Portable range is the proper spelling, afaik it is still case sensitive. Klik was going to make it not case sensitive at some point, but I don't believe it has happened yet.
In Press Key you do need to add a single space, otherwise you're not sending any keyboard command. This could be replaced with a click, but I felt with Portables it was more humanlike to use hotkeys.
The way I wrote the original Portable Super Magic Potion bot, no matter what condition the player was in when the bot started, that it would be able to work. However, due to the nature of portables I couldn't add an auto-run feature.
You can test where your issue is by manually switching through the stages. Does the bot withdraw from the bank but not click on the Portable? Then the issue must be because of "Portable Range" being entered instead of "Portable range". Does the bot withdraw and open the portable but doesn't make anything? The issue is probably in your press key command.