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  • Cuppa Agility AIO got banned after 3 hours of running it in Relleka, no hate, LOVE your bots, just letting ya know.
    I'm sorry to hear that, that sounds very unlucky, but unfortunately jagex is very inconsistent.

    Please keep in mind that they often delay bans, so if you've botted anything else in the past few weeks that could also be related.

    Again though, sorry to hear it either way.
    Every time I start the bot it charges me... whether I've used it for 1 hour or not. This is not fair as sometimes the bot throws errors from certain RuneLite settings needing to be disabled to avoid issues... so you turn them off and have to restart the bot... bam, charged again. This has happened numerous times now and I did not get my full hour worth...
    dark sage
    dark sage
    This is how RuneMates payment system works, u get charged on start and each subsequent hour ran, if it crashes, it still counts as session, when u start a new session, you will be charged again.
    @coryforman as Dark Sage said this is just how runemate's system works and it's out of my hands.

    I recommend testing using trials first to make sure the bot is working properly for you. If you'd ever like a refund though you can submit it via The Sessions Page
    When doing aldarin, wine shop it keeps failing and going to the back door instead of in the bar On shopper
    Are you referring to the wine shop or bartender? Both seem to be working for me
    Hey man Agility bot not clicking the obstacle's fast enough, and keeps getting stuck in the pebles and the rock climb after fletching stick
    Hi, can you provide more info on the settings youre using? You can try with extra delays toggle on or off, or enabling direct input.

    It's also possible plugins may be interfering here (or maybe not); But I recommend disabling most plugins as many can interfere.
    If the issue persists, please dm me a log (found in help > view logs) and some info on what time(s) it happened at
    yes i will do, i will re-run it again tomorrow
    Been loving your agility rooftop bot my man! Its been getting stuck on Ardy rooftop when collecting marks of grace today though (probably since the recent update?) I've tried it with the plugins I had on before when it was working and I've also tried with all plugins turned off.
    Hey, RuneMate was briefly broken after today's game update. However everything should be working now, if you restart OSRS & RuneMate (or your PC).

    Feel free to test using the trial so you don't get charged, and let me know if any issues persist.
    sorted thanks for your quick response bud!
    Would really love if you made a bot that can refill cannon at giant pit. Eating and banking for more food when low would be amazing. Would def pay for this so I can train pures safely.
    Yeah, those would be my recommendations as well :)
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    I am trying to set up to cannon at giant pit west of shayzien. want the bot to run in just to refill cannon then safespot. Preferabbly able to pray melee on the run to cannon.
    I've responded on Discord on how to achieve this.
    cuppa mixology is just saying couldnt find potions? any quick fixes?
    If you have/had the mixology runelite plugin on, please disable it and restart runelite.

    Otherwise restarting osrs & runemate should fix it. Please feel free to let me know if it persists.
    Cuppa my beautiful brother, best scripts i ever used, multiple 99s never a ban or even a report.

    is a cuppa wintertodt coming? been using someone elses wt script but i keep dieing!
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    Hey, thank you for the kind words :)

    I have no plans for wintertodt, but that's mostly because there's already a few wintertodt bots which should work well on runemate already. Hexis Wintertodt is the most popular I believe!
    Please don't run CG on a HCIM because it's almost definitely going to die at some point lol. If you really want you could consider using the helper mode & doing it semi manually & carefully, but keep in mind it's definitely not foolproof and I can't make any guarantees.
    leonard tone
    i used hexis but it dies too often, and is very inconsistent,

    okey i will not run cg on hc haha great script buddy love u
    Question. The bot requires to turn off some plugins? Can Jagex see this? Because it feels so suspicous turn it all of and after the grind of 1-2 hours turning all on again. Also can i run the Bot with Plugins on. I mean agility on seers village. why plugins matter?
    I don't have evidence but I don't think jagex can see what plugins you have on, or would care. I don't think it's uncommon for people to have different plugins active for different activities anyway. There's no indication this causes any risk.
    You can try to bot with whichever plugins on, it's just that a lot interfere with the bot in unexpected ways. So if we don't show that warning, we'll just get a lot of unfixable error reports because the plugin is doing something which breaks runemate.
    Cuppa! What are the chances of adding moonlight moth mix to scurrius?
    I think this was on my todo list at one point, it's just kinda lower priority honestly as you can easily 1 tick prayer flick basically forever. Personally I always use it on my bots and haven't seen an increase in risk.

    Though I will keep it in mind and try to add it soon if not too complicated
    Hey Cuppa, trying to run the wyrm agility course the harder version but it won't move after the first hurdle. It'll just stand and alch. Cheers :)
    Hi, I can't seem to reproduce this issue. It's working properly for me.

    Did you try the general debugging? (Disable plugins which may interfere, restart osrs & runemate, test using trial)?

    If it persists please dm me a log (help > view logs)
    Been having issues with the two f2p varrock mines , traversing there and back is super sketchy(choppy).
    Turned off all plugins but 2, hoping it might have an effect. but no luck
    Hey, when you say it's choppy, do you mean that it clicks - waits too long - clicks again - repeat?

    I do get this reported sometimes but I can't really seem to reproduce it honestly. I think the code might just be kind of inefficient/slow especially on some PC's.
    I do want to rewrite my traversal code to optimize it, it's just a bit of a big task. If you dm me a log (found in help > view logs) ideally with info like where specifically it's slow and also what settings were used it might tell me some more info, though I'm not certain tbh
    cuppa it keeps crashing on me
    same on my end it crashed as soon as i press start.
    Hi, Runemate was having issues earlier due to a runelite update today. However everything should be working again if you restart osrs & RM or your PC.

    As always feel free to test using trials or free bots and let me know if any issues persist.
    cuppa it keeps crashing on me
    hi cuppa tempeross has been really good but in the last 3-4 hours its been really laggy and not working too great - is it due to the updte?
    Howdy; Nothing should have changed from the update, though sometimes runemate can be a bit inconsistent after game updates. Can you try restarting osrs/rm, or your pc, and let me know if it persists? If so please dm me a log (found in help > view logs)
    Hi so I’ve started the script and it won’t board the boat now
    Please dm me a log found in help > view logs
    Been trying to use forestry but for some reason it starts running me away from the Magic trees at the woodcutting guild and starts running towards the south of ruins of morra
    You have magic trees at woodcutting guild selected? Did you try the general debugging (restart osrs & runemate, disable plugins which may interfere, test using trail so you dont get charged)? If it persists please dm me a log (found in help > view logs)
    Hey, bot has been working great for me, 10/10. Got me an enh! Was working fine today, but the last 2x times I tried it, it just enters the gauntlet and stands there. Going to reset pc/runelite/runemate. Thanks!

    Hey, gratz on the enh! So this type of thing happens sometimes, hard to say exactly what would cause it, but hopefully restarting everything fixes it.

    Feel free to test using the trial, and if you like you can submit a refund request via: https://www.runemate.com/store/sessions
    feel free to let me know if any issues persist
    yeah ive now for a total of 4-5 hours and have only got like 2-3 kills, bot has been successful in past for me with 0 issues im not sure what has changed now
    Feel free to test using the lite version of the bot so you don't get charged while testing.

    If the issue persists or this doesn't help, please DM me a log (found in Help > View Logs) along with info on what the bot is doing wrong, what it should be doing instead, and what circumstances it seems to happen.
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