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  • Hey, i got error 2 times while trying to start bot with your cuppa miner, does it charge for each hour when i restart it ? :S
    @Johnny Arntsen yo yo. So charging is handled by Runemate's system, not directly by my bots. But yeah, the way premium bots on Runemate work is that they charge you on each startup and each subsequent hour (so unfortunately if you restart the bot multiple times it'll charge you each time).

    I've refunded you the 14cents though :)
    @Johnny Arntsen could you send me more info on what error you were getting and in what situation exactly? I haven't gotten any other error reports recently.
    johnny arntsen
    johnny arntsen
    @CuppaJava Oh, thanks! I was using your miner script, and each time i hit Run, i got this error when i was trying to start the script, i was messing arround with the Break handler atm. Restarted 2 times, and then it was working, i quit the whole client(both) and restarted and everything worked :S I dont remember what the error said thou :/
    Any thoughts on a wintertodt bot? Current ones tend to bug out / even when they work they have some trouble with getting the reward without fletching
    I don't really plan to tbh, Regal Wintertodt has been in the top trending bots for a while so it must be mostly working.

    Also ngl I've never actually even played Wintertodt before lmao
    I can tell you I got 200m FM xp and over 8k kc from regal wintertodt. So its a good bot.
    Cuppa FishingTrawler has been released, go get Angler :) Also released a ton of improvements to Cuppa Tempoross!
    I see you don't really take private bot requests (citing being swamped as a reason) but would you be open to do private bot making turorials? I'd pay by the hour and we could do as little hours a day/week as you want, but I figure who better to learn from than the man himself. I have a decent understanding of Java but I'm nowhere near good enough to do this on my own.
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    I'm flattered :) But honestly I wouldn't really know how to do tutorial stuff like that. I'm open to answering any specific questions you have (or you could join the runemate discord & post in #development, that's probably the best way to get help).
    I've always recommended Snufalufagus' TreeBot tutorial as a starting place, followed by guides on the forums (eg setting up the IDE, publishing a bot, etc), reading the jdocs, or looking at open source bots on the botstore.

    It's all just practice and messing around with it, honestly.
    Thoughts on a safe amount of time to use your motherlode mine bot for each day?
    I've heard people run that bot for over 24 hours straight and not get banned (and I've also gotten complaints of people getting banned after a few hours, though those are dubious).

    Somewhere between 2-24 hour sessions?

    I'd recommend the rule of thumb to bot comparable hours to what you play and/or start with a couple hours and ramp up from there as needed.
    Thoughts on making a woodcutting bot at some point?
    Aren't there like a bunch of woodcutting bots already tho
    I hate them all. All of them feel clunky and extremely unsafe. All of them do nonsensical things that a drunk player probably wouldn't even do.
    Soon enough this site is just going to be entirely made up of your bots, and that's probably a good thing. Nice work with all of your stuff, haven't found much of a downside to any of them.
    Cuppa Pickpocket bug with the "I can't reach that!" message has been fixed. Bot should be working as normal.
    Hello mate. I was wondering if you could make me a bot.. I'll pay. Please message me <3
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    Honestly I'm a bit swamped with projects right now, and I don't really make private bots. Sorry mate, but I probably won't be able to.
    Ok fair dos mate, thanks anyways... and good luck with whatever you're doing.
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