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Architect [Deleted]

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Jan 14, 2017
Anyway to click choice of skill? (for example Herblore?) :O

This was awarded to me via opening Fan mail item. True RM itself took care of the Fan mail item, but this particular reward was left there and unable to bank/load preset hahs!

Current workaround is to destroy the lamp hahas.

Also, is there a way for the bot to check this "Cancel" interface? I guess using this to check instead of player animation would be better. For example, when doing Potions/Cleaning Herbs/Fletching, this interface would show.

I tried to make the bot do:

If interface "CANCEL" is visible, Delay XXX, else, change state to initial.

However, i guess the "Is interface visible" couldn't detect this "CANCEL", or am i wrong, and that it detects this "CANCEL"


  • small map.PNG
    small map.PNG
    106.2 KB · Views: 43
  • example fletching.PNG
    example fletching.PNG
    28.9 KB · Views: 38
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Nov 9, 2016
KliK updated Architect with a new update entry:

Architect v1.1.3 Released!

Architect updated to v1.1.3.

Read the rest of this update entry...

Bug Fixes
  • Fix saving & loading bug
  • The Walk To node now has a radius parameter. The radius parameter controls when this node decides that it has reached its target - by checking whether the distance between the player and the target node is smaller than the radius.
  • The bot should now perform tasks much faster than before.
Anyway to click choice of skill? (for example Herblore?) :O

This was awarded to me via opening Fan mail item. True RM itself took care of the Fan mail item, but this particular reward was left there and unable to bank/load preset hahs!

Current workaround is to destroy the lamp hahas.

Also, is there a way for the bot to check this "Cancel" interface? I guess using this to check instead of player animation would be better. For example, when doing Potions/Cleaning Herbs/Fletching, this interface would show.

I tried to make the bot do:

If interface "CANCEL" is visible, Delay XXX, else, change state to initial.

However, i guess the "Is interface visible" couldn't detect this "CANCEL", or am i wrong, and that it detects this "CANCEL"

Regarding the lamp, if RM should take care of that, I don't want to interfere with the built in method for handling those.

Regarding the interface, your method should work (using the Is Interface Visible node), I will check tomorrow why it doesn't work as intended.
Mar 18, 2018
Has anyone been able to get a firemaking/bonfiring bot going? I am unable to get it to use the logs on the fire. I have tried making an interface version where it chooses Add to bonfire, but I am unable to get it to interact with the Craft logs interface.
Aug 27, 2016
Despite the obfuscated names in the JSON, it seems that you don't have any state connected to the Start/Initial node. This makes any nodes you put in the playground irrelevant, as the first node being executed is the one connected to the Start node.

However, in the new update this will be changed - the Start node is removed completely and instead only states are available, allowing you to choose from which state the script should start running.

I am aware of the crashes and pushed an update to fix them (with some other additions) - waiting for an executive to confirm the update

I stated that the save file isn't what I actually used. I did have states connected to the start/initial node when I tried testing it - but the save wouldn't properly save my file.
This is what I currently have with the newest version. It is essentially what I had before. upload_2018-5-2_22-41-11.png
The issue with this bot is that it goes from one id to another for the rocks. Specifically, if one rock isn't' available it goes to the next and so on, even if a rock is available (I don't know if this is possible with OSRS to tell if one is available or not. Help would be great :)! I am aware this bot is probably inefficient due to the mine state.
Nov 9, 2016
I stated that the save file isn't what I actually used. I did have states connected to the start/initial node when I tried testing it - but the save wouldn't properly save my file.
This is what I currently have with the newest version. It is essentially what I had before. View attachment 5785
The issue with this bot is that it goes from one id to another for the rocks. Specifically, if one rock isn't' available it goes to the next and so on, even if a rock is available (I don't know if this is possible with OSRS to tell if one is available or not. Help would be great :)! I am aware this bot is probably inefficient due to the mine state.

Imagine yourself you are a simple machine, always executing the task you are given. You start by executing Task A (in our case, mine rock with ID 7469). You have done that successfully, so you reward yourself by continuing to the next task and sleep for 2 seconds (the Delay for 2000 millis node). After sleeping you feel refreshed and continue onto the next node, this time it is a condition - it checks whether or not you are mining. If you are mining then everything is fine and you go back to the beginning of the state. But, what if the ore has already been mined? Or what if it takes more than 2 seconds for the player to reach the rock and start mining? In this case the player isn't animating and you will proceed onto the Else branch of that If Node and try to mine the rock with ID 7468.

