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Tutorial RuneMate Spectre – Common Issues & Troubleshooting

RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
RuneMate Spectre – Common Issues & Troubleshooting

RuneMate not working for RuneScape 3
Due to an update by Jagex, RuneScape 3 is no longer supported on RuneMate. See: Bug - RuneMate No Longer Supports RuneScape 3

Anti-virus detects RuneMate as a Virus or Trojan:

This is known as a "false positive" - RuneMate is safe and is not a virus or trojan. Please post a thread letting @Arbiter know your anti-virus so that RuneMate can be reported as a clean file to the anti-virus creator.

Windows prompts you to choose an App from the Microsoft Store to play/You'll need a new app to open this jagex-jav:
Download and install the official RuneScape client, directly from the RuneScape website. RuneMate only supports the official OSRS client.

Unable to create advertising
This is an error at Jagex's end when using the official RuneScape client. This is nothing to do with RuneMate. There is a workaround available here: Tutorial - Bypass "Unable to create advertising" error

Failed to bind to virtual machine because of a AgentInitializationException:
RuneMate and the game client need to both run on x32 bit Java. Remove any x64 bit Java installations and RuneMate, and then install RuneMate again – it will automatically download the correct x32 bit Java version.

RuneMate says you have reached your instance limit & you can't load another instance:
If the client is force-closed (or crashes), it can take the RuneMate servers up to 30 minutes to identify that the session has ended. Please wait up to 30 minutes and try again. If you still cannot run another instance, let us know. Supporters can run more instances than free users, see: Upgrade | RuneMate

Why are my hours disappearing so quickly? I haven't used that many hours?
You are likely on a shared network where someone else on your network has used up the hours. If this is the case you should speak to your service provider and ask them to give each connecting user a unique public IP address.

Attempting to start official client. If this does not work please do so manually:
You must have the official Runescape client installed – Download from the official Runescape website.
Source: Bug - bot wont open | Community | RuneMate

RuneMate Spectre on Mac OS:
RuneMate Spectre now supports Mac OS!
See: Tutorial - How to Use RuneMate Spectre | Community | RuneMate

Mac OS - "Failed to locate an existing game cache"
You want to view all folders in your home directory. To do this, open terminal and type:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES.
You should now find .jagexcache32, get info and rename the folder to jagexcache
Restart RuneMate should now work.
Source: Tutorial - How to Use RuneMate Spectre

To attach to this game client, Spectre must be restarted and ran with a 32-bit JRE:
RuneMate and the game client need to both run on x32 bit Java. Remove any x64 bit Java installations and RuneMate, and then install RuneMate again – it will automatically download the correct x32 bit Java version and everything will work.

Downloading one missing or obsolete cloud resource:
Restart RuneMate and/or restart your computer.

How do I use a Proxy with RuneMate?

As RuneMate uses the official client, there are no proxy options and you have to forward the traffic of the official client manually with 3rd party software. Read more in this Reddit guide: Client and proxy • /r/runescape
Source: Question - Where Do I Enter Proxy Settings? | Community | RuneMate

Failed to create the internal bot representation because reflection failed:
This occurs when the bot you're trying to load has a main class without a public, no argument constructor. Basically, the bot author messed things up a bit and you should report it directly to them.
Source: Resolved - Anyone else experience this? How to fix? | Community | RuneMate

An internal error occurred (error code: launch path not accessible):
Open RuneMate and go to Help > View Logs and upload your most recent log and include it in your post. We need to know the exception message to be able to fix it.
Source: Bug - RuneMate Installer | Community | RuneMate

RuneMate has run out of accessible memory, try allocating...
Increase allocated memory to the Runemate shortcut. Add "-Xmx1300M" to the Target in the properties window:

Force RuneMate to and Runescape to run on a 32 Bit JRE for local testing/development purposes
Install a 32bit jre, and instead of running the command "java", enter the complete path of your 32bit jre java.exe For example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java.exe" -jar RuneMate.jar
Source: Question - Running in 32-bit on a 64-bit system
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RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
When is it projected to be available for mac users?

I can only quote @Arbiter - Generally speaking there is no projected date, it will be available when it is available:

Mac is currently not supported, and as such the download button for it has been disabled. Re-instating Mac support is a top priority and will be done promptly.

Bug - Confused | Community | RuneMate
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
I like you man, your posts are very high quality, keep it up! :)
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Apr 18, 2016
So, I'm trying to get up and running here, but I'm perpetually stuck on the AgentInitializationException problem. I removed all instances of Java on my computer, removed RuneMate, and let it install a fresh new Java. It still has the same issue. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit. Sometimes I am able to get it not to throw that error at me, but it still doesn't actually start the instance, just sits on the same screen with the start instance button the faded green doing nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
So, I'm trying to get up and running here, but I'm perpetually stuck on the AgentInitializationException problem. I removed all instances of Java on my computer, removed RuneMate, and let it install a fresh new Java. It still has the same issue. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit. Sometimes I am able to get it not to throw that error at me, but it still doesn't actually start the instance, just sits on the same screen with the start instance button the faded green doing nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you installed the Official RuneScape client?
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
yes man.. =(
i play bot form oficial client runescape and nothing happens

And what version of Java are you running on?

Not that it should matter too much, can't launch Runemate without the correct version.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
I believe that exception is thrown when RuneMate can't start a new RuneScape instance. Try loading up RuneMate, then loading up the RuneScape client MANUALLY and then refresh clients in RuneMate, see if it picks it up.
Apr 9, 2016
when I use the official client not of error does not happen no more,
more use when the customer rune mate the error ...
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
when I use the official client not of error does not happen no more,
more use when the customer rune mate the error ...

