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When will credits be back available to purchase through PayPal?

Sep 26, 2017
this is bullshit honestly. been a paying member supporter for a long time, paid hundred to this service, this is dog shit,
Jan 14, 2019
Has anyone looked into setting up a Stripe account for transactions? I have a little experience with it as a business owner.
May 3, 2022
i got in, it was becuse it was trying to open in the browser, i had to open the discord program first lol
Jul 17, 2023
Surely there’s a different method that’s quicker than waiting for PayPal to pull their finger out that doesn’t include using discord sellers and paying over the odds
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
PayPal is notoriously opaque when it comes to their business practices - we shouldn't have been in this situation for as long as we have, and really hope that PayPal can resolve the issue ASAP.

Surely there’s a different method that’s quicker than waiting for PayPal to pull their finger out that doesn’t include using discord sellers and paying over the odds

Not quite as simple as just flipping a switch to a different provider, there's all kinds of business logic that would need to be built and rigorously tested.
Regarding the Discord sellers, we did try offering for 1:1 sales on Discord (and some bot authors still are), but it's really grueling work to process all of those payments manually and we run out of credits very quickly. I personally handled 450 transactions over the course of 2 days and wanted to shoot myself afterwards.

this is bullshit honestly. been a paying member supporter for a long time, paid hundred to this service, this is dog shit,

I get the frustration but it isn't RuneMate doing this, it's PayPal.

Yea something sus is going on. Im prepping for the exit scam and all information getting leaked

You can put the tinfoil hat down, fella.
Jan 14, 2019
PayPal is notoriously opaque when it comes to their business practices - we shouldn't have been in this situation for as long as we have, and really hope that PayPal can resolve the issue ASAP.

Not quite as simple as just flipping a switch to a different provider, there's all kinds of business logic that would need to be built and rigorously tested.
Regarding the Discord sellers, we did try offering for 1:1 sales on Discord (and some bot authors still are), but it's really grueling work to process all of those payments manually and we run out of credits very quickly. I personally handled 450 transactions over the course of 2 days and wanted to shoot myself afterwards.

I get the frustration but it isn't RuneMate doing this, it's PayPal.

You can put the tinfoil hat down, fella.

Have you checked into Stripe? I'm sure the integration into the forums would be a little bit of work, but in the long run, this would provide another method for people to give you guys some money.