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Silence's Blast Furnace [Deleted]

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Aug 16, 2017
Fixed the no menu bug or whatever it was bug. Just had to put osrs on fullscreen so the bot could see everything. Having problems with stamina potions though, stamina pots are next to the ores but the bot just cant find them. It just gets stuck scrolling and searching for it.
Noticed it sometimes misclicks the conveyor belt and clicks on the worker behind it, very bot like. Also when you get smithing level the bot will get stuck for 30 seconds or so.
Mar 13, 2018
Been using your bot quite a lot this week, works great. Today it had it's first big hang, almost 2 hours into runtime. Not sure why... I checked back like 6 hours in using teamviewer while I was at work and it seemed to be running okay at the time (although bars/hour was around 200 instead of 1000 addy/hour which was a big red flag). I'll post some of the log, not sure if it'll tell you anything.

01:42:34 TRACE [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw-All
01:42:35 INFO BF(L) - Starting stop check
01:42:36 INFO BF(L) - Closing Bank... 02
01:42:36 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
01:42:36 INFO BF(L) - Walking closer to conveyor belt
01:42:40 INFO BF(L) - Interacting with Conveyor belt
01:42:42 INFO BF(L) - Failed to click Put-ore-on
01:42:42 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open
01:42:42 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
01:42:42 INFO BF(L) - Interacting with Conveyor belt
01:42:44 INFO BF(L) - Failed to click Put-ore-on
01:42:44 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open
01:42:44 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
01:42:44 INFO BF(L) - Interacting with Conveyor belt
01:42:45 INFO BF(L) - Clicked Put-ore-on
01:42:45 INFO BF(L) - RClicking coal bag
01:42:46 INFO BF(L) - Hovering over empty
01:42:48 INFO BF(L) - Chat Dialog found!
01:42:48 INFO BF(L) - Mouse on empty option, using method 1
01:42:48 INFO BF(L) - Succesfully Emptied coal bag
01:42:48 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
01:42:48 INFO BF(L) - Interacting with Conveyor belt
01:42:49 INFO BF(L) - Clicked Put-ore-on
01:42:49 INFO BF(L) - Chat Dialog found!
01:42:49 INFO BF(L) - Walking to Bar dispenser
01:42:52 INFO BF(L) - Collecting bars
01:42:52 INFO BF(L) - Not using Water bucket
01:42:52 INFO BF(L) - Failed to Interact with Bar dispenser
01:42:52 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open
01:42:52 INFO BF(L) - Collecting bars
01:42:52 INFO BF(L) - Not using Water bucket
01:42:54 INFO BF(L) - Failed to Interact with Bar dispenser
01:42:54 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open

repeating the part in red hundreds of times
and eventually, after logout handler

02:42:09 INFO BF(L) - Collecting bars
02:42:10 INFO BF(L) - Not using Water bucket
02:42:10 INFO BF(L) - Failed to Interact with Bar dispenser
02:42:10 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open

02:42:10 INFO BF(L) - Taking a break
02:42:10 INFO BF(L) - Logging out
02:42:10 TRACE [ControlPanelTab] Opening LOGOUT using component: InterfaceComponent [161, 38]
02:42:12 INFO BF(L) - Logged out
02:58:32 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
02:58:32 TRACE [Login handler] Pressing Existing User
02:58:33 TRACE [Login handler] Entering username
02:58:36 TRACE [Login handler] Entering password
02:58:38 TRACE [Login handler] Logging in
02:58:41 INFO BF(L) - Opening Bank
02:58:41 INFO BF(L) - Failed to walk to step to bank chest
02:58:46 INFO BF(L) - Failed to open bank 02
02:58:46 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open
02:58:46 DEBUG Interface Closer - Play Button has been activated!
02:58:46 TRACE [InterfaceCloser] Clicking the unwanted component "Play Button"
02:58:50 INFO BF(L) - Collecting bars
02:58:50 INFO BF(L) - Not using Water bucket
02:58:50 INFO BF(L) - Opening bar dispenser
02:58:52 INFO BF(L) - Opening Bank
02:58:53 INFO BF(L) - Walking to Bank chest

works now
breaks again:

03:35:16 INFO BF(L) - Depositing and withdrawing items.
03:35:17 TRACE [Bank] Depositing with action: Deposit-All
03:35:18 INFO BF(L) - Failed to deposit unexpected items
03:35:18 INFO BF(L) - Hovering mouse over rnd item
03:35:19 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
03:35:19 INFO BF(L) - wrong amount of ores in inventory
03:35:19 INFO BF(L) - Depositing and withdrawing items.
03:35:19 INFO BF(L) - Already equipped ice gloves
03:35:19 INFO BF(L) - Trying to withdraw Coal for coal bag
03:35:19 INFO BF(L) - Withdrawing Coal for coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Failed to withdraw Coal for bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Not hovering over rnd item
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Not filling coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Failed to fill coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - wrong amount of ores in inventory
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Depositing and withdrawing items.
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Already equipped ice gloves
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Trying to withdraw Coal for coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Withdrawing Coal for coal bag
03:35:20 TRACE [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw-All
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Failed to withdraw Coal for bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Hovering mouse over rnd item
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Not filling coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Failed to fill coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - wrong amount of ores in inventory
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Depositing and withdrawing items.
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Already equipped ice gloves
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Trying to withdraw Coal for coal bag
03:35:20 INFO BF(L) - Withdrawing Coal for coal bag
03:35:21 TRACE [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw-All

soon started repeating:
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Failed to open bank 02
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - wrong amount of ores in inventory
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Opening Bank
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Failed to open bank 02
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Menu is not open
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Checking if we have everything
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - wrong amount of ores in inventory
03:37:08 INFO BF(L) - Opening Bank

tl;dr Yeeeeeeeah so I have no clue what happened today. I'm running this on a side, so if it gets banned I don't care too much, but if you think you might have changed something in the last update, just a heads up it hung for like 6 hours for me today. I'm running it again now for an hour or 2, will let you know if anything looks wrong or today was a fluke. Like I said, no problems in the past, so I don't think I did anything wrong.

