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  • Issue with MLM bot, breaks after about 16 minutes every time. Where after the bag fills, and there is 1 or 2 "pay-dirt" in my inv, and it just keeps trying to use the pay dirt on its self over and over until it Logs out. What am I doing wrong and how can fix this?
    It's hard to say exactly based off this, but it sounds like it's probably trying to drop it. Do you have any plugins active which might interfere with dropping? If the issue persists please dm me a log found in Help > View Logs
    tried disabling all plugins, and i am still running into the same issue
    cuppa moons just dropped my fucking saeldor on my ironman.
    if i had to guess, i hit the 6 hour nerd logger and it glitched it when it logged back in. its fucking gone. :(
    @redlanalder the bot definitely didn't drop it; If the bot gets DC'd during the ice weapon special, your weapon will go to that NPC. You can get it back from Eyatlalli - OSRS Wiki
    sorry that i overreacted cuppa, thank you for the info, i was unaware that mechanic existed and im glad i can retrieve the weapon from the npc you provided
    Hey Cuppa,

    Is a POH butler plank making bot something you'd ever consider making? It would be so helpful to have something to make teak/mahogany planks through the demon butler and PVP worlds. Thanks!
    Hi, a few questions on the Cuppa Forestry Woodcutter:

    1. Is it possible to add an option within forestry events to choose which forestry events you want it to partake in? For example, I only need the golden pheasant egg so I don't want to waste time doing the other events when I could be chopping wood going for the beaver pet.
    @boboooobb I did some stress testing and the tree selection seems to choose pretty logically, but one thing I did notice was that the bot can sometimes pick a worse tree while pathing back, in the sense that when it gets close there might be only 1 tree loaded onscreen so it picks that, because it isn't seeing the players yet.
    Does it sound like that might be happening? Is this yews or magics or something where it spends a while on the first tree it picks?

    I'm not sure exactly what a fix would be; Maybe only querying for a tree once we're closer or something
    I'm doing teaks at Priff. Yeah idk I'll take a better look at it to determine when it chooses the bad tree, but I swear every time I look I'm on a tree with less than 10 people vs however many people are on the other tree >10. TBH the bot is great, I'm just nitpicking. I don't think it's significantly decreasing xp rates. Just might look more suspicious as a bot to be not on the tree with >10.
    I'm disconnected from the server, the bot runned like 20secs and stoped right after. And it said contact cuppajava for this. At the Cuppa Guardians of the rift bot. What now? can you guys charge my money back bcs this happend 3times :(
    Hey, I'm definitely down to refund, but I can't initiate in on my end. You can submit it via the Sessions Page
    There is a bug at the end of Rogues Den, it missclicks a tile, and then dosent pickup the item later
    same here , doesnt work , stops in same spot and doesnt do anything
    @titonzas I just ran the bot on my end and it's working so I'm very stumped. Did you try disabling plugins, restart everything, use fixed screen mode, and camera faced north? If so please send the log (Help > View Logs) and I'll see if I can find anything. I'd like to get it resolved, just really not sure
    It might be idling waiting for run energy if that's what it says in the bot status.
    Cuppa Agility AIO got banned after 3 hours of running it in Relleka, no hate, LOVE your bots, just letting ya know.
    I'm sorry to hear that, that sounds very unlucky, but unfortunately jagex is very inconsistent.

    Please keep in mind that they often delay bans, so if you've botted anything else in the past few weeks that could also be related.

    Again though, sorry to hear it either way.
    Every time I start the bot it charges me... whether I've used it for 1 hour or not. This is not fair as sometimes the bot throws errors from certain RuneLite settings needing to be disabled to avoid issues... so you turn them off and have to restart the bot... bam, charged again. This has happened numerous times now and I did not get my full hour worth...
    dark sage
    dark sage
    This is how RuneMates payment system works, u get charged on start and each subsequent hour ran, if it crashes, it still counts as session, when u start a new session, you will be charged again.
    @coryforman as Dark Sage said this is just how runemate's system works and it's out of my hands.

    I recommend testing using trials first to make sure the bot is working properly for you. If you'd ever like a refund though you can submit it via The Sessions Page
    When doing aldarin, wine shop it keeps failing and going to the back door instead of in the bar On shopper
    Are you referring to the wine shop or bartender? Both seem to be working for me
    Hey man Agility bot not clicking the obstacle's fast enough, and keeps getting stuck in the pebles and the rock climb after fletching stick
    Hi, can you provide more info on the settings youre using? You can try with extra delays toggle on or off, or enabling direct input.

    It's also possible plugins may be interfering here (or maybe not); But I recommend disabling most plugins as many can interfere.
    If the issue persists, please dm me a log (found in help > view logs) and some info on what time(s) it happened at
    yes i will do, i will re-run it again tomorrow
    Been loving your agility rooftop bot my man! Its been getting stuck on Ardy rooftop when collecting marks of grace today though (probably since the recent update?) I've tried it with the plugins I had on before when it was working and I've also tried with all plugins turned off.
    Hey, RuneMate was briefly broken after today's game update. However everything should be working now, if you restart OSRS & RuneMate (or your PC).

    Feel free to test using the trial so you don't get charged, and let me know if any issues persist.
    sorted thanks for your quick response bud!
    Would really love if you made a bot that can refill cannon at giant pit. Eating and banking for more food when low would be amazing. Would def pay for this so I can train pures safely.
    Yeah, those would be my recommendations as well :)
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    I am trying to set up to cannon at giant pit west of shayzien. want the bot to run in just to refill cannon then safespot. Preferabbly able to pray melee on the run to cannon.
    I've responded on Discord on how to achieve this.
    cuppa mixology is just saying couldnt find potions? any quick fixes?
    If you have/had the mixology runelite plugin on, please disable it and restart runelite.

    Otherwise restarting osrs & runemate should fix it. Please feel free to let me know if it persists.
    Cuppa my beautiful brother, best scripts i ever used, multiple 99s never a ban or even a report.

    is a cuppa wintertodt coming? been using someone elses wt script but i keep dieing!
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    Hey, thank you for the kind words :)

    I have no plans for wintertodt, but that's mostly because there's already a few wintertodt bots which should work well on runemate already. Hexis Wintertodt is the most popular I believe!
    Please don't run CG on a HCIM because it's almost definitely going to die at some point lol. If you really want you could consider using the helper mode & doing it semi manually & carefully, but keep in mind it's definitely not foolproof and I can't make any guarantees.
    leonard tone
    i used hexis but it dies too often, and is very inconsistent,

    okey i will not run cg on hc haha great script buddy love u
    Question. The bot requires to turn off some plugins? Can Jagex see this? Because it feels so suspicous turn it all of and after the grind of 1-2 hours turning all on again. Also can i run the Bot with Plugins on. I mean agility on seers village. why plugins matter?
    I don't have evidence but I don't think jagex can see what plugins you have on, or would care. I don't think it's uncommon for people to have different plugins active for different activities anyway. There's no indication this causes any risk.
    You can try to bot with whichever plugins on, it's just that a lot interfere with the bot in unexpected ways. So if we don't show that warning, we'll just get a lot of unfixable error reports because the plugin is doing something which breaks runemate.
    Cuppa! What are the chances of adding moonlight moth mix to scurrius?
    I think this was on my todo list at one point, it's just kinda lower priority honestly as you can easily 1 tick prayer flick basically forever. Personally I always use it on my bots and haven't seen an increase in risk.

    Though I will keep it in mind and try to add it soon if not too complicated
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