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Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

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Jul 21, 2015
Ok, I've been running this near Cannifis on ghouls. I choose the bank option to withdraw a specific food item. It will not teleport to the last lodestone, go to the bank and withdraw the item/s. Can you please fix this? would really like this feature to work :) Also what triggers this event? Is it time based? does it wait for the lack of items to start the tp to the lodestone and then the bank? because it didn't use this option through the entirety of my last run with this bot. Perhaps the trigger event can be something along the lines of if item in bag is < # go to bank.

The option in combat doesn't allow you to choose not to use an ability. If in revolution mode or even full manual... it repeatedly spams the same key over and over. Adding the option to not use abilities or a revolution mode would be cool.

Also, bot kinda lags after enemy dies, makes it look a bit suspicious. Haven't tried messing with the mouse multiplier though, will try that out and reply.

Multi target would be dope.

But biggest of all these would be the banking and revolution mode fix.

Thank you for all the hard work! it works really well except for these small tweaks that can be integrated.
Dec 10, 2014
Ok, I've been running this near Cannifis on ghouls. I choose the bank option to withdraw a specific food item. It will not teleport to the last lodestone, go to the bank and withdraw the item/s. Can you please fix this? would really like this feature to work :) Also what triggers this event? Is it time based? does it wait for the lack of items to start the tp to the lodestone and then the bank? because it didn't use this option through the entirety of my last run with this bot. Perhaps the trigger event can be something along the lines of if item in bag is < # go to bank.

The option in combat doesn't allow you to choose not to use an ability. If in revolution mode or even full manual... it repeatedly spams the same key over and over. Adding the option to not use abilities or a revolution mode would be cool.

Also, bot kinda lags after enemy dies, makes it look a bit suspicious. Haven't tried messing with the mouse multiplier though, will try that out and reply.

Multi target would be dope.

But biggest of all these would be the banking and revolution mode fix.

Thank you for all the hard work! it works really well except for these small tweaks that can be integrated.
Mark the food as critical and see if it persists.
It won't use the lodestone as they're not a part of the default web iirc.
It banks when you're missing critical items. As for it spamming the same key, atm my devkit interface viewer is bugged so I can't fix it until @Cloud comes up with a fix :/

By "lags after enemy dies" do you mean it just chills? I think this is only with a few npcs and it's hard to code for as they have no death animation and when they die their hp bar goes away, so you can't get their hp percent either :/

Multi targetting is possible and I've done it before, it's definitely a possibility for a future update.
May 24, 2015
Whats the best monster to train with this bot where I can make some money to train prayer, make some decent xp and where it can bank?
Further I love this bot, really fast and works flawless:)
Dec 10, 2014
can u add drop empty vials for more loot space
Yeah sure, I'll be adding some more features soon (Dropping, Winter Storage, Magic Notepaper).

On another note, what features do you guys think belongs to a premium fighter? I already know that this bot is capable of, and already being used to, make bank. Personally I think that banking is a big factor for it to be premium worthy, but creating a custom web to support all navigation would increase resource usage by a few hundred MB of RAM, and possibly spike CPU usage up to 100% when generating the paths. However, I hear that the default web is being worked on so that might be the saving grace.
Aug 11, 2015
Not sure why this is happening, but trying to use this at the lumby cows and it will target the cow, mouse will hover over them - but it seems to never click to attack. Not sure why. If anyone else has experienced this, how did you fix it?