This is the problem with connecting multiple action one after another and why I encourage you to split your logic into as many conditions as possible. I would build your mine state using the following template:
  • Is Inventory Full:
    • Switch to State Bank
  • Else:
    • Is Player Animating:
      • Do nothing (just leave empty - or put a small delay to be mercy full on your CPU)
    • Else:
      • Is Object with ID 7469 available:
        • Interact with Object with ID 7469
      • Else:
        • Is Object with ID 7468 available:
          • Interact with Object with ID 7468
        • Else:
          • and so on...
This way you make sure only one task is executed each cycle. Of course you can add delays here and there, but be aware not to use them too much.
Mar 23, 2018
I don't know if I'm stupid or something, but whenever I run this, it gets stuck on "Does inventory contain"...

Move "Does Inventory Contain" and the entire stack into the Else branch. Leave the delay where it is. I haven't looked past that, but right now your code only executes if the player is animating and does nothing if you are not.

Anyway to click choice of skill? (for example Herblore?) :O

This was awarded to me via opening Fan mail item. True RM itself took care of the Fan mail item, but this particular reward was left there and unable to bank/load preset hahs!

Current workaround is to destroy the lamp hahas.

Also, is there a way for the bot to check this "Cancel" interface? I guess using this to check instead of player animation would be better. For example, when doing Potions/Cleaning Herbs/Fletching, this interface would show.

I tried to make the bot do:

If interface "CANCEL" is visible, Delay XXX, else, change state to initial.

However, i guess the "Is interface visible" couldn't detect this "CANCEL", or am i wrong, and that it detects this "CANCEL"

Have you tried checking the interface for any of the other visible text? Maybe Fletching or Headless Arrow?

Portables Logic Bugfix

So if you want to fix the bug in my original portables code, I found the issue. In my rush of trying to build multiple bots in a short time I misplaced an action in a string of IF/Else logic.

Remove the code in the red circle and the bot won't try to interact with the portable while it's in use:

Jan 14, 2017
Have you tried checking the interface for any of the other visible text? Maybe Fletching or Headless Arrow?

Hi, i've tried for portable well+smithing and headless arrows, i can't use "CANCEL" as check still. Do you have any success using "CANCEL" as a check instead of "Is player animating?"

KliK updated Architect with a new update entry:
Regarding the interface, your method should work (using the Is Interface Visible node), I will check tomorrow why it doesn't work as intended.

I've noticed that if I use "CANCEL" as a check, when nothing is opened ingame, "CANCEL" is true. I used this string of action to verify (Character was doing nothing, just standing around.)

Start>If interface "CANCEL" is visible, open bank, else, delay 1000.

Even though there was no interface of "CANCEL" to be seen, the bank was opened :O

In addition, notice sometimes the bot will just hover the mouse over Object (All portables) and not "interact" with them. This symptoms can show up randomly mid-botting and despite changing camera angle, zooming in or out, the bot stuck at "Interacting with Object" in the bot status, mouse hovering around the object ingame.
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Jan 19, 2017
Move "Does Inventory Contain" and the entire stack into the Else branch. Leave the delay where it is. I haven't looked past that, but right now your code only executes if the player is animating and does nothing if you are not.

Have you tried checking the interface for any of the other visible text? Maybe Fletching or Headless Arrow?

Portables Logic Bugfix

So if you want to fix the bug in my original portables code, I found the issue. In my rush of trying to build multiple bots in a short time I misplaced an action in a string of IF/Else logic.

Remove the code in the red circle and the bot won't try to interact with the portable while it's in use:

Now for me it gets stuck on "is interface visible", even though it is not visible, the bot continues to execute the following actions for some reasons
Mar 23, 2018
Now for me it gets stuck on "is interface visible", even though it is not visible, the bot continues to execute the following actions for some reasons

Can you post an updated screen shot of your logic? From what I can tell if you moved the right instructions over your bot should be working properly.

Also I suggest editing your bot to remove the same code I highlighted in the screenshot above. You should remove the Interact with Object that is nested between the If/Else logic. That little bit of misplaced code is what is making the bot continue interacting with the portable when it shouldn't be.
Hi, i've tried for portable well+smithing and headless arrows, i can't use "CANCEL" as check still. Do you have any success using "CANCEL" as a check instead of "Is player animating?"

I've noticed that if I use "CANCEL" as a check, when nothing is opened ingame, "CANCEL" is true. I used this string of action to verify (Character was doing nothing, just standing around.)

Start>If interface "CANCEL" is visible, open bank, else, delay 1000.

Even though there was no interface of "CANCEL" to be seen, the bank was opened :O

In addition, notice sometimes the bot will just hover the mouse over Object (All portables) and not "interact" with them. This symptoms can show up randomly mid-botting and despite changing camera angle, zooming in or out, the bot stuck at "Interacting with Object" in the bot status, mouse hovering around the object ingame.

