Phase A Dev Update
As promised, here is the development update on RuneMate 2.0 Spectre. We began from scratch with a new code base and code repository, making sure that we can take this opportunity to review and optimize every part of the application. So far the core of the project is in late stages of development. There are several more tasks that need to be done before the objectives of Spectre will have been met, but we're well on our way.
Unfortunately due to how drastic of a paradigm shift Spectre is, a large portion of the API's internals are going to need to be rewritten which may introduce some delays although I'm not going to jump the gun and say that we need more time just yet. In addition to that, the current structure of the API may not be optimal performance wise so we're considering introducing an optional new API that would better utilize the core (post-release).
One of the new features that will be made possible by Spectre is "tabbed botting", although not quite in the way you may be used to. Multiple bots can be controlled from the same management interface, separated by tabs. This should make it easier for our power users to control larger amount of bots at once. The reason "tabbed botting" is in quotes is because only the bots will be running in the tabs. The game itself will be running in separate, isolated Java virtual machines (JVMs). This method is analogous of how Google Chrome has a separate process for each browser tab allowing for blazing fast speeds.
Before anyone jumps to a conclusion about what Spectre really is, it is
not a Java agent attached at startup like some of our competitors use. From our extensive evaluation of options we have found that detecting that method is far too easy for our taste. We're still using a form of reflection as we always have, although with our new approach we do have more flexibility than we did in the past.
tl;dr Spectre development is coming along well and although we had a few unexpected hurdles we think we're on schedule for a release at the end of the countdown. There are a couple time intensive tasks in regards to upgrading the API that could potentially delay it, but it's too soon for us to guess. Multiple bots can be ran on one JVM per bot manager and be able to be controlled through a tabbed interface while each instance of the game will run in its own JVM.