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Regal Wintertodt [Deleted]

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Aug 23, 2015
This bot got my account permanently banned, and on the first offense too! I'm positive this is the case because it's the only bot I've used on this account. Here is my story...

I decided to start playing OSRS again a week or two ago after a very long break. I created a new account, and started following OzirisRS's Iron Man v3 guide. I played all the way up to the Wintertodt section, and quickly realized how long it was going to take. I looked around and found Regal, so I decided to test the free version. I watched it the whole hour just to make sure I knew how it would run. After that, I bought $5 in credit and switched to the paid. IMO, there are several obvious issues that can result in detection and ban:

First, support for using Cakes for food is not great. It will eat the cakes in your inventory, but if you have any partial when it banks, it will deposit those and withdraw new whole cakes. This results in a bunch of partially eaten cakes in the bank. Definitely not human like...

Second, using the 'safe' tile was another bad experience. The bot clicks near the tree, walks over, the clicks the safe spot, walks over, and starts chopping. This is pretty obvious bot behavior if Jagex is watching your account.

Third, this one is more like general feedback, and probably didn't contribute to the ban. Using 'Intelligent' Fletching is not really that intelligent. The bot fletches and feeds the whole time, until the Wintertodt gets to about 10-12% and then it will stop Fletching and go feed even if you still have logs. I get that it's trying to maximize your total points by feeding what you have left before the round ends, but you should definitely add some customization options here. One for only fletch below 500, one for fletch X number of logs, ect.

All in all, I'm out the $11 for members, the $3 worth of RuneMate credit I used on this bot, and all the time it's going to take me to get a new account back to this point. I'm incredibly disappointed, and definitely frustrated about this situation.

Unfortunately there's always some risk when it comes to botting nowadays. Detection is much better than it was around 2008.

I'll be releasing a significant update to this bot in the near future that should change a lot of behavior and help prevent future bans.

Regarding your feedback points, only a couple dozen partial cakes are accumulated to 99, so I'm not convinced it's a real issue. It's not something that I can imagine triggering a ban.

I also don't like the safe tile option. Runemate's interactions have trouble walking there when people drop items (empty jugs) on the tile. I personally don't use it, but a lot of people like to so I leave it in.

The fletching mode does a better job of making the end-of-kill efficient, and will be even better after the upcoming update. Users get confused when there are too many options, which is why it's limited to the point it is.

If you choose to continue botting, I recommend the following guidelines. In my experience bans are very rare following these rules:
  • Avoid botting on brand new accounts or accounts that were dormant for a long time. These are more heavily monitored.
  • If you need to bot one of these accounts, vary the activities a lot or only bot 2-3 hours a day for about a week.
  • Don't have very long and uninterrupted botting sessions. I like to do a maximum of two 4-hour sessions with a 1-2 hour break in between
  • Don't bot the same thing for weeks on end - change it up a little bit
  • Avoid botting agility for more than 2 hours a day every other day

Hey Snuf,

I just started using this bot yesterday. The first two times it worked great. The next couple of times late yesterday evening I kept getting stuck in the bank and had to shut it down because I couldn't get past 1 trip (2 kills). The same thing happened this morning and after messing around with it a bit, I got it to work. Needless to say I was charged for all of the 7 attempts that I had last night/this morning to try get the bot running. I didn't realize I would be charged for a full hour for those. I had to stop/start multiple times because it kept getting stuck in the bank and thought the start/stop would fix it. Here are my logs, the highlighted ones are valid charges. All others I was unable to run a successful session:

View attachment 10097

Sent refund
Feb 21, 2020
Hey mate, the bot is opening crates when I have the option unticked to open crates. it opens them on the way to bank for more food.

pretty frustrating only starting doing it today.

in regards to payment if i run the bot for an hour and a half i get charged for 2 hours regardless?

also with a minute waiting between most games, over the course of 99 firemake thats alot of time doing nothing that we are paying for xD

edit: Bug - was sat at bank withdrawing cakes for an undetermined amount of time. just stood at the bank. status was "withdrawing X cakes". almost 3 hour runtime probably afk for an hour or so.

Edit 2: start of withdrawing cakes (cake value has been replaced by X for peace of mind)
01:44:34 INFO Withdrawing X Cake
02:53:11 DEBUG <- when i stopped the bot.
Last edited:
Aug 23, 2015
Hey mate, the bot is opening crates when I have the option unticked to open crates. it opens them on the way to bank for more food.

pretty frustrating only starting doing it today.

in regards to payment if i run the bot for an hour and a half i get charged for 2 hours regardless?

also with a minute waiting between most games, over the course of 99 firemake thats alot of time doing nothing that we are paying for xD

edit: Bug - was sat at bank withdrawing cakes for an undetermined amount of time. just stood at the bank. status was "withdrawing X cakes". almost 3 hour runtime probably afk for an hour or so.