It might not be a bad idea to have a failsafe shutdown that if bars/hour drops really low it shuts down? In the future I'll be careful to check it more often, I was getting lazy :p
Feb 4, 2018
Thanks for an excellent resource!

One major issue I've noticed is with crafting steel bars. It will often get hung up when making them. Sometimes it will get stuck at the conveyor belt saying bars need to be withdrawn before depositing more ores. Also, it makes Iron bars instead of steel bars very often which I think is what's causing the issue. Perhaps it isn't depositing coal and then iron in the proper order. I pretty much exclusively use this for steel bars, so it would be AWESOME to have this issue fixed!
Dec 22, 2015
when bot is going to bf it missclicked on deposit box and got stuck. usually when its already making bars and it missclick on deposit box it just closes it but in this case it didnt?
00:01:05 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:25 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:04:05 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
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00:04:44 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:07:49 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
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00:08:53 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:11:29 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:39 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
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00:18:36 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
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00:23:45 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:24:18 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:28:34 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:30:07 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
00:30:07 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:30:46 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:31:50 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
00:32:22 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:32:52 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:32:54 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:37:16 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:37:18 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
00:37:50 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:39:33 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:40:03 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
00:40:48 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:41:19 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:41:55 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:42:35 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
00:43:07 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:43:10 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:43:42 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:43:47 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:45:18 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:45:19 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:45:48 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:46:14 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:47:47 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
00:48:27 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:49:37 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
00:50:07 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:51:11 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:52:21 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
00:52:52 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:54:30 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
00:55:32 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
00:56:09 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:56:42 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:56:42 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:56:42 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:57:21 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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00:58:25 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:59:38 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here, Examine]
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01:02:22 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:02:27 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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01:03:55 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:04:58 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:06:44 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:07:57 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
01:09:38 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:10:11 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:11:43 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:12:10 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
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01:14:33 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
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01:17:13 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
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01:18:58 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
01:20:01 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
01:20:03 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:20:34 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:20:39 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:20:40 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
01:21:10 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
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01:22:11 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
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01:24:23 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
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01:36:00 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine]
01:36:29 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
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01:37:02 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
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01:39:35 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
01:39:36 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
01:39:38 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:39:38 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
01:40:08 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:41:13 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Examine, Release]
01:41:43 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
01:41:45 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
bot got stuck ehen it had vial selected for some reason and it was trying to click on the thing to get bars
Mar 13, 2018
QuickMotherlode is definitely a little janky, but it gets the job done. I do recommend babysitting it though.

Might rent regal's in the future.

But either way, I agree coal bag and ice gloves are worth.
Jun 8, 2017
A new rather large update is pushed

Updated ui
Anti stuck mode (Experimental)
Auto start mode
Auto resupply mode (Note: Items that are bought in the ge will be collected to your bank.)
-> Babysitting recommended
-> Very Experimental
-> You need to have varrock tabs in inv.
-> restocks ores, coal, stamina potions and sells your made ores.
-> It's hard to calculate the ratio of coal to stamina to coins to ores to ... , so there migth be a rather large margin.

auto breaks when teleport is on cooldown
Checks collectionbox for needed items. (Experimental
Auto add breaks mode
Status label added
Export & Import main settings
New save and load settings system (your old settings are gone, but the new system is alot faster/more efficient )

Various minor preformance/speed improvements

Tried to fix some bugs that you guys reported :)
Last edited:
Feb 4, 2018
It's still getting stuck and trying to make iron bars instead of steel bars for me. Sometimes doesn't empty the coal sack and just runs back to bank.

Typically the stuck condition will happen after it tries to put more iron ore in before putting coal, which fills the bar dispenser by making iron bars instead of steel. So it will go back to the belt and try to put more ore in, say the dispenser is full and just sit there infinitely.

The flow for steel IMO when the bot starts should be:

1. Withdraw coal
2. Fill coal bag
3. Withdraw more coal
4. Put all coal on belt
5. Withdraw coal
6. Fill coal bag
7. Withdraw iron
8. Put iron on belt
9. Empty coal bag
10. Put coal on belt
11. Run to dispenser
12. Withdraw steel bars
13. Deposit steel bars
14. Repeat 5-13

EDIT: Im assuming the updated resource isn't live yet
Last edited:
Dec 22, 2015
QuickMotherlode is definitely a little janky, but it gets the job done. I do recommend babysitting it though.

Might rent regal's in the future.

But either way, I agree coal bag and ice gloves are worth.
it does the job indeed but for newer accounts you risk your acc to get perma'd lol
Feb 17, 2018
@SilenceP44 , hey man. The bot is flawless but still has 2 bugs. The major bug is it randomly stops in the client after a random interval. Each time, it may be doing a different thing like withdrawing from the bank, or taking bars from dispenser but it stops randomly. The second bug is that it idles for too long when the player levels. It can just click to continue or make the next action to get rid of the level message.

Hope you fox these and looking forward to trying new features you implemented :)
Noticeably F.A.T.
Jan 23, 2017
it does the job indeed but for newer accounts you risk your acc to get perma'd lol
Yeah I love regal bots but Regal motherload scares the hell outta me. Runemate needs another motherload bot.
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