I know you can do fairy tale pt 1 and rfd for farming, but an alternative is using the plow pusher bot to get 5% favour, and then using bot suite and mixing compost with saltpetre and making about 1900 of them. That's 3.8k exp and will get you to 100% hosidius favour for which you will be 100 farming exp away from tithe farming
If anyone's interested in sequence for bot suite, [{"Category":"BANK","Actions":["Deposit Inventory"]},{"Category":"BANK","Actions":["Withdraw","Compost","14"]},{"Category":"BANK","Actions":["Withdraw","Saltpetre","14"]},{"Category":"BANK","Actions":["Close Bank"]},{"Category":"ITEMS","Actions":["Use-on Item","Compost","Saltpetre"]},{"Category":"MISCELLANEOUS","Actions":["Delay","27000"]},{"Category":"BANK","Actions":["Open Bank"]}]