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2. I've noticed an inconsistency with the "forestry mode (chop same trees as other players)" option.
When I watch the bot, I would say it's a 50/50 chance it goes to cut on a tree that has less people than other trees available with more people chopping. It seems it just clicks on the closest available tree vs prioritizing how many people are chopping it.
As you know, you at least want to be on a tree that has 10 or more people

Overall, the bot is great! Just some suggestions/comments. Let me know what you think. Thank you. Sorry I had to split into 3 comments due to character restriction.
Hey, I appreciate all the thoughts, feedback and kind words!

So for 1, I did intend to add this to the bot & allow selection of which specific events to do. However honestly I'm mostly not keen because it'll clutter the interface a lot more & honestly just no one has requested it. It's pretty much always best to do all events besides specifically clogging & de-prioritizing xp.
I can still consider #1, just not sure the best way to do this without taking up too much UI space.

For 2, it is meant to be randomized, but it should very very heavily favor a tree with more people on it, like a lot. However you're not the only person who's mentioned this recently so I'll try to stress test it and see if I can reproduce the issue, or if the numbers need to be tweaked.
Ty for taking the time to explain your thoughts! For #1, it wouldn't bother me at all to have more dialog boxes to choose from, but I understand you're coming from a different perspective. Ty for keeping an open mind on it. For #2, I can def say I've seen it choose lower trees more frequently than trees with more people on it more often than not so test it out and let me know what you see!
@cuppajava ,

Were you able to find out anything with a stress test or readjusting the numbers? I'd say I'm still seeing the bot choose 50/50.

Thanks as always and love your bots!