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Silence's Blast Furnace [Deleted]

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Dec 1, 2016
The new G.E feature is great but the pricing is a bit wierd. All ores/bars buy and sell insta at +10% and sell at -10% 90% of the time if 15% 100%. Example now Runite ore 11174 but bot puts 13740 thus being able to buy much less ore.
Jun 8, 2017
The new G.E feature is great but the pricing is a bit wierd. All ores/bars buy and sell insta at +10% and sell at -10% 90% of the time if 15% 100%. Example now Runite ore 11174 but bot puts 13740 thus being able to buy much less ore.
Currently it pulls prices from osrs ge and uses a 1.2 factor for buying and 0.8 factor for selling, I could tweak it a bit more but I suspect the bot will jam if it fails to insta sell or buy.
Mar 13, 2018
Currently it pulls prices from osrs ge and uses a 1.2 factor for buying and 0.8 factor for selling, I could tweak it a bit more but I suspect the bot will jam if it fails to insta sell or buy.

I'd personally recommend was pseudo-flipping script if it's not too annoying to implement. Like buy and sell one of each item being used, set prices around middle of buy/sell on the high end, repeat in 5 min if not purchased. GE api prices are often really inaccurate.

(or maybe just grin and bear the extra 0.2 is easier).
Feb 17, 2018
Currently it pulls prices from osrs ge and uses a 1.2 factor for buying and 0.8 factor for selling, I could tweak it a bit more but I suspect the bot will jam if it fails to insta sell or buy.

I think you should implement something like buy at current price; if it does not buy, try to buy at +5%. Still does not buy, try for +10% and so on till 20% which you currently buy at(1.2 times osbuddy price). Same Can be done while selling the bars too, slowly decreasing % starting from current price. This will reduce Gp waste and increase ores bought for same gp. Can even implement a simple wait time of 5-7 minutes after each offer as the items sometimes take time to buy but not much time.

In this update, have you tried to fix the problem of bot randomly stopping? I reported this problem to you many times in this thread but still, it keeps on happening. Could this be partially due to lagging computer? as the bot does make runemate and pc hang for some time.
Apr 17, 2018
Is anyone having issues with it trying to withdraw coal from the bank? It was at the bank for a good 3 minutes trying to withdraw coal and withdrawing adamantite ores accidentally. Didn't know if this was a clouse issue or. Didn't start happening till after the most recent update.
Noticeably F.A.T.
Jan 23, 2017
bot crashes everytime when i start a 2nd bot within like 1min

restart client and OSRS
Noticeably F.A.T.
Jan 23, 2017
2 accs got stuck when they had 2 stam pots in inv when banking lel
I made over 100k steels bars and 60k adamantite bars this weekend on my 3 accounts total. They never got stuck any of them
Apr 26, 2017
Is anyone having issues with it trying to withdraw coal from the bank? It was at the bank for a good 3 minutes trying to withdraw coal and withdrawing adamantite ores accidentally. Didn't know if this was a clouse issue or. Didn't start happening till after the most recent update.
Yep has been a big issue for me, keeps withdrawing iron ore instead of coal. It will take a good 3 or so attempts before eventually withdrawing coal, very weird.
Jan 27, 2018
Just want to say that I already use ur bot a lot. Hours of fun really, thanks a lot for making it :) It has been a lot quicker lately!
Nov 1, 2017
I've got a couple suggestions. Maybe you could make it so that
1- stamina potions are drunk at 60%~ energy so that energy isn't wasted going 80-100%
2.-once a dose is drunk, the potion is dropped back into the bank immediately to free up inventory space
great bot, thanks 4 making it m8
Apr 21, 2018
Tried using it just now, have ores/coal bag and staminas, maybe does 1 run, but after withdrawing 2nd invent of 25 coal it just stops??
Mar 13, 2018
Tried using it just now, have ores/coal bag and staminas, maybe does 1 run, but after withdrawing 2nd invent of 25 coal it just stops??
Silence/we probably can't help you much with just this info. At least part your settings or a log or something.
Apr 21, 2018
Silence/we probably can't help you much with just this info. At least part your settings or a log or something.

Have everything in the bank that i need, it pays 50k into the coffer, withdraws 25 coals, stores in coal bag, withdraws 25 more and just stops.
I have water bucket on, coal bag on, stamina pots on, tried with other settings on/off like experimental stuck etc

Just tried again and it withdrew coal bag and stam pot and stopped running. How do i even get logs?

Running okay for now, think it's because i didn't have water buckets in the bank, thought it'll keep a bucket and keep refilling it.
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