It makes me wonder if Cancel can be found in any of the open interfaces. I haven't tried checking for an Interface to run my delays, but I haven't had any time to work on my bots this week. Work has picked up so I'm mostly limited to weekends at this point. I will try to mess around with it this weekend.
so trying to make a tab making bot

does this look right?


edit got it working heres my tree


Your bot has a lot of empty Else branches. Also it is not recommended to put a Blue action in front of a Green action. Where you have "Press Key: " before "Is Player Animating" it should be:

Is Player Animating?
>True - Delay 1000
>False - Press Key:

You have a couple of places where these tiny modifications should take place. If I have a little bit of time I will see if I can't create a more robust version for you. I have a few bots I have to write before I can do that.
Jan 19, 2017
Can you post an updated screen shot of your logic? From what I can tell if you moved the right instructions over your bot should be working properly.

Also I suggest editing your bot to remove the same code I highlighted in the screenshot above. You should remove the Interact with Object that is nested between the If/Else logic. That little bit of misplaced code is what is making the bot continue interacting with the portable when it shouldn't be.

It makes me wonder if Cancel can be found in any of the open interfaces. I haven't tried checking for an Interface to run my delays, but I haven't had any time to work on my bots this week. Work has picked up so I'm mostly limited to weekends at this point. I will try to mess around with it this weekend.

Your bot has a lot of empty Else branches. Also it is not recommended to put a Blue action in front of a Green action. Where you have "Press Key: " before "Is Player Animating" it should be:

Is Player Animating?
>True - Delay 1000
>False - Press Key:

You have a couple of places where these tiny modifications should take place. If I have a little bit of time I will see if I can't create a more robust version for you. I have a few bots I have to write before I can do that.
The thing is, I litteraly copied your logic (I think).
Feb 21, 2017
Can you post an updated screen shot of your logic? From what I can tell if you moved the right instructions over your bot should be working properly.

Also I suggest editing your bot to remove the same code I highlighted in the screenshot above. You should remove the Interact with Object that is nested between the If/Else logic. That little bit of misplaced code is what is making the bot continue interacting with the portable when it shouldn't be.

It makes me wonder if Cancel can be found in any of the open interfaces. I haven't tried checking for an Interface to run my delays, but I haven't had any time to work on my bots this week. Work has picked up so I'm mostly limited to weekends at this point. I will try to mess around with it this weekend.

Your bot has a lot of empty Else branches. Also it is not recommended to put a Blue action in front of a Green action. Where you have "Press Key: " before "Is Player Animating" it should be:

Is Player Animating?
>True - Delay 1000
>False - Press Key:

You have a couple of places where these tiny modifications should take place. If I have a little bit of time I will see if I can't create a more robust version for you. I have a few bots I have to write before I can do that.

All i really want it to do is make tele tabs cuz they are profit atm. And use my butler to bank.

The key press is to hit the hotkey to start crafting them. I also plan on redoing this too its still buggy and will try to craft more right at the end of crafting an invy when it has 1 clay left. I adjusted the initial delay from 93 seconds to 105 seconds but it still happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mar 23, 2018
The thing is, I litteraly copied your logic (I think).

The screenshot you just posted should be working, where is the issue now? If the bot is getting stuck on the interface to start cooking, it's probably because your Press Key command is empty. You have to input a space into the Press Key command string until Klik implements a more intuitive way. Space is the hotkey to start cooking, so you need to make sure the Press Key is given the right key to press.

EDIT: I unfortunately don't have time to rebuild this bot and give it an actual test tonight. When I posted the code it was working and I used the exact same logic to smelt 4,000 Adamant bars without an issue. So I'm not sure, after I give it a test I will let you know.

All i really want it to do is make tele tabs cuz they are profit atm. And use my butler to bank.

The key press is to hit the hotkey to start crafting them. I also plan on redoing this too its still buggy and will try to craft more right at the end of crafting an invy when it has 1 clay left. I adjusted the initial delay from 93 seconds to 105 seconds but it still happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's because you have actions before your Conditions. Think of it like this, you want to check and see if a condition is true. If it is, then proceed to check for the next required item. If the condition is false, what action do we need to do to make the condition true? The idea is that your code needs to loop through itself as many times as needed. You need to figure out what stage the bot is in, and give it instructions on how to proceed to the next stage. The way you are writing your bot now is procedural, which will bug out whenever the bot starts somewhere in the middle of the process.

Green borders are If/Else conditionals, Blue borders are actions.

I haven't tested this and it's not optimized. I took what you were trying to do with your code and rebuilt it with proper logic. I left all the delays default, so you'll want to change that or it'll be very slow. Notice the difference in structure between your bot and mine. This is how you want to design your bot.

