Hmm I'm almost certain I got the areas right. It's configured to create a 3x3 area for the patch then grow it by 1 tile on both directions so if it's picked up a player planting/watering/harvesting in that area then it means they could only be interacting with your patch. I'll review that and the patching incrementing logic

Thanks for the feedback
I've isolated the incident it appears its when the North East lane is occupied it recognizes as a crash. I assume that lane is what's used for the 5th lane and maybe you have the crash feature using the same 5 lanes to detect a crash on the 4 lane option instead of it detecting the four lanes youre using? That was my first thought but idk OSRS bots work. I dont know if this also occurs with the South East lane as well though. However if another player is farming on the other side with a lane space in between yours and there's its functions fine. It's just annoying losing almost a whole round of seeds because it hops when it shouldn't. Also sometimes it'll recognize a crash and hop randomly when nobody has crashed me. It also results in me having to stop a bot and losing money, not the most loss but, it adds up and is just inconvenient if it can be prevented.
Also maybe look into if a slight lag causes you to skip a patch that it doesnt just keep going and let it die. Maybe make it backtrack and fix then continue the rest?
I would imagine if you slightly alter the path taken to plant seeds and plant from in between the lanes and not on the edge of them (this would be ideal for every lane) that you could increase the xp/hour slightly and save a percentage of run energy. I did a rough draft of one of the paths for each lane I have in mind. I could be completely mistaken here, I would imagine you've tested paths possible and if I'm mistaken on my theory and you have tested the path taken can you please make it so it plants the edge of lane from the center not the outside of the edge?
This assumes you've just entered Tithe farming and the South West patch closest to you, the that you currently start at on the bot is where you'd start. So start at one which is the same location it currently is and then onto two, then three, etc..
4 Lanes:
12 11 10 9 - > 8 6 3 2
13 14 15 16 -> 7 5 4 1
5 Lanes:
____________ -> 17 18 19 20
13 14 15 16 - > 7 6 3 2
12 11 10 9 -> 8 5 4 1