Update pushed last night:
-CPU usage has been significantly lowered and the memory leak has been fixed.
-The bot should be less confusing to set up. Some tooltips have been added to the GUI. Error messages are also more descriptive.
-You may now specify the combat style of an equipment setup. This will cause the bot to prefer rotating the camera to attack the next monster instead of moving to the next monster and then attacking it. You'll have to specify the combat style of each equipment setup manually, although old setups will still work. This increased slayer exp by about 10k/hr.
-The bot will now teleport to Falador and stop if 30 minutes pass without any slayer exp gained.
-Banking has been significantly improved.
-Error with Adamant Dragons has been fixed.
Pushed a small update that fixes some bugs and makes greater demons available for Sumona users. Some other tasks (like bronze dragons) for slayer masters besides Kuradal and Sumona have been added; you'll see them in the task list when the update is live, although there's no need to set settings for them yet since you won't be able to get them as tasks. I am about halfway done with adding every task.
Aside from tasks that are too complicated to add, the bot will not support doing these tasks:
cyclops - requires Warriors guild entry and has poor spawn
earth warrior - requires entering the Wilderness
molanisk - bad spawn
sea snake - bad spawn
wall beast - bad spawn
Scabarites - bad spawn
warped tortoises - bad spawn
spiritual mage - GWD
warped terrorbird - bad spawn
red dragon - too many bots