This is a dangerous activity. Babysit the bot for 5 minutes to ensure it is working with your setup. Use a runelite profile that doesn't have any plugins enabled to prevent any unforeseen bugs I cannot account for.
Also, if you have MM2 or the requirements to do it use this bot instead. It will be double the xp rates in the MM2 tunnels and quite frankly, that bot is battle-tested while this one isn't.
- Prayer flicking so you never need to use prayer pots
- Always attacks the most optimal skeleton (3x3 clump)
- Picks up and drops skeleton bones to ensure optimal skeleton count spawns
- Supports both chinning and ancients
- Drinks ranging/magic potions (incl. divine) and uses imbued/saturated heart
- Resets aggro timer
- Automatically equips new chinchompas from inventory. i.e start with black chins and move onto red chins when out of black chins
- Teleports when out of chins/runes/prayer -> supports any teleport tab or grand seed pod
- Eats food in the inventory if we need to for divine potions
- Failsafe bot stoppage if dced or 6h logged with low health (due to divine potion)
- Bring 2-3 food with eat option (Sharks, Manta Rays, etc). Bring a few more if you use divine potions and prayer flicking
- Bring a one click teleport tab such as varrock teleport
- If using mage, ensure your staff can autocast ancients
- Start at the first skeleton location. The one in this video. The bot is no good at navigating the tunnels, however it will attempt to if you don't start at the correct location!

Known bugs:
- The bot sucks at navigating the tunnels. Start it at the first skeleton spot, the one in this video
Updated on
Feb 13, 2025
Released on
May 26, 2023
Trial time
1 hour every 7 days
Most recent
Feb 13, 2025
Version: 1.2.5
Needs babysitting every second, gave it 2 tries. Lost 35m on chinchompas. Works fine with prayer flicking most of the time, but then it misses and you die. Aldo the bot Does not eat or use prayer pots from the inventory to prevent this.
Author Response
Yeah, I mean I can guarantee it does drink prayer and eat food, otherwise how would you run the bot without flicking. If it is missing a flick it's on your PC / tick health. I don't understand how that is in my control
Feb 12, 2025
Version: 1.2.5
Good bot if you're gonna babysit it the entire time. Does what it's supposed to do but could be better.
Pros: Chins well, prayer flicks near flawlessly, no issue eating, potting, etc
Cons: When running off to re-aggro, you might get poisoned and the bot has no means of handling it. Keep a superantipoison on you and babysit 24/7. I'd also recommend more food than prayer pots in the inv since the prayer flicking makes prayer drain very negligible.
tl;dr: babysit the bot or you'll wake up in lumby with no chins
Author Response
The poison hits you for 1 damage, you aren't going to die. One shark outweighs an entire antipoison
Feb 04, 2025
Version: 1.2.4
Used it a while ago before completing mm2, absolutely loved it as it worked flawlessly over several sessions!
Dec 18, 2024
Version: 1.2.3
works pretty good but can you add something to pick up skeleton champion scroll if it drops?works pretty good but can you add something to pick up skeleton champion scroll if it drops?
Author Response
It knows to loot the champion scroll