Last edited:
Feb 21, 2017
so i rewrote my entire little script before i saw you post this


also i didnt know what do do when checking for law rune, i actually completly removed as you can not pull laws from the butler

you said this

Your bot has a lot of empty Else branches. Also it is not recommended to put a Blue action in front of a Green action. Where you have "Press Key: " before "Is Player Animating" it should be:

Is Player Animating?
>True - Delay 1000
>False - Press Key:

the press key is to initiate the making of tabs the is player animating was a double check to make sure the key was pressed, if it wasnt it would loop back to the beginning and skip the 105 sec delay
may not be how you intended for something like this to work but i have it running flawless for my pc.

heres my tree


had to go back to the drawing board a couple times, but finally got it to where it runs without any hick-ups at all.
Jan 19, 2017
The screenshot you just posted should be working, where is the issue now? If the bot is getting stuck on the interface to start cooking, it's probably because your Press Key command is empty. You have to input a space into the Press Key command string until Klik implements a more intuitive way. Space is the hotkey to start cooking, so you need to make sure the Press Key is given the right key to press.

EDIT: I unfortunately don't have time to rebuild this bot and give it an actual test tonight. When I posted the code it was working and I used the exact same logic to smelt 4,000 Adamant bars without an issue. So I'm not sure, after I give it a test I will let you know.


It's because you have actions before your Conditions. Think of it like this, you want to check and see if a condition is true. If it is, then proceed to check for the next required item. If the condition is false, what action do we need to do to make the condition true? The idea is that your code needs to loop through itself as many times as needed. You need to figure out what stage the bot is in, and give it instructions on how to proceed to the next stage. The way you are writing your bot now is procedural, which will bug out whenever the bot starts somewhere in the middle of the process.

Green borders are If/Else conditionals, Blue borders are actions.

I haven't tested this and it's not optimized. I took what you were trying to do with your code and rebuilt it with proper logic. I left all the delays default, so you'll want to change that or it'll be very slow. Notice the difference in structure between your bot and mine. This is how you want to design your bot.

Like I said, it gets stuck on "Is interface visisble", for some reason, the bot thinks the interface is open while it is not.
Mar 23, 2018
so i rewrote my entire little script before i saw you post this


also i didnt know what do do when checking for law rune, i actually completly removed as you can not pull laws from the butler

you said this

Your bot has a lot of empty Else branches. Also it is not recommended to put a Blue action in front of a Green action. Where you have "Press Key: " before "Is Player Animating" it should be:

Is Player Animating?
>True - Delay 1000
>False - Press Key:

the press key is to initiate the making of tabs the is player animating was a double check to make sure the key was pressed, if it wasnt it would loop back to the beginning and skip the 105 sec delay
may not be how you intended for something like this to work but i have it running flawless for my pc.

heres my tree


had to go back to the drawing board a couple times, but finally got it to where it runs without any hick-ups at all.

You're right, that technically should work. However you will still experience bugs in your code from time to time by stringing multiple Blue Actions together. I only recommend putting a Delay after a Blue Action command. The idea when writing your bot is for it to take one action every time it cycles through your state. Putting multiple actions in a row is what causes bots to get stuck.
Like I said, it gets stuck on "Is interface visisble", for some reason, the bot thinks the interface is open while it is not.

Okay, that's strange. I will see if I can't figure out why it's getting stuck today. You and Shalloban seem to be having the same problem. So I wonder if it's actually a problem with Architect and not with the logic. I will look into it.
Nov 9, 2016
Pre-Made bots

Custom Bots - Google Drive

In this google drive folder you will be able to find some pre-made bots. You can download and load those bots and use them straight away or modify according to your needs.

You are more than welcome to send me your bots you made and I will add them to this website (with credit of course).

Currently the repository contains the following bots:

  • Divination
    • Pale Wisps - Draynor Village [Dark57]
  • Woodcutting
    • Regular Tree Woodcutting & Banking - Varrock West
    • Oak Tree Woodcutting & Banking - Varrock West
    • Willow Tree Woodcutting & Banking - Draynor Village
    • Willow Tree Woodcutting & Dropping - Draynor Village [Dark57]
Jan 19, 2017
You're right, that technically should work. However you will still experience bugs in your code from time to time by stringing multiple Blue Actions together. I only recommend putting a Delay after a Blue Action command. The idea when writing your bot is for it to take one action every time it cycles through your state. Putting multiple actions in a row is what causes bots to get stuck.

Okay, that's strange. I will see if I can't figure out why it's getting stuck today. You and Shalloban seem to be having the same problem. So I wonder if it's actually a problem with Architect and not with the logic. I will look into it.
I'm pretty sure the "is interface open" logic is broken within the bot.
Jan 30, 2018
Awesome work man! Runs pretty flawless and easy UI. Keep it up!
Made a Rs3 Nature rune runner with it. It detects broken pouches and repairs them at the wizards tower. Pretty awesome that worked.
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