Not to be rude but can you use Google translate? Really hard to work out what you mean in broken English :p
Apr 18, 2016
So I have the official Client, I can start it up just fine. It starts from from the RuneMate screen perfectly. My only installed Java is 32 bit. The game runs perfectly normally. I can see the client option for the client I just started. This is the result of trying to connect to it though. I've attached a screenshot in the spoiler. Note that the same thing happens when I try it with RS3.
Thanks for all the help by the way. I will also note that EpicBot does work on this account with this Java Setup, although it's really a stopgap measure till I can have RuneMate work.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
So I have the official Client, I can start it up just fine. It starts from from the RuneMate screen perfectly. My only installed Java is 32 bit. The game runs perfectly normally. I can see the client option for the client I just started. This is the result of trying to connect to it though. I've attached a screenshot in the spoiler. Note that the same thing happens when I try it with RS3.

Attach most recent log from C:\Users\YourUser\RuneMate\logs from just after this occurs, think it may be the same issue as mine:
Bug - Exception when binding to OSRS instance | Community | RuneMate
Apr 18, 2016
[Debug] Version: 2.0.2
[Debug] Operating System: Windows 7 (x64)
[Debug] Java: 8 Update 77 (x86) (Oracle Corporation)
Downloading 1 missing or outdated cloud resource.
Attempting to start official client. If it does not open shortly please do so manually.
Checking for a new game instance every second for two minutes or until one is found.
Found a new game instance after 12 seconds.
Failed to bind to virtual machine because of a AgentInitializationException
com.sun.tools.attach.AgentInitializationException: Agent JAR loaded but agent failed to initialize
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(tl:157)
    at nul.iIIIiIiIiIii.super(dyb:132)
    at nul.iIIiiIiIIiIi.run(tic:162)
Note that when I run the Jar, sometimes i get the issue you describe, but that might be bug related to the script:
[Debug] Version: 2.0.1
[Debug] Operating System: Windows 7 (x64)
[Debug] Java: 8 Update 77 (x86) (Oracle Corporation)
Downloading 1 missing or outdated cloud resource.
Attempting to start official client. If it does not open shortly please do so manually.
Checking for a new game instance every second for two minutes or until one is found.
Found a new game instance after 12 seconds.
Exception in thread "4296 - Exia Miner AIO" java.lang.InternalError: instrument library is missing in target VM
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(kj:220)
    at nul.iiIIIIiiiIII.const(zcc:161)
    at nul.IIiiIIiIiiiI.run(vcc:225)
Caused by: com.sun.tools.attach.AgentLoadException: Failed to load agent library
    at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.execute(jm:271)
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgentLibrary(kj:138)
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgentLibrary(kj:141)
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(kj:161)
    ... 2 more
Oct 21, 2015
I'm having the same error as mithril leaf. Please help!
Mine also does the faded green instance button sometimes as well.
We are having the exact same symptoms.
Apr 2, 2016
When I click "Start RS3 Client" after selecting my bot and account, I get a prompt telling me that I need "a new app to open this jagex-jav" and I get an option to look for such an app in the Microsoft Store. Does anyone have a fix?
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
When I click "Start RS3 Client" after selecting my bot and account, I get a prompt telling me that I need "a new app to open this jagex-jav" and I get an option to look for such an app in the Microsoft Store. Does anyone have a fix?

You need to download the official Runescape client from the official Runescape website.
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
[Debug] Version: 2.0.2
[Debug] Operating System: Windows 7 (x64)
[Debug] Java: 8 Update 77 (x86) (Oracle Corporation)
Downloading 1 missing or outdated cloud resource.
Attempting to start official client. If it does not open shortly please do so manually.
Checking for a new game instance every second for two minutes or until one is found.
Found a new game instance after 12 seconds.
Failed to bind to virtual machine because of a AgentInitializationException
com.sun.tools.attach.AgentInitializationException: Agent JAR loaded but agent failed to initialize
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(tl:157)
    at nul.iIIIiIiIiIii.super(dyb:132)
    at nul.iIIiiIiIIiIi.run(tic:162)
Note that when I run the Jar, sometimes i get the issue you describe, but that might be bug related to the script:
[Debug] Version: 2.0.1
[Debug] Operating System: Windows 7 (x64)
[Debug] Java: 8 Update 77 (x86) (Oracle Corporation)
Downloading 1 missing or outdated cloud resource.
Attempting to start official client. If it does not open shortly please do so manually.
Checking for a new game instance every second for two minutes or until one is found.
Found a new game instance after 12 seconds.
Exception in thread "4296 - Exia Miner AIO" java.lang.InternalError: instrument library is missing in target VM
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(kj:220)
    at nul.iiIIIIiiiIII.const(zcc:161)
    at nul.IIiiIIiIiiiI.run(vcc:225)
Caused by: com.sun.tools.attach.AgentLoadException: Failed to load agent library
    at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.execute(jm:271)
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgentLibrary(kj:138)
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgentLibrary(kj:141)
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(kj:161)
    ... 2 more
I'm having the same error as mithril leaf. Please help!
Mine also does the faded green instance button sometimes as well.
We are having the exact same symptoms.
Uninstall RuneMate, re-download from the official Download page, and re-install the new version.

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