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Hexis Slayer AIO

Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Bot is working great so far, just one issue:

Keeps attempting to use crafting cape to teleport to crafting guild. Not sure how to fix this, don't have a crafting cape and don't have that in any of my setups so not sure why this keeps happening
In the Combat & Loot tab there's a "Bank strategy" towards the bottom-right corner of the screen. Check that strategy matches up with what you want (y)
Hello, great experience so far. Few bug reports:
- issue when trying to enter the Brimhaven dungeon. Not sure what's causing it (I disabled all plugins). Manual click required.
- when bringing an dragon axe for the Brimhaven dungeon (and other wise Bowfa gear), it swaps to dragon axe for special attack
- Doesn't register I clicked to use cannon. Tried to manually place it, but doesn't fill the ammo (again in the Brimhaven dungeon at the Greater Demons)
I think definitely use a rune axe instead of Dragon, I can make an update to never use certain special attack. I haven't mapped the cannon positions for those 2 mobs in taverley so ill do that too.

I don't know the issue with entering brimhaven dungeon, if you encounter it again please post the logs
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Anyone got loot lists?
Rune full helm,Rune 2h sword,Rune platelegs,Rune battleaxe,Rune sq shield,Rune chainbody,Mystic air staff,Rune axe,Battlestaff,Lava battlestaff,Rune med helm,Earth battlestaff,Air battlestaff,Fire battlestaff,Water battlestaff,Rune warhammer,Mystic earth staff,Runite limbs,Adamant platelegs,Rune mace,Rune scimitar,Rune longsword,Adamant platebody,Dragon med helm,Red d'hide body,Rune spear,Mystic robe bottom (light)
Dragon warhammer,Imbued heart,Ancient shard,Drake's claw,Granite maul,Crystal key,Mystic robe top,Rune full helm,Rune 2h sword,Rune platelegs,Rune battleaxe,Rune sq shield,Rune chainbody,Mystic air staff,Snapdragon seed,Dark totem top,Dark totem middle,Dark totem base,Rune axe,*attlestaff,Rune med helm,Drake's*,Draconic visage,Abyssal whip,Shield left half,Rune warhammer,Mystic earth staff,Runite limbs,Adamant platelegs,Brittle key,Grimy ranarr weed,Grimy cadantine,Grimy kwuarm,Grimy avantoe,Grimy dwarf weed,Grimy lantadyme,Dragon plateskirt,Abyssal head
Noted only:
Adamant bar,Pure essence,Steel bar,Wine of zamorak,Diamond,Grimy*,Coconut,Papaya,White berries
Nov 27, 2023
great bot!! Been using it for a few weeks with great succes!
-But i am suddently having issues on kalphite soldier task. it will tele with fairy ring in poh to the nearest fairy ring to the kalphite dungeon, and then stop. i get the message in runemate: "failed to locate kalphite dungoen". When i start the bot in the kalphite dungeon, it teleports out and repeats first step until it stops.
Jan 23, 2017
Having an issue with POH after todays update - Everytime it uses teleport to house tab, it tries to teleport again using the tab and wont proceed.

Also just to add - AMAZING BOT - lvl 9 to 84 slayer so far, lots of combat exp and on my road to 99.
great bot!! Been using it for a few weeks with great succes!
-But i am suddently having issues on kalphite soldier task. it will tele with fairy ring in poh to the nearest fairy ring to the kalphite dungeon, and then stop. i get the message in runemate: "failed to locate kalphite dungoen". When i start the bot in the kalphite dungeon, it teleports out and repeats first step until it stops.
Had this issue too - fixed it by manually intervening by running to just outside the dungeon door
Sep 5, 2017
bot likes to keep clicking kelphite cave outside of shanty pass and when i click to go though pass because im one ticket short bot teleports back to castel wars to get another one
Jan 23, 2017
Any advice on a setup for drakes? It doesn't sip extended anti fire which avoids all damage with a DFS and protect from missiles - it tries to dodge every single attack making it very slow even though it doesnt need too. I'm using melee setup.
Any advice on a setup for drakes? It doesn't sip extended anti fire which avoids all damage with a DFS and protect from missiles - it tries to dodge every single attack making it very slow even though it doesnt need too. I'm using melee setup.
It is also running a lot and wont sip the stamina pots in my invent.
May 23, 2017
Not sure what i'm doing wrong, First time using the bot spent an hour setting up all of the monsters and on the first task it fails to Fossil island. It tele's to edgevile and stands there and on runemate the message says failed to walk to fossil island. I manually get to fossil island, unpause bot, it goes into the dungeon and then teleports out Assuming because my inventory didn't look the same as the loadout because i had to use a digsite tele scroll?

Goes back to edgevile bank and stands there again.
Sep 5, 2017
Bot is working great so far, just one issue:

Keeps attempting to use crafting cape to teleport to crafting guild. Not sure how to fix this, don't have a crafting cape and don't have that in any of my setups so not sure why this keeps happening
this an option for teleport i ran into this at first too you have to find the option and change it
Dec 27, 2015
Awesome bot until the update this last week and having a few issues, have to babysit for the time being while it runs. Anyone having issues with banking? Keeps failing to with draw certain items from my setups.
Apr 20, 2021
One thing I want to add to what I have said previously, Its a little to happy to move to next target or pop a teleport before it loots the last kill, Maybe have it Prioritize a kills loot before the next attack.

Either way mostly stellar bot. Few hiccups every now and then.
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
One thing I want to add to what I have said previously, Its a little to happy to move to next target or pop a teleport before it loots the last kill, Maybe have it Prioritize a kills loot before the next attack.

Either way mostly stellar bot. Few hiccups every now and then.
Would you rather every single kill is slower to make that change? I wouldn't want that to happen, hence why I haven't done it. The reaction time will not change.