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Cuppa Guardians of the Rift

Mar 13, 2018
Not really sure exactly how long I ran it for, I was charged for 8 hours but I don't think I ran it for that long. How about half since the bot was running probably at around half efficiency?
All good, refunded you for the full 8 hours since the bot was pretty buggy at the time. Hopefully it works well in the future :)
Mar 8, 2023
Have been running it for 2 hours now and it's been amazing, but just now I glanced over and noticed it was stuck on "Search grand exchange" option while spam clicking the rune pouches, I had to intervene.
Mar 13, 2018
whenever I turn on auto-balance it seems to get 400 elemental energy and then only 100 catalytic energy. Is that normal?
The way autobalance works is, if you have a lot more catalytic or elemental runes, it'll (progressively) favor the other, while still keeping logical preferences (eg. won't ever prioritize Air runes over Blood runes, obviously). A spread of 0-20 point difference between Catalytic/Elemental is fine and normal, and shouldn't get larger than 20 over time. The bot autobalances better over longer runtimes.

Also the first round of a bot's run, it won't know the current points, so it just uses the default spread. Will improve for 2nd onward.

New Have been running it for 2 hours now and it's been amazing, but just now I glanced over and noticed it was stuck on "Search grand exchange" option while spam clicking the rune pouches, I had to intervene.
Pretty sure it's a Runelite plugin confusing the bot, I don't think the "Search grand exchange" thing is part of the base game. Typically I recommend botting with all plugins disabled (you can make a separate profile). It's possible also this is under the Runelite plugin named "Runelite"? Though not sure.
Mar 20, 2021
Hello... Ive been running the cuppa fine but today, its been trying to fill the pouches even though they've been full. It continues to try to fill it all the time and doesn't do anything else, help? i play it on the regular OSRS client
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Oct 30, 2022
You're not alone bud, same here. I'm sure Cuppa will fix once he's aware of the issue.

But yeah, it gets stuck on spamming to fill pouches. Runelite for me, so impacting both.
May 23, 2017
Fk it's been so good that i didn't watch it for 15 minutes and it sat there spam clicking the full rune pouch, this is probably rip 2100 total account =(
May 23, 2017
Same issue for me, was clicking trying to fill full pouches for 20 minutes, is this game over?

I'll let you know what happens to my account but non stop clicking is usually a massive red flag and it's gg. I guess I needed a reason to quit osrs anyways, had a good 15 year run :p
Mar 13, 2018
@himioinig @Potent Dwarf @creashun @Anon t
Hey, sorry about that, but it was really out of my hands unfortunately. There was a Runemate bug for the past ~12 hours that prevented the bot from reading clicks. This has now been fixed & should be working again.

Most of my bots have idle failsafes sooner, unfortunately the timeout is longer on this bot because it can take so long to enter a game that if I have the failsafe too low, it'd just end up stopping all the time in the lobby.

For what it's worth, you'd be surprised the types of things jagex just overlooks. I've heard of instances of a bot breaking and someone's bot was spam clicking the same thing for like 10 hours and they didn't even get banned. Hopefully you guys fly under the radar, but I think there's a solid chance you'll be fine.
Mar 20, 2021
@himioinig @Potent Dwarf @creashun @Anon t
Hey, sorry about that, but it was really out of my hands unfortunately. There was a Runemate bug for the past ~12 hours that prevented the bot from reading clicks. This has now been fixed & should be working again.

Most of my bots have idle failsafes sooner, unfortunately the timeout is longer on this bot because it can take so long to enter a game that if I have the failsafe too low, it'd just end up stopping all the time in the lobby.

For what it's worth, you'd be surprised the types of things jagex just overlooks. I've heard of instances of a bot breaking and someone's bot was spam clicking the same thing for like 10 hours and they didn't even get banned. Hopefully you guys fly under the radar, but I think there's a solid chance you'll be fine.
thanks for fixing!
Mar 13, 2018
CuppaJava updated Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift with a new update entry:

Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift v2.1.15 Released!

Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.1.15.

Read the rest of this update entry...
when mining the guardian parts it is spam clicking is this normal ? dont think it is, apart from that great bot
There was a Runemate bug for the yesterday that prevented the bot from reading clicks, causing this. This has now been fixed & should be working again if you restart osrs & rm (or your pc)
Apr 22, 2023
The bot seems very prescriptive but works well. I think it could be improved upon, however. Examples below:
1. Portal spawns, immediately leaves and goes to it (normal players anticipate the intitial portal spawn and leave early.
2. Go down to the guardian remains (either via portal or agility), sleeps for 1.5s then mines. Normal players immediately click to mine.
3. Same as above except when entering ruins to runecraft and a lot of other actions. Humans anticipate, humans move the camera to be able to see where they are clicking, and to get a better view of the landscape, humans don't use the minimap to move.
4. Filling rune pouches. Bot waits until the message appears saying the pouches are full. Normal humans know it's full because they clicked it and essence disappeared from their inv.
Apr 17, 2023
The bot was running fine earlier then stopped mid session and is now stopping anytime I go to run it?

EDIT: I've ran it three times outside barrier and it stopped instantly after charging while trying to peek so I think thats where the issue is coming from. I started bot inside the rift and so far it's running, I'll update if anything changes and I encounter another bug.

EDIT: I ran one game and as the game ended it stopped the bot again, please fix this. I guess I'll wait to hear from you before trying to run again and wasting more credits haha
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Mar 13, 2018
The bot was running fine earlier then stopped mid session and is now stopping anytime I go to run it?

EDIT: I've ran it three times outside barrier and it stopped instantly after charging while trying to peek so I think thats where the issue is coming from. I started bot inside the rift and so far it's running, I'll update if anything changes and I encounter another bug.

EDIT: I ran one game and as the game ended it stopped the bot again, please fix this. I guess I'll wait to hear from you before trying to run again and wasting more credits haha
i havent heard of anyone else having this issue so it's likely runemate acting up for you tbh. you can dm me a log from the session (help > view logs), but it might just be some weird plugin issue?

If you are botting with Runemate on Runelite, try disabling all plugins as some can interfere with bots (you can make a separate profile on Runelite with your current plugins saved, for using when not botting).

Feel free to test using the lite version of the bot so you don't get charged while testing. If the issue persists or this doesn't help, let me know.
New Does anyone know what the optimal settings are for maximum xp/hr?
settings dont make a huge difference for xp tbh, basically the defauly settings should be solid

the biggest improvement would be more unlocks (eg pouches, lunars, imbues for combo runes, outfit, 56 agility etc)

more info though: OSRS - Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift Guide + Recommendations