Context: I'm ge-standing making jugs of win.
Can you (
@aidden ) explain to me why banks have left click to bank and you have the bot select right click->left click like 50% of the time it banks? Whenever a human will bank they'll almost NEVER right click the bank. NEVER EVER. I dont see this as some kind of human simulate-able behavior but some kind of clearly non-human scripted behavior.
I position my screen to have the left click to bank on top of the teller AND the deposit inventory option, and right above the deposit inventory option I have my grapes and wine vertically aligned for fast clicks.
I understand avoid tick perfect xp-making bots, so I get idle afk for 2-10 seconds on some interval (ideally user-select with some distribution), but as the bot currently bank-stands for wine-making it's extremely concerning behavior to right click when there is an obvious left click option.
This isn't mean to be a question meant to be a point, but I genuinely am curious as to why there is ever right clicking on banks? If you're never moving tiles away from the bank, I'd presume a left click is always better. If you leave a bank (where things can get in the way of left clicking, eg an imp passing by the screen), then it makes some sense to have right clicking happening on some (clearly rare) occasions.