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Cru5tyFighter [Deleted]

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Mar 12, 2019
The reaction times are still very bad even after your update. It still takes a lot of time to attack the npc.
The update hasn't gone live yet, it's just been pushed to the que, will take a couple days.
Feb 7, 2017
Holy hell dude watching this bot grow has been awesome to see. Just babysat it for a bit and noticed some new features I hadn't before, the subtly camera movements randomly is amazing, the speed has undoubtedly gotten better especially regarding the safe spot option. Keep up the amazing work, by far the best combat bot on runemate.
Jul 14, 2019
Hey Cru5ty,

I have some problems with the script, when i start the script and set everything up its attacking the cow with magic on a safespot, but after a few min it says: looking for target. and does noting, the antiban tingy is keeping me logged in., is this a bugg?
i love the interface and keep the great work comming :D

when i use a preset its working fine? something te do with custom location?
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Feb 7, 2017
Hey Cru5ty,

I have some problems with the script, when i start the script and set everything up its attacking the cow with magic on a safespot, but after a few min it says: looking for target. and does noting, the antiban tingy is keeping me logged in., is this a bugg?
i love the interface and keep the great work comming :D

when i use a preset its working fine? something te do with custom location?
Do you have a radius set on the safespot? not sure if you have an interface problem but it could be just that simple thing. I have noticed that if I set the radius too small it will continue to "search" until the selected monsters gets close enough to you, which it may never therefore putting it in a continuous searching loop. Not sure if this is your problem but might help.
Jul 14, 2019
Do you have a radius set on the safespot? not sure if you have an interface problem but it could be just that simple thing. I have noticed that if I set the radius too small it will continue to "search" until the selected monsters gets close enough to you, which it may never therefore putting it in a continuous searching loop. Not sure if this is your problem but might help.

i did that, i set it on 10-20 where is says radius. but it starts for a few mins and then stops :( same distance
Feb 7, 2017
i did that, i set it on 10-20 where is says radius. but it starts for a few mins and then stops :( same distance
My safe spot is working fine right now I just had it run about 2 hours of gargoyles. I'm guessing it has something to do with the way youre setting up the bot then, can't think of what else it would be other than radius though.
Mar 12, 2019
lol, yes very safe. Only issue is that the bot checks if your target is reachable before attacking. This stops it trying to attack targets that are in another room, area, etc. What is happening is that when the gate closes, the targets become unreachable and the bot will not target them. I may look into creating a different criteria when selecting targets while safespotting.
Mar 12, 2019
Just pushed update 1.0.8 to deal with and error that has started since last Runemate update to do with health percent. Trying to get a rush on pushing it to live.

Just a temp fix to get it running again so while I create a permanent fix.
Jul 25, 2019
This was working really well for me! Thank you! Lately, though, the web walks are failing constantly. Sometimes I can manually walk half way and suddenly the bot will take over. I have tested other bots (BinaryWalker, no idea if it uses web walk) and they seem to be able to walk the same path (Draynor -> granary cows). As I level up my web changes right? I wonder if I got access to a broken leg or something. At the cows near the granary it was trying to teleport to lumbridge for a while...
Mar 12, 2019
This was working really well for me! Thank you! Lately, though, the web walks are failing constantly. Sometimes I can manually walk half way and suddenly the bot will take over. I have tested other bots (BinaryWalker, no idea if it uses web walk) and they seem to be able to walk the same path (Draynor -> granary cows). As I level up my web changes right? I wonder if I got access to a broken leg or something. At the cows near the granary it was trying to teleport to lumbridge for a while...
Can you tell me if this was using a preset please? If so I have fixed the attempted teleport issue in the next update, but I may need to redo the path..
Jul 25, 2019
Actually I kinda gave up on the presets... When I start the bot I just fill in each tab and then hit run. I have a list of coordinates in a text file for chickens/cows that I fill in.

That said I always forget to uncheck the world hopping option, end up getting into an infinite world hopping loop and then getting permanently logged out due to repeated login attempts. I know it makes for some gnarly code but a way to abort the world hopper loop once you get inside of it would be great for me. :D

Thanks for your hard work!
Mar 12, 2019
Cru5ty updated Cru5tyFighter with a new update entry:

Cru5tyFighter v1.0.8 Released!

Cru5tyFighter updated to v1.0.8.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Actually I kinda gave up on the presets... When I start the bot I just fill in each tab and then hit run. I have a list of coordinates in a text file for chickens/cows that I fill in.

That said I always forget to uncheck the world hopping option, end up getting into an infinite world hopping loop and then getting permanently logged out due to repeated login attempts. I know it makes for some gnarly code but a way to abort the world hopper loop once you get inside of it would be great for me. :D

Thanks for your hard work!

The bot uses the Runemate Webpathing algorithm, that same one all other bot use unless they set a custom path. I have very little control over what the bot does when walking if not using the presets as the web decides what to do. At the moment there is big issues with the web around the Draynor/Lumbridge area.

My preset options use my custom algorithm, this i can control the behavior of, if one of the pre-sets fails to navigate I can adjust settings to fix it. Unfortunately I cannot create custom pathing options for every creature in the game yet (although I do have some things in mind for my algorithm to increase its ability to create its own paths).

I may look into your suggestion around the logging loop, I will have to think about the best way to optimize this.

The latest update has been pushed in which I adjusted a couple things in the Draynor Cow/Chicken path, maybe give it a try now and see how it goes.
Jul 25, 2019
The Cows preset is working great!

I was thinking about the hopping loop and I think the biggest issue was that I didn't want to stop and restart the bot because I would have to re-enter configuration. Saved settings/the presets help a great deal with that.

Thank you!
Mar 12, 2019
The Cows preset is working great!

I was thinking about the hopping loop and I think the biggest issue was that I didn't want to stop and restart the bot because I would have to re-enter configuration. Saved settings/the presets help a great deal with that.

Thank you!

Ok I think I understand. So once it starts the loop even un-checking the box and clicking update wont break the loop?

There is an issue with the hop method I have noticed that I intend to change, probably something only I would notice because I know how I intended it to work. But I believe once I fix this issue it should also resolve your issue.
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