0) Yes to this, it is very infrequent. At the Kalphite area, there is wall that goes around the shape of U. Every time it does happen, it appears my character is stuck in one of the corners of the wall. The next time it happens I will get a picture of it, that way you can see the location it happens at.
1) I will make it a point to get you some coordinates, I understand the "area" aspect. The bot must really like that one spot then
2,3) Understood, and I do it manually myself.
On the disassembly, yes it did disassemble others and the skill is on my action bar. Rune sq shield, Adamant 2h sword seem to be the culprit I have come across that it is hit or miss with disassembly, as these are stacking up quite nicely in my bank.
All in all, the small issues I've found I have either corrected or experimented until a fix arose. Awesome bot, will definitely be a supporter when it goes p2p. Keep up the good work sir!
One funny thing occurred last night that has never happen before. I had an error saying current preset is 2h, shield required, yadda yadda. I have backup one handers setup, and it rarely gives this fault. But last night, when i went to restart the bot, all my settings were gone in Atlas Slayer. My presets, my custom loot list *cries*, everything. I did nothing out of the ordinary, just appeared to be a fresh install with no backup. Now sometimes half my presets will be gone when I log back on, as it was just now, but all other settings seem to be staying. Attached is all logs that were generated around the time frame, most of the other files have 0kb, no data. I only included the ones with data, if you need others let me know.