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Alpha Divination [Deleted]

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Jun 1, 2016
Anybody know why every time I run this bot and leave it, it exits to lobby within 5 minutes?

Every single time I leave it on catching gleaming wisps only it logs out within a few minutes = no exp gain :(
May 30, 2016
i think the bot stops when it doesn't see any yellow dots on the minimap or if the rift is too far. this log is from radiant wisps

10:06:48 - Method timings(ms):
10:06:48 -   Min  -  Avg  -  Max  - Samples
10:06:48 - Players.getLocal()
10:06:48 -     0 -     0 -   886 - 372544
10:06:48 - Navigation.build(Locatable, Locatable, Web, Coordinate[], PathType...)
10:06:48 -     9 -  3250 -  5154 -    20
10:06:48 - Region.getCollisionFlags()
10:06:48 -   269 -   269 -   269 -     1
10:06:48 - CachedRegion.getFlags()
10:06:48 -     0 -     0 -   356 -  2415
10:06:48 - GameObjects.newQuery().actions(String...).results()
10:06:48 -    81 -    81 -    81 -     1
10:06:48 - Model.projectBoundingRectangle()
10:06:48 -    18 -    32 -   290 -  1371
10:06:48 - Web.getPathBuilder.build(Locatable, Locatable)
10:06:48 -     1 -  3403 -  5130 -    19
10:06:49 - RegionPath.buildBetween(Locatable, Collection<Locatable>, int[][][])
10:06:49 -     9 -    17 -    27 -    20
10:06:49 - Npcs.newQuery()
10:06:49 -     0 -     0 -     1 -  2690
10:06:49 - LocatableEntityProfile.getNewEntry()
10:06:49 -    16 -    69 -  3971 -  2395
10:06:49 - Interaction.interact(Interactable, Pattern, Pattern)
10:06:49 -    37 -  1006 - 13950 -  1643
10:06:49 - LocatableEntityProfile.getResults()
10:06:49 -    16 -    34 -   115 -  2395
10:06:49 - Modeled.getModel()
10:06:49 -     0 -     3 -  3669 -  1371
10:06:49 - Projectable.getModel().projectBoundingRectangle().getCenterPoint()
10:06:49 -    18 -    35 -  3765 -  1371
10:06:49 - InteractableRectangle.getCenterPoint()
10:06:49 -     0 -     0 -     1 -  1237
10:06:49 - Interaction.interact(LocatableEntity, Pattern, Pattern)
10:06:49 -    46 -  1254 - 14062 -  1801
10:06:49 - Interaction.interact(SpriteItem, Pattern, Pattern)
10:06:49 -   858 -  1848 -  3221 -     7
Dec 10, 2014
i think the bot stops when it doesn't see any yellow dots on the minimap or if the rift is too far. this log is from radiant wisps

Method timings
Yeah, I'll add something later on to make it walk around to find them.
Also, that's just the method timing part of the log, which isn't really much use :p
May 30, 2016
Yeah, I'll add something later on to make it walk around to find them.
Also, that's just the method timing part of the log, which isn't really much use :p

awesome. i guess the logs don't help here since that was the only thing it showed.

how bout this one when i start the bot?

javafx.scene.CssStyleHelper calculateValue
WARNING: Could not resolve '-fx-text-background-color' while resolving lookups for '-fx-text-fill' from rule '*.label' in stylesheet jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_91/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar!/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/modena/modena.bss
Sep 6, 2014
Yeah, I'll add something later on to make it walk around to find them.
Also, that's just the method timing part of the log, which isn't really much use :p
It would be sweet if you could make the bot run around looking for wisps, because I can't seem to run it for more than 20mins before I get logged out due to the wisps moving out of minimap. (This is mostly at Incandescent)
Jun 11, 2015
Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings:
incandescent wisps > convert to energy

Bot run duration:
happens as soon as you start the bot

Bug description:
spam clicks 'harvest incandescent spring' sometimes even hops onto another spring before the spring you are on initially, runs out.

Steps to reproduce:
just start the bot with my settings all I had was incandescent memories and conversion method was energy. I opted to not collect chronicles

Have you found a work-around (manual):

Please attach log files & screenshots:

Additional info:
I've always noticed recently that the bot doesn't recognise when an enriched spawns, nor does it wait for you to have a full inventory on enriched memories before it runs to the rift to convert them.


  • 06-29 16 42 02 - spectre.txt
    9.7 KB · Views: 3
Dec 10, 2014
awesome. i guess the logs don't help here since that was the only thing it showed.

how bout this one when i start the bot?

javafx.scene.CssStyleHelper calculateValue
WARNING: Could not resolve '-fx-text-background-color' while resolving lookups for '-fx-text-fill' from rule '*.label' in stylesheet jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_91/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar!/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/modena/modena.bss
The logs are in your RuneMate folder, each of the AlphaBots have their own logs in their own folders.

It would be sweet if you could make the bot run around looking for wisps, because I can't seem to run it for more than 20mins before I get logged out due to the wisps moving out of minimap. (This is mostly at Incandescent)
Roaming is added in the next update.

Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings:
incandescent wisps > convert to energy

Bot run duration:
happens as soon as you start the bot

Bug description:
spam clicks 'harvest incandescent spring' sometimes even hops onto another spring before the spring you are on initially, runs out.

Steps to reproduce:
just start the bot with my settings all I had was incandescent memories and conversion method was energy. I opted to not collect chronicles

Have you found a work-around (manual):

Please attach log files & screenshots:

Additional info:
I've always noticed recently that the bot doesn't recognise when an enriched spawns, nor does it wait for you to have a full inventory on enriched memories before it runs to the rift to convert them.
I haven't heard of spam clicking being an issue before. The current version that I'm using will be pushed soon, and I don't have any of these issues with it.
Jun 11, 2015
The problem with the continuous clicking on springs only appeared after today's client update. I've now used your updated version but the problem persists.

Another issue I've just noticed is that it uses the minimap to get to the next spring even though it's right next to me.

- None of these issues are really major in terms of gold p/h, it's just that it makes me look a lot more like a bot.
May 30, 2016
The logs are in your RuneMate folder, each of the AlphaBots have their own logs in their own folders.

i know where the logs are, they just don't look like it would help in solving the issue. it just shows the method timing and every step the bot does. you can see for yourself

i'll try the latest update tonight.


  • alphadiv.txt
    33.3 KB · Views: 3
Dec 10, 2014
i know where the logs are, they just don't look like it would help in solving the issue. it just shows the method timing and every step the bot does. you can see for yourself

i'll try the latest update tonight.
Yeah the steps are important as they give me context of what the bot is trying to do. For example if the last 2 things are "Harvesting *** wisp" and then "Player has been idle for *** seconds, logging out", it tells me that the idle timeout triggered, most probably because no wisps could be found. It now roams the areas searching for wisps though, but that's just an example :p
Jun 7, 2016
Yeah the steps are important as they give me context of what the bot is trying to do. For example if the last 2 things are "Harvesting *** wisp" and then "Player has been idle for *** seconds, logging out", it tells me that the idle timeout triggered, most probably because no wisps could be found. It now roams the areas searching for wisps though, but that's just an example :p

Hey, in response to this message, haha, I'm getting the idle messages. One bot ran for 1:34:00, and the only one 00:37:15. Here's the log for one of them (the other one is pretty much the same). Also, I'm harvisting Brilliant wisps (80) and the conversion type is Experience. It was working for 8+ hours previously. But the last day it's been ending pretty quickly.

00:30:07 [DEBUG] Interacting with rift
00:31:00 [STATUS] Harvesting Brilliant wisp
00:32:24 [STATUS] Harvesting Brilliant wisp
00:37:15 [STATUS] Player has been idle for 276 SECONDS, stopping bot.
00:37:16 [STATUS] Time ran: 00:37:16
00:37:16 [STATUS] Thanks for using Alpha Divination

Hope this helps. Thanks for looking into it
Dec 10, 2014
Hey, in response to this message, haha, I'm getting the idle messages. One bot ran for 1:34:00, and the only one 00:37:15. Here's the log for one of them (the other one is pretty much the same). Also, I'm harvisting Brilliant wisps (80) and the conversion type is Experience. It was working for 8+ hours previously. But the last day it's been ending pretty quickly.

00:30:07 [DEBUG] Interacting with rift
00:31:00 [STATUS] Harvesting Brilliant wisp
00:32:24 [STATUS] Harvesting Brilliant wisp
00:37:15 [STATUS] Player has been idle for 276 SECONDS, stopping bot.
00:37:16 [STATUS] Time ran: 00:37:16
00:37:16 [STATUS] Thanks for using Alpha Divination

Hope this helps. Thanks for looking into it
Which interface mode are you using?
Dec 10, 2014
Hmmm, I'm using Modern (not legacy) interface settings, and that's what the interaction/interface checks are coded for, because I didn't have the time to test legacy. I'll have a look this arvo and see if I can work out what the issue is
Sep 26, 2015
Hmmm, I'm using Modern (not legacy) interface settings, and that's what the interaction/interface checks are coded for, because I didn't have the time to test legacy. I'll have a look this arvo and see if I can work out what the issue is

Before the last update, the bot never suddenly ended stranded in Canefis, so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the last update Jagex added.
Aug 29, 2015
Before the last update, the bot never suddenly ended stranded in Canefis, so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the last update Jagex added.
This happens to my bot to at Brilliant then somehow teleport s to canifis and stands at the lodestone
Jan 6, 2016
I was training div at the glowing wisps in seers village a week ago and died to a giant bat. Any idea why the bot walked so far away? Will this also affect me for lustrous, tier 70 div, with the new ghouls?
I was training div at the glowing wisps in seers village a week ago and died to a giant bat. Any idea why the bot walked so far away? Will this also affect me for lustrous, tier 70 div, with the new ghouls?

I should also clarify, that it was an hardcore ironman account. :(
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