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I was babysitting this bot because I was wary of the bad reviews. It operated fine with kills. Until I watched it get the Venator Shard drop, didn't loot it because it was low health with no food, and teleported out. It IMMEDIATELY clicked the teleport so I couldn't even stop it. Why is the bot not programmed to loot before teleporting out? There is plenty of time to loot the ground items and then teleport out before the boss spawns again.
Pray flicking gets you banned and there's no option to turn it off? It's spastic tbh, had 2 pures get banned off this bot.
bot did amazing no doubt i was concerned about the prayer flicking and how it banked so rapidly sure enough banned within 3:30 of use after months of using others still did super good but needs a chill pill maybe option for no direct input, more human like prayer use, more human like bank use
Bot does not use prayers (augury or rigour) meaning maybe 1 kill per inventory super slow. Also very bot like with 1 cast freeze. If you don't catch on first one the bot don't recast.
been using for pet hunting. no problems. Occasionally takes avoidable damage and walks through the spikes. (Not a problem imo humans mess up too) personally would like to see a lazy prayer setting. I personally like to stay away from direct input flicking.
Idk what the people who left a bad rating has been smoking, but I don't want any of it. Flawless bot and easy to setup, tyvm for this!
Kills muspah if you can input what you want correctly. Doesn't use offensive range pray, and the smite phase pray seems pretty crack headish.
Just ran it again, and as i wrote on Discord yesterday - who ever says it doesnt work should't be botting. it runs just fine with a zero plugin config. so its only fools with zero clue what they are doing or salty dogs leaving mad reviews.
Negative reviews on this bot are warranted, but the bot just needs to be updated. It is broken despite what some people are saying. Stop trying to boost reviews and don't leave a 1-star just because you tried using an outdated bot. If it hasn't been updated recently, do not use it. Will edit review once up and working properly.
Cant even get 1 kill. Does not freeze. Takes so much unnecessary damage. Waste of time and money. Try it if u want but ull refund.
doesnt do anything. i start it with everything good 2 go, it just says teleporting to house and wont do anything past that. wont even actually teleport to house
This was caused by a RuneLite update on Saturday.
Not worth the money.
Gets hit often, doesn't freeze Muspah well. Pathing is off.
2 kill trips, 3 at max and sometimes only even one kill per trip because out of food.
And not using budget gear.
There is definitely room for improvement but it works well enough if you don't feel like killing muspah yourself. In 215 kills it has died maybe 5 times but it just gears back up and gets back to killing muspah. It has never gotten stuck anywhere or stopped working at any point. The biggest issue to me is that it will start kills when it clearly does not have enough supplies left so it just wastes time before teleporting away to start a new trip. Anyway, I have a saturated heart now and should have the bow in the next few days because of this bot.
It will get kills but it just wont freeze, it just walks in to Muspah and takes so many easy avoideable damage. I dont understand why its so hard to just freeze before use the mage attack. Sometimes it will, but 8/10 times it just takes allot of melee damage.

Prayer is perfect and ranging face is also on point, just melee face is a problem.
The bot has gotten a lot better than when I first tried it. It is able to get 2-5 runs easy with a bowfa only set up.

The only issue that I have witnessed with the bot is that it would often constantly run into spikes rather than around or through the boss to avoid the spikes. This occurred multiple times with one run where it just went through an inven of mantas before tp'ing out.

It doesn't happen too often but it happens often enough. Upside is that once you get it unstuck, it is usually fine for an hour or two.
the bot is great , would recommend to remove DI BANK and switch and add lazy prayers please
works great now with eating issue fixed <3
Was working well for the past couple weeks. Now, it is not praying and just takes all the damage.
I'm maxed and it won't get a kill, literally just has to eat the entire fight till there's no food because the prayer flicking is useless
Shoots 2 freeze if both miss doesn't shoot again. Getting damage from clouds by running straight to them. Doesn't finish the kill if its possible without food in inventory. If spike shoots from ground for first time don't move. Bot is great but need a little correction.