Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer

Efficient kalphite queen killer

8 Reviews

- If using veng/thralls setup your rune pouch and withdraw your book of the dead (thralls) before starting
- Ensure you set up the loadout in fight settings if you want to switch equipment between phases
- If you don't have hard diaries completed, remember to stock up on ropes in your bank

- Support for all types of diaries (none/hard/elite)
- Automatically uses veng and thralls (spellbook swap supported)
- Customisable flinch method
- Crash preventer (world hopper)
- Prayer flicking
- Veracs degradation, blowpipe ammo, tumeken's shadow out of charge failsafes
- POH pools / altar to refresh stats

Example gear and setting combos:
Melee + Range

Tumeken's shadow (with veng)

Verac's damageless flinching (with bgs spec)









Updated on

Aug 10, 2024

Released on

Feb 23, 2024

Most recent
Aug 15, 2024
Version: 1.5.1
my bad fing amazing even supported death piling! WOW
Jul 15, 2024
Version: 1.2.61
It does a pretty good job of getting the kills. I have one thing i would love to see. You have the option to use a summer pie boost for the agility shortcut, but no option to use a regular agility potion. It would be awesome to see the agility potion added to that.
Jun 20, 2024
Version: 1.2.6
2 heads, a Dragon chain, and 2 dpicks all under 100kc. Incredible script. When set up correctly flinching works amazing.
May 03, 2024
Version: 1.2.0
So far not bad. The only issue I see is when it teleports out due to low health. It only eats 1 or no food in the bank to restore HP. Other than that, it works will continue to babysit it just in case. However, have a good feeling about it. food is the only thing that is sticking out.
Mar 23, 2024
Version: 1.1.9
The bot kills KQ as flawlessly as you can kill a 20 year old boss that has 100% accuracy and hits 30s. RNG manipulation could use work though, 150 kills in, no head.