Cuppa Forestry Woodcutter
The Freaky Forester will never know what hit him.
Hexis Wintertodt
Let's get lit
Cuppa Hunter AIO
Apex hunter, leaving gathering for the weak.
Mikes Bankstander
Versatile bankstander for variety of skills
Mikes Mage Bankstander
Simply magic
Strings those bows tighter than your boot straps!
Mikes Herbiboar Hunter
Efficient Herbiboar Hunter
Maniacal Monkey Murderer
Murders many monkeys
Ape Atoll Skeleton Slaughterer
Slaughters skeletons
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
Kush AIO Woodcutter Forestry Lite
Chops and burns/fletches/banks
Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer
Efficient kalphite queen killer
Hexis Account Builder
Automate your Max cape, today.
AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter
Alch, splash and teleport all at once
Divine Magics
Gandalf couldn't stand a chance.
Divine Magics Lite
Dumbledore couldn't stand a chance. Gandalf might.
1 Tick Hunter Mate
One by one.
Mikes Trouble Brewing
Completionist gamer
Cerberus Mate
Who let the dogs out?
Gatsby Skilling Activities
Handles some low intensity skilling