again :)
hey just a quick update. working great so far for 30 mins :) nice little bot thank you! the only thing i think could improve and maybe make look a bit more human if you could set it to use the new "withdraw/desposit all" function with 1 click. that way its less right clicks to deposit etc and lets face it these days most people would choose 1 click to the old right click deposit all etc function :)
It should be using that, i'll take a look after work. Thanks for the feedback :)
Oct 24, 2018
no worries buddy :) i know you guys do everything you can to get these bots to be amazing but you also need feedback to know how its doing :) Im probably asking in the wrong place but do you guys offer a pay by gold way to get premium bots or is it just pay by card etc?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
no worries buddy :) i know you guys do everything you can to get these bots to be amazing but you also need feedback to know how its doing :) Im probably asking in the wrong place but do you guys offer a pay by gold way to get premium bots or is it just pay by card etc?
No worries, if you PM @Arbiter he might be able to help you out.
Oct 24, 2018
another quick update lol. ive tested it for you if you start it with "all" selected it does just left click them. but it doesnt if you dont start it with "all" selected. maybe if the bot could check if its selected and if not it could select it. i dunno anything about writing scripts so i dont know if what im asking is really hard or not so dont worry too much about it lol. maybe just put something in description to explain that if you start it with all selected it will use the function if not it wont :) dont wanna make loads of work for you buddy :)
and ill give him a pm :) thank you
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
another quick update lol. ive tested it for you if you start it with "all" selected it does just left click them. but it doesnt if you dont start it with "all" selected. maybe if the bot could check if its selected and if not it could select it. i dunno anything about writing scripts so i dont know if what im asking is really hard or not so dont worry too much about it lol. maybe just put something in description to explain that if you start it with all selected it will use the function if not it wont :) dont wanna make loads of work for you buddy :)
and ill give him a pm :) thank you
It's supposed to be built into the client so any bot that is withdrawing should automatically use that where possible. There might be something i have to call first to get it working, i'll find out. Thanks :)
Dec 18, 2017
Ever since the weekly update on rs3 the bot has kinda stopped working. It takes almost half a minute before the bot actually presses "fletch" every single time. The bot worked awesome before, but ever since the update on rs3 today its not working porpperly :(
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Ever since the weekly update on rs3 the bot has kinda stopped working. It takes almost half a minute before the bot actually presses "fletch" every single time. The bot worked awesome before, but ever since the update on rs3 today its not working porpperly :(
Please be patient after Runescape updates. It might be that something broke in the client, in which case you'll need to wait for a client update.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hi everyone, i've gone over the feedback of the last two pages and added anything that hasn't been done to my internal issue tracking. I hope to have some time to work on this soon, stay tuned!
Dec 8, 2018
working good. Just a suggestion, you can press the spacebar instead of moving the mouse to the "How many would you like to string?" scene.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
working good. Just a suggestion, you can press the spacebar instead of moving the mouse to the "How many would you like to string?" scene.
Thanks for the feedback. This is handled by the clients PlayerSense system. Some accounts will use space, others will use the button. This is to make it harder for jagex to build a pattern and detect the bot.
Mar 2, 2019
bc the bot uses the action bar it gets stuck whenever it opens a parcel.

only tested with headless arrows
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
bc the bot uses the action bar it gets stuck whenever it opens a parcel.

only tested with headless arrows
What parcel? How does it get stuck? How is the actionbar involved?
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