Edit 2: start of withdrawing cakes (cake value has been replaced by X for peace of mind)
01:44:34 INFO Withdrawing X Cake
02:53:11 DEBUG <- when i stopped the bot.
Significant rewrite being released soon so not going to track down any bugs unless they re-appear after the next release

Regarding payment, yes
See here for more information about how Runemate has structured it's payment systems:
Tutorial - Wallet and Premium Bots FAQ
Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ

Sent you $0.24 for 3h of runtime w/ cake issue
Changes in upcoming edition:
  • Bot has been made faster overall, in addition to the speed increasing features listed below
  • Faster walking to and from bank
  • Faster depositing of items during banking
  • Bruma torch can now be worn instead of having a tinderbox
  • The bot now more accurately calculates what can be done with time remaining to maximize points. This should lead to burn only mode working much better than before
  • Braziers will be fixed MUCH more often - eating is only now only prioritized over fixing braziers when calculated damage is more than current hp
  • Made lighting the brazier at the beginning of the rounds much more reliable
  • Changed the way minimum/maximum food values are set to allow for more flexibility, and the bot will no longer allow you to set a higher minimum food than food to withdraw
  • The bot is now less patient when waiting for a dead pyromancer to be revived (it will switch sides sooner)
  • Bot now forces you to not use the damage-reducing safespot when running in burn only mode
  • Lots of other smaller changes not worth mentioning
  • Lots of code cleanup behind the scenes
I will be pushing the changes to the lite version and removing the time limit for a few days to make sure there are no huge bugs. As long as everything goes smoothly, this version will be updated very soon and the time limit on lite will be re-instated.
Feb 21, 2020
Thanks for the rapid response. Appreciate the credits.

Will we be charged for use during the time that the lite is unrestricted?
Aug 23, 2015
Thanks for the rapid response. Appreciate the credits.

Will we be charged for use during the time that the lite is unrestricted?
No, lite version is free.
Substantially re-written version now available here: Regal Wintertodt Beta Release

Leaving premium version up based on older code until the beta release has been tested enough that I feel comfortable replacing the tried & true premium version with it.

You may get warnings about time limits but they should never take effect. Please try it out & provide feedback if you're available to babysit your bots.
Apr 16, 2018
Significant rewrite being released soon so not going to track down any bugs unless they re-appear after the next release

Regarding payment, yes
See here for more information about how Runemate has structured it's payment systems:
Tutorial - Wallet and Premium Bots FAQ
Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ

Sent you $0.24 for 3h of runtime w/ cake issue
Changes in upcoming edition:
  • Bot has been made faster overall, in addition to the speed increasing features listed below
  • Faster walking to and from bank
  • Faster depositing of items during banking
  • Bruma torch can now be worn instead of having a tinderbox
  • The bot now more accurately calculates what can be done with time remaining to maximize points. This should lead to burn only mode working much better than before
  • Braziers will be fixed MUCH more often - eating is only now only prioritized over fixing braziers when calculated damage is more than current hp
  • Made lighting the brazier at the beginning of the rounds much more reliable
  • Changed the way minimum/maximum food values are set to allow for more flexibility, and the bot will no longer allow you to set a higher minimum food than food to withdraw
  • The bot is now less patient when waiting for a dead pyromancer to be revived (it will switch sides sooner)
  • Bot now forces you to not use the damage-reducing safespot when running in burn only mode
  • Lots of other smaller changes not worth mentioning
  • Lots of code cleanup behind the scenes
I will be pushing the changes to the lite version and removing the time limit for a few days to make sure there are no huge bugs. As long as everything goes smoothly, this version will be updated very soon and the time limit on lite will be re-instated.

Looks awesome, glad you're working on it - will totally update the review I just posted and use the new bot when you push the changes. Very excited.

Going to try out the beta
Using the beta:

still having issues banking and getting back in time for the start of the next round and misses out on the first brazier light. It seems to run back and forth at the door a lot, stands around outside (on the path between the bank and door), misclicks behind the bank and runs all the way there, pauses for a long time, clicks the bank and runs back. Banking itself is also rather slow. Been watching for a few rounds now and it hasn't been able to get back in time for the round start yet, but it does make it quite soon after.

Not having issues getting to 500 pts, been around 700 for the rounds I've seen.

Overall though the clicks are better, when it's feeding the brazier it clicks to light it (when it goes out mid-round) faster than before but still only hits about 50% of the braizer lights (too slow for the others)

As a feature that would be nice, would be fletching at the braizer instead of at the bruma roots, most real players do this and it would allow for the bot to click on the brazier if it goes out or breaks for added points and xp.

Settings I'm using:

intelligent fletching
Chop normally
Don't open crates

I think my account is about to be fucked lol, that's what I get for trying beta bots I guess. I had a good enough experience with it as outlined above, so I left it for 4-5 hours (including the babysat time above) and then just came back to it, character was just standing outside the bank (couple tiles to the south of the spare item trader) and based on the xp and crates I got, was probably sitting there spam clicking the ground for probably 4 of the 5 hours.

So rip account most likely, shouldn't have used one I actually cared about, but that's on me.

Anyway, whatever bug that was 100% needs to be addressed.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Unfortunately there's always some risk when it comes to botting nowadays. Detection is much better than it was around 2008.

I'll be releasing a significant update to this bot in the near future that should change a lot of behavior and help prevent future bans.

Regarding your feedback points, only a couple dozen partial cakes are accumulated to 99, so I'm not convinced it's a real issue. It's not something that I can imagine triggering a ban.

I also don't like the safe tile option. Runemate's interactions have trouble walking there when people drop items (empty jugs) on the tile. I personally don't use it, but a lot of people like to so I leave it in.

The fletching mode does a better job of making the end-of-kill efficient, and will be even better after the upcoming update. Users get confused when there are too many options, which is why it's limited to the point it is.

If you choose to continue botting, I recommend the following guidelines. In my experience bans are very rare following these rules:
  • Avoid botting on brand new accounts or accounts that were dormant for a long time. These are more heavily monitored.
  • If you need to bot one of these accounts, vary the activities a lot or only bot 2-3 hours a day for about a week.
  • Don't have very long and uninterrupted botting sessions. I like to do a maximum of two 4-hour sessions with a 1-2 hour break in between
  • Don't bot the same thing for weeks on end - change it up a little bit
  • Avoid botting agility for more than 2 hours a day every other day

Sent refund
Agility