Is anyone extremely familiar with this script and able to help?
Basically I've been trying to create a wintertodt bot but for soloing. So obviously this goes a bit beyond just wintertodt botting. I basically want the obious functions.. (chop brume, light brazier, fletch brume roots, fix brazier and heal pyromancer) which I'm struggling in itself… But I'm looking at trying to input the function to know when wintertodt 50% to only light 2 brazier and when is at 5% and stop lighting beyond 5% as to not kill it early for maximum points. Also, when reaching near maximum (thinking 12,500) to finish it off by constantly lighting two braziers running between them.
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, anything is helpful. I have created one basic script, so I'm very lack on this and the videos don't go as in depth or angled towards anything I suggest.
Also, insaaaaane bot. Literally the possibilities are endless. Donating when I can. Most useful bot I have come across.