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First 3 kills were perfect, after that i teled out due to it having 1 food and its been stuck on an infinite loop of teleing to POH, even when i close and reload it just teles to POH and stands there. When i input and enter weiss portal it just teles back to the poh again.. great fighter, poor pathing
works well, just not with anglerfish. if you're over 99 hp it will just keep spamming the ornate but other than that works great.
Works well, under me is for sure user error. I've not had any issues with this. Stable connection and decent ping is a must but it does not miss.
This took like a dollar from me and got like 2 kills, now keeps looping in poh like wth??
good but it doesnt loot anything.. just missed an ancient icon :(
Kills the boss well and does what it needs to. -1 Star as it did not loot the Ancient Icon.
Venator Bow completed at 302 KC with minimal issues (BOWFA only even using Rune Pouch). Prayer flicking is perfect though the option to turn off would be nice and less suspicious. Pathing while using step-back method could be better - sometimes it backs itself into a corner and takes damage.

- use can not use rune pouch

-you must use a cbow and sapphire bolt tips or the bot will randomly dc during smite or right after 15-25% the time

-have to have good internet and super solid ping

-still has random issues that are on going but will get you kills slowly

-best practice to have zoom locked all the way out imo if loot it off scene will not loot often (max zoom out on many bots seems to be best on rm)

-doesnt currently loot ancient essence
500+ Kills, pet attained and Venator bow completed on Ironman.

Teleporting out issue was fixed by changed the "Excess health" to "1".
I think it rechecks food after smite phase and if you are below your "excess health" amount it will teleport out.

I didn't use freezes at all either as it utilizes the "0" hit melee method.

Make sure you have good ping I had below 80 the entire time.
Bot teleporting leaving loot. Randomly teleporting home after reaching Muspah. Need to make regear after kill.
Consistently DCs near the end of a kill and then gets stuck in POH. Was able to get 5 kills across 3 hours even with manually getting it unstuck.
Stands in melee distance the entire fight, doesn't kite or support stamina potions, Not worth the price per/hour at it's current state.
Update: It has a break handler now and works pretty friggin good. Only problem is when Runemate client decides to crash and die :(
But other than that works pretty well, I'd suggest running a bofa set up as its pretty easily one of the best ways to go.
sadly not worth 20c an hour really need some works bot breaks easily on bofa only mode ends up running around and not hitting the boss.. other then that pretty decent only method ive tried will try again after another update.
Rewriting my review as I realized it is using the step back method to kite which makes sense because when I tried it, it kept smacking me for 15s-20s and when the bot does it, Muspah hits 0s. lol skill issue.
That being said, things not making it a perfect 5:
It teleports out when it is out of food and not even close to the hp threshold (usually happens at a phase where Muspah is close to death too)
I've watched it teleport out and leave loot on the ground when there is no food (thankfully there wasn't a shard because I would cry)
Excellent script for the most part. Does incredibly well at killing muspah. Prayer switches are actually perfect, so I see why people are concerned. I do believe if you just practice good botting techniques you won't get banned. I've ran this bot for about 3 hours while baby sitting, and I've noticed a few things. One there isn't a break timer in the script (this is my first bot on RM, so I could be wrong), so I think this can be a real negative, but I think it would make this script incredible with it. Second, some times the bot will stand in the wrong spot for the lightning cloud muspah spec attack, taking tons of damage. Seems to have been an anomaly, but it can happen. Additionally, if you're worried about the bot dying, it does an excellent job of teleporting out when out of food and low hp. I highly recommend, and as long as the author keeps improving this bot it will be top tier.
Not worth using in my opinion. Takes too much unnecessary damage from stupid things like spikes and walking up to the boss after catching a freeze. The prayer switches on the smite phase seems too obvious and probabbly gonna make you catch a ban quick.

Besides that i had trouble in settings placing a value of food because the number kept changing random and no option to delete or stop it. Had to press stop and pay once again because of that.
Bot teleports out without taking loot if out of food even after killing the boss, often runs right into muspah during the last phase causing the bot to take unnecessary damage and sometimes throwing kills because of it. Also doesnt always properly walk away from muspah during ice barrage phase causing it to get stuck in a cycle of eating food and taking melee damage until it tps out
Works surprisingly well, slighly wonky at the start. Seeing it in action, i am very worried about the perfect prayer where it is at perfect tick and u don't lose a single prayer point throughout the entire fight averaging of 3mins. That is worrisome if u plan to run for hours. Why not just switch prayers when neccessary? If there wasn't a "perfect prayer" or there is an option to turn it off. I would have rated this 5 star.
There's nothing to suggest that perfect prayer increases ban rate, seems odd to dock 2 stars from a bot you say is otherwise working great for you :)
Bot works very well as advertised. Am slightly concerned about the ban rate from perfect prayer flicking for hours at a time. Good script