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Hexis Slayer AIO

Dec 6, 2015
Very good bot
How ever I'd love to see a few thing.
-Going to bank after task and get karamja gloves and tele to Duradel
-Does not use shortcut from Edge to G.E
-Tele to POH and use jewverly box to tele to G.E and use spirit tree that way insted of valking from Edge all around G.E
- For Taverly dungeon, teleport to Falador insted of Warriors guild
- An extra option to loot untradeables like curved bone, long bone, crystal shard etc when using "Loot anything above x"
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Nov 7, 2022
Very happy with this bot! the only thing i think could be changed could be when you have ticked the option to hop worlds if more then "x" amount of people it seems to log out and log in to change worlds constantly does this have any affect on being bot like? i would like to see it use the world switcher like a normal person would do but if you think this makes no difference im happy with the way it is.
Nov 27, 2023
best bot ever! Took some time to get all the poh updates needed. and it worked was really hard to setup until that point. but from here it works like magic.
But i having some issuses against zygomites, where it wont use the Fugicide sprays in the inventory. am i doin something wrong, or is there a bug here?
Sep 24, 2023
fantastic script - working extremely well on nieve. though one thing i have noticed. Basilisk task, i have the equipment set, though it insists to not switch to my main weapon which is set, instead it keeps using the draman staff as the main melee wep. Potential switching error?
May 24, 2021
Hello, great experience so far. Few bug reports:
- issue when trying to enter the Brimhaven dungeon. Not sure what's causing it (I disabled all plugins). Manual click required.
- when bringing an dragon axe for the Brimhaven dungeon (and other wise Bowfa gear), it swaps to dragon axe for special attack
- Doesn't register I clicked to use cannon. Tried to manually place it, but doesn't fill the ammo (again in the Brimhaven dungeon at the Greater Demons)
Oct 27, 2023
Bot is working great so far, just one issue:

Keeps attempting to use crafting cape to teleport to crafting guild. Not sure how to fix this, don't have a crafting cape and don't have that in any of my setups so not sure why this keeps happening