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  • yo! the hunter doesn't work. i lost money from it
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    Reactions: CuppaJava
    Oh that's a RuneMate bug that happens sometimes after game updates. It's outside my control unfortunately and can effect any bot that changes settings. Basically Runemate isn't detecting the current settings.

    It can be fixed by:
    - restarting osrs & Runemate
    - if that doesn't work, delete your OSRS game cache & restart
    - if none of that works, restarting your PC may fix it
    alright. can you update your bot. adding imp boxes. wild black chin teleport that detect player from attack you? without being skull. also, runnning fossil island for bird house run and be able to continue back doing some hunting
    yo! the hunter doesn't work. i lost money from it
    I've noticed the only time my bot gets turned off and the client exits is when I run runelite in the background. I run runemate on the official osrs client and usually play my main on runelite. Only reason I found this out, hope this can help a bit! btw your tempoross and mlm bots are perfection. 85 plus fishing on mulitple accounts and 87 mining on my hcim with no bans at all
    Hey :) Yeah as I think you know this is a weird client bug that seems to be happening sometimes. If it seems to be reproducible for you, maybe mention it on the Runemate discord? I think Party was looking into it but it wasn't happening on his end to it was tough to nail down.

    Glad things seem to be working well for you overall though :)
    i got a 3 day ban using tempross couple months ago. got about 175 reward pools when i got back on account.
    both RL and Official Client have been crashing more often....I think its more to do with runemate than the clients as RM will freeze and then crash. it even BSOD my PC once
    All bots should be working again :) There were some RM bugs yesterday/today due to updates, but all the important stuff should be fixed now.
    Hey cuppa, I was just going to update my review from a 4 star to 5 star but i can't now that you've responded. I've ran it flawlessly for 4 hours and the issue I had earlier is gone for whatever reason. Based on the other comments you've left it sounds like a runemate based flaw? Either way, great bot ty
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    Reactions: CuppaJava
    Hey :) Yeah there was a couple of RM bugs earlier so it's hard to say exactly which was causing it.

    Either way, yeah there's a weird quirk with reviews where the reviewer can't remove the review if the bot author responds. But I'll delete my response now, and then you should be able to delete/make a new review if you like ;)
    Hey cuppa, I am a long time user of your bots, recently I have had an issue with the tempoross bot. It will do one run perfect and on the second one, after 10mins it'll say "idle for too long" and it stops the bot even though it was clearly moving previously. I have lost like 0.24 trying to see the problem, wondering if you are seeing it too.
    Hey cuppa! I've been using your mining bot for rune ore lately and it's working great, but I noticed whenit hops worlds it uses a pattern. Is there any way to edit this? thanks a lot!
    Hey :) I'm a bit confused which pattern you're referring to, I think it just world hops in order (which is what most legit players do).

    Do you have your world hop list in an order different from the default "order by world id number"? If so, you can click the triangle above the numbers & it'll sort by ID again to look more natural.
    Yep, that would be the pattern I'm in reference to. I trust that that's what most normal players do. I stopped the bot and re-sorted the worlds by population and now it's going in order off of that rather than world number (which is what I was going for haha) thank you for the clarification, keep up the great work!
    Hi Cuppa , do you have any superheat gold ore script ? if not , would you make one to work at pest control bank would gladly pay for one. Want to finish my magic and smithing with it.
    will you post for us when everything back and running :) love thanks for hard work much appreciated.
    The issue has been fixed and all my bots should once again be fully functional! Please restart OSRS & Runemate before continuing botting :)
    :) :) :) :)
    :) :) :)
    Hey Cuppa - I've been using your bots and absolutely love them. I ran the Tempoross today while it was down and got charged for an hour, I'm hoping to get that amount refunded and I will make sure not to run any scripts until they're back up and running. Please let me know if you need any additional action on my end. Thanks, Cuppa!
    My bots are currently all down, I need to fix some stuff after today's update. Will try to fix them ASAP.
    All my bots have been updated to work with Leagues 3! If on League world, will only worldhop to other league worlds & will auto use relics.
    May I recommend the using the Chef's Catch relic (to fish cooked food) & Catch of the Day relic (to randomly fish Rare Drop Table items) while botting Tempoross? ;)
    any reason as to why the lava rune bot only averages 30k an hour? I'm not too sure what the normal xp/hr is but I feel like that's on the low side?
    Hard to say exactly, but it depends on a lot of factors (including RC level, pouches you're using, etc). Also the bot isn't intended to be working at maximum efficiency as RCing is already moderately risky to bot (apparently), and reducing delays much more would probably be more risky.
    Also I'm not sure of your level, but the wiki says lava rcing maxes out around 38k/h at lower levels. And the wiki rates are often wildly overly inflated, as they're calculated at near maximum theoretical efficiency.

    As a side note, if you have delay handler/break handler activated, those are also impacting xp/h.
    holden brad147
    gotcha, I bet the guides I were looking at was with runners. no hate at all, every single bot you make is 100% the best I've ever tried. just wasn't aware of rates.
    Any plans for a wintertodt bot? Seems like Regal/Hexis are/have been pretty broken/inconsistent, but maybe that's because of the recent bugs.
    Sorry to hijack. If you've tried my bot recently I'd like to know if it's still got issues. If you just read the reviews they were written back when the client was broken and I've since cleaned them up.
    Yeah I have no plans to make a Wintertodt bot tbh. I've heard both worked pretty well not long ago, and Swych is around to make changes if needed.

    Most/all of the bugs with those bots probably stemmed from temporary Runemate issues, as Runemate itself has been a bit inconsistent lately (but most of those bugs should be fixed now, with the only remaining ones being fixed soon).
    Hexis Chop'n'Burn cured me of scurvy
    Good news! With the update just now every recent bug should be fixed & all bots should be fully functional. Restart OSRS & Runemate & bot :)
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