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been running this on my 1 def pure, does pretty good, so far 11 hrs in and no deaths.
The only tweak I would make to this is when using the freeze option, to stand back a bit further to reduce the amount of damage taken in case of a missed freeze.
can we use fire surge .mine not?!!!!
why there is no patch fixes info on what has been changed in new updated versions
? that would be helpful for users, overall its very nice
new version works much better. still has buggs though. when kills boss and has no food for next kill it teleports out without looting. also has trouble picking up items from bank.
Overall this bot does function well when it works correctly.
I've been having issues with the boy teleporting out after the last kill of an invi without picking up loot. I've caught it happen a few times, unsure how often this occurs but it could put a big dent in gp/hr.
I have also had issues with orb phase causing massive damage that could be avoided by stepping 1 tile. Or it will get hit by an orb and move into the path of another orb.
The only other issue I have seen is it will walk to the boss room, stand outside the door, and fail to click the door several times before the bot closes as a fail safe.
I did not have any plugins excluding stats, loot tracker, and world hopper turned on during these instances.
Gets hit by smoke orbs sometimes for no reason, just stands still. Sometimes teles out without picking up loot. Never died, but using a maxed combat account.
Revised review: Kills Muspah fairly well. Often takes big damage on the orbs as it does not avoid them well enough, I once got hit by 6 orbs in one round for about 15-17 dmg each.

There has been occasions where it doesn't pick up loot on the final kill before banking, which can be frustrating.

Overall not a bad bot.
Haven't had any issues with this script. 150 flawless/deathless kills yesterday. BOFA only method. Amazing script!
Worrying with the amount of clicks i'm seeing on screen, as well as perfect pray flick, ghorrock tp is nice, doesn't recognize 2nd best pool in poh, cant use filters on arceuss spell book or it bricks until u fix. other than that it does work but also wish future updates include it to know if you get hit during melee phase it runs further away and resets its attacks to avoid taking more dmg. TY hope this helps anyone getting stuck, keep rolllin the kcs in.
gets stuck on the rocks and cycles it for as long as you plan on leaving it id give it a 1 star but when it works its ok just likes to not pick drops up
its not save to die ! pleas fix
It gets kills decently but not efficiently. It runs away way too far from spikes leading to taking extra damage on last phase and missing like 2-3 attacks each time. When maging and freezing it does not optimize distance and sometime stays like 3 tiles away instead of moving away after each attack. Also dies infrequently due to the issues above. Would love to see this fixed.
It do not run away in melle phase, do not pray mage in the right time, and do not dodge shadows
Muspah mate
the script does what it is meant to. if you use con cape teleport to poh but die and dont have another in bank it gets stuck so an option for tabs or alt method to poh would be nice on death.. also it doesnt have a random event handler so not being able to bank genie lamp causes logout.
Works perfectly if you set it up correctly.
Can you please add support for the Ring of Shadows teleport
REALLY needs some work. Takes a lot of troubleshooting to get working. When it works, it's *alright* at best. It does kill the muspah, and prayer flicks perfectly, but it can't consistently dodge the melee attacks which is super important. I've personally barely practiced phantom muspah, I only have like 3 kc manually, and even still I can easily outperform this bot just by playing normally.

ALSO, I saw this bot get stuck in a banking loop which, if you weren't paying attention and left on for hours, would certainly get you banned. Basically I got a fire rune drop, and when banking the bot didn't bank the fire runes because it tried to put them in my rune pouch (for summoning thralls). Because of this, it didn't have enough free space to withdraw enough food, so it was in a loop of just constantly clicking manta rays in my bank. Luckily I saw this and stopped it, but ya had I left this running I'd have gotten a ban for sure. This was the only "glitch" or "loop" i found, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are others. Do not leave this bot unattended.

It's stuff like this that makes it hard to recommend bots by Wait. It's frustrating because all his bots show real promise, but will have fatal flaws that make them impractical to use. There are other bot authors who's bots are just WAY more reliable.
At melee phase it just stands still and tanks all the damage until no food left. Doesn't dodge the shadow's and sometimes the spikes.
Work pretty well, 100 KC + pretty quick and only 2 death. Some missclick sometimes at the final phase and can keep running for a while before the bot is able to attack the boss, make sure to play on resizable screen and not fixed because it will have a hard time entering the cave.