Crusty first off I must say well done on the current work you are doing, fantastic job and cant wait for more features to roll out progressively.
Managed to sot out the food issue. In the next update do you think you can add the option to turn off food all together so i dont have to put any food in my inventory or bank.
Really appreciate to adding ice giants as quickly as you did I am sure there's more to come but great start. what feature option did you go with in the end at asganian ice dungeon? will it fight both warriors and giants or just giants. would be kwl if you could select either. I also presume that i can set this to either tele to fally/east or just walk back and fourth
I know you mentioned there is issues with the runemate api not closing or opening bank which does happen at draynor bank. it also uses the default lumbridge tele when going back to draynor bank with tele unticked on the UI. is this the web working and something out of your control also?
I can indeed set it up to work with no food. Easy to do will just take awhile as there is many many conditions throughout the script that tells it to prioritize eating. It will involve changing each of these conditions to return false is no food is set. I will implement it when I get time.
I added the Asgarnian dungeon as a Safe spot for range or mage, it will attack an Ice warrior if it attacks you first but otherwise it will target only Ice Giants, if you want to kill warriors aswell simply add them to the targets list in the combat tab. The dungeon is not supported in the Runemate web so it will not transit between them without a pre-set path, and safe spot presets cannot be changed into a melee style. If you want to melee them I can add it in the next update.
The whole Lummy/Draynor area is very buggy with the Runemate web, the web has recently undergone a massive optimization process, it has a few bugs but once sorted will be much more efficient. If using the Lummy or Draynor banks it will do very weird things such as teleporting to Lummy to get to Draynor even if at wizards tower. This is something I cannot control unless using one of my pre-sets. I have developed my own traversal method which most of the pre-sets utilize, which allows me to create pre-sets in places the web does not support without creating defined repeating paths (would be very botlike and result in a ban). I did find a small bug in it which may in some cases end in it utilizing a web teleport, I have now fixed this.
Can you tell me if it was whilst using the cow pre-set that it teleported and/or got stuck? After how long? What settings?
This issue was reported before, I am debuging the cow path now.