Jul 16, 2015
Whats the best monster to train with this bot where I can make some money to train prayer, make some decent xp and where it can bank?
Further I love this bot, really fast and works flawless:)
There are really so many places that suit your criteria. Providing your levels might be a good idea. Assuming you have mid level stats, I'd say Taverley blue dragons tbh, but there are loads of other options :)
Don't mind me (ignore armour, was going to do black dragons slayer task then decided why not bot for a bit before school :p),


Day 2 proggy, 99 ranged @SlashnHax <3
Got an amulet of ranging every 20 minutes or so :p they're worthless (under 50k) so didnt bother adding it to loot list, also cool how it auto drinks the pots
Pretty much camping here till 99 farming
Aug 18, 2015
Suggestion/Feedback list (OSRS), I've only fought at Hobgoblins west of crafting guild:
  • Make the bot loot runes or other stackable items EVEN IF INVENTORY IS FULL.
  • This is the only fighter bot I've seen that loots wrong items, it sometimes loots normal bones and coins occasionally.
    Gold trigger is 3k gp+, with selected items.
  • The kill rate for this bot is considerably lower.
    Your bot waits for the monster to disappear after death completely, which takes a lot of time.
  • With the option "Eat food for loot", it fights non-stop. Even though there are 3 empty inventory slots, doesn't loot! "Loot whilst in combat" doesn't fix this either.
    Restarting bot fixes it sometimes.
I'm not bashing, this bot is AMAZING! I love your works, I'll definately come to you if I need any private bot <3
Kudos to you and your team :)
I suggest taking a look at MassFighter, since it went open source and owner encourages to take up his work.
MassFighter already has most things above implemented.

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Dec 10, 2014
Suggestion/Feedback list (OSRS), I've only fought at Hobgoblins west of crafting guild:
  • Make the bot loot runes or other stackable items EVEN IF INVENTORY IS FULL.
  • This is the only fighter bot I've seen that loots wrong items, it sometimes loots normal bones and coins occasionally.
    Gold trigger is 3k gp+, with selected items.
  • The kill rate for this bot is considerably lower.
    Your bot waits for the monster to disappear after death completely, which takes a lot of time.
  • With the option "Eat food for loot", it fights non-stop. Even though there are 3 empty inventory slots, doesn't loot! "Loot whilst in combat" doesn't fix this either.
    Restarting bot fixes it sometimes.
I'm not bashing, this bot is AMAZING! I love your works, I'll definately come to you if I need any private bot <3
Kudos to you and your team :)
I suggest taking a look at MassFighter, since it went open source and owner encourages to take up his work.
MassFighter already has most things above implemented.

  • It should already do this
  • Misclicks are part of the client, a drop list is planned and coded, just not implemented yet.
  • The majority of testing is done on RS3, my isDying method probably doesn't match deaths for OSRS.
  • That's strange, it was working fine for me (on RS3)
That "Error" is just because it's not RS3, it usually displays Slayer information.
Jul 16, 2015
Checking in with another progress log, most likely gonna keep this running till Monday :p
(inb4 ban)

Would hit 99 defence and it would look slightly suspicious, so I ended bot at 22 hours :p

Also I feel as if the vial dropping for loot should be implemented, because I missed a lot of looting opportunities (not that I care, just there for the farming exp and the scales). All in all however, this bot is pretty flawless :)!
Aug 28, 2015
Hmmm, was this when there was no familiar summoned?
Edit, nvm, it was treating it as a boosting potion, not a restoration potion, mb

That's got to do with the default web, which we can't extend :/ Idk what can be done other than completely mapping out a new web.

The pricing system uses the Runemate API which in turn uses the official RS GE API.
Would item dropping, summoning special support and world hopping make this bot premium worthy I wonder...
yes id pay
Jul 16, 2015
So far Alpha Fighter has given me:
97-99 Ranged
93-99 Defence
98-99 Prayer
85-91 Farming

I can firmly say that its auto fighting function is virtually flawless, it does eat with both action bar up and legacy mode.
Jun 20, 2015
is High alch not working for anyone else? It activates it via the action bar, but doesn't click on the item in inventory; and then just stands there not attacking anything. Also, it often brings up the "Skills" tab in the Hero menu, and doesn't close on its own. So each time it loots an item on the high alch list, I have to manually click the item in the inventory so that it can 1: High alch the item, and 2: Deselect the High Alch option.
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