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MaxiFisher TRIAL [Deleted]

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Apr 13, 2016
The bot keeps freezing for me after going very slowly while fishing for trout in Lumbridge.

Also this is in my logs:

MaxiFisher V1.2.9 started!
[RegionPath failed, trying WebPath]
Unable to load model component for 36844: "OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Array.java:75)
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Arrays.java:3212)
at java.util.ArrayList.toArray(ArrayList.java:407)
at sun.java2d.d3d.D3DScreenUpdateManager.run(D3DScreenUpdateManager.java:433)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.HashMap.resize(HashMap.java:703)
at java.util.HashMap.putVal(HashMap.java:628)
at java.util.HashMap.put(HashMap.java:611)
at nul.IiiIiIiiiiii.do(lcb:104)
at nul.iIIIiIiiIiiI.do(gjb:268)
at nul.iIIIiIiiIiiI.do(gjb:226)
at nul.IiiiIIiIiiII.do(gjb:85)
at nul.IIIiiIiIIiiI.do(fjb:23)
at nul.IIiiiIiIIIII.do(hjb:170)
at nul.IIIiiIiIIiiI.do(fjb:227)
at nul.iiiIIIiiiiII.do(gwb:187)
at nul.iIiiiIiiiiII.do(yob:187)
at nul.IIiIIIiIiIIi.do(mec:127)
at nul.iiIiiIiIiIiI.getModel(yqb:52)
at nul.iiiIiIiiIiiI.isVisible(prb:181)
at com.runemate.maxibots.looping.fisher.MaxiFisher.void(k:249)
at com.runemate.maxibots.looping.fisher.MaxiFisher.enum(k:246)
at rm.prn.run(e:171)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(pxb:43)
at nul.IiiiiIiIiIII.run(jhc:145)
Unable to load model component for 36844: "OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at nul.iiiiIIiIiiiI.do(nkb:179)
at nul.IiiiIIiIiiII.do(gjb:62)
at nul.IIIiiIiIIiiI.do(fjb:23)
at nul.IIiiiIiIIIII.do(hjb:170)
at nul.IIIiiIiIIiiI.do(fjb:227)
at nul.iiiIIIiiiiII.do(gwb:187)
at nul.iIiiiIiiiiII.do(yob:187)
at nul.IIiIIIiIiIIi.do(mec:127)
at nul.iiIiiIiIiIiI.getModel(yqb:52)
at nul.iiiIiIiiIiiI.getInteractionPoint(prb:114)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.entities.details.Interactable.getInteractionPoint(mm:259)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.hud.Menu.click(pbc:123)
at nul.iiiIiIiiIiiI.interact(prb:102)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.entities.details.Interactable.interact(mm:52)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.entities.details.Interactable.interact(mm:249)
at com.runemate.maxibots.looping.fisher.MaxiFisher.void(k:226)
at com.runemate.maxibots.looping.fisher.MaxiFisher.enum(k:246)
at rm.prn.run(e:171)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(pxb:43)
at nul.IiiiiIiIiIII.run(jhc:145)
Unable to load model component for 36844: "OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at nul.iiiiIIiIiiiI.do(nkb:179)
at nul.IiiiIIiIiiII.do(gjb:62)
at nul.IIIiiIiIIiiI.do(fjb:23)
at nul.IIiiiIiIIIII.do(hjb:170)
at nul.IIIiiIiIIiiI.do(fjb:227)
at nul.iiiIIIiiiiII.do(gwb:187)
at nul.iIiiiIiiiiII.do(yob:187)
at nul.IIiIIIiIiIIi.do(mec:127)
at nul.iiIiiIiIiIiI.getModel(yqb:52)
at nul.iiiIiIiiIiiI.getInteractionPoint(prb:114)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.entities.details.Interactable.getInteractionPoint(mm:259)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.hud.Menu.click(pbc:123)
at nul.iiiIiIiiIiiI.interact(prb:102)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.entities.details.Interactable.interact(mm:52)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.entities.details.Interactable.interact(mm:249)
at com.runemate.maxibots.looping.fisher.MaxiFisher.void(k:226)
at com.runemate.maxibots.looping.fisher.MaxiFisher.enum(k:246)
at rm.prn.run(e:171)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(pxb:43)
at nul.IiiiiIiIiIII.run(jhc:145)
Unable to load model component for 36844: "OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Apr 27, 2015
You maybe able to help me with this @Aidden . When i am fishing Trout and Salmon the rate at which it drops the fish is incredibly slow. Is their anyway to speed it or something?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
You maybe able to help me with this @Aidden . When i am fishing Trout and Salmon the rate at which it drops the fish is incredibly slow. Is their anyway to speed it or something?
Not on your side. When i get around to optimising my bots it will be faster. If the first action when they're on the actionbar is to drop them, then i can make it super fast like i did with my miner.
Apr 27, 2015
That would be awesome and great work on all your bots 10/10! Also it is at barbarian village with trout and salmon. I am on legacy mode since it's multiple fishes. Keep up the great work!
Apr 26, 2016
everything was running good until it was going to deposit the fish in the bank and my rune mate app just popped up like with an error, can someone get back to me and help me solve this problem?maxifish.png
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
The exception occurring when gaining xp or levels has now been fixed.
Jul 26, 2015
RS3. Bot didn't even move camera once and it went to lobby? Feels very laggy too, slow reactions etc. Im guessing this is problems with the new client?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I don't get the box ... It doesnt pop up for me man
I just tested it with the bot store version and it does... It might be behind spectre. @Arbiter any reason why a swing ui wouldn't be showing for some users, but showing just fine for others?
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