Listen to your reviews and fix your bot. The shark thing at fishing guild is a real problem, lost my account due to finding it spamclicking for 3 hours. You can always say it's a risk when you bot, but I wouldn't mind getting banned for actual botting and not getting banned for a premium bot that not only doesn't work but creates the most obvious bannable pattern you can have. And also the bug where you change your breaking times during a break still doesn't work even after i reported that like months ago i think
Your second point is not valid... it was fixed a long time ago. June 11th v3.1.7
As far as your ban, unless you can say you only used this bot then you cannot say with 100% confidence that this is the bot that got you banned. While it does have a known bug at the fishing guild that I haven't been able to address yet, you were aware that the bug is there and not yet fixed. So blaming me for your ban seems like you're just trying to blame someone else for your decisions. No one forced you to bot there, and if you look at prior posts I've even told people to go to Catherby in the mean time.
And for you Telling me what to do. Find your place and sit down. You have no idea what's going on where I live or in my life. RuneMate has always been a hobby of mine, and due to a 5 ft flood in my town it is the absolute LEAST of my worries.
A better approach would have been to PM me and asked when I can address the issue. Now I can just have a sour attitude when I sit down and mess with it. Or just take it off the store entirely. That seems like a good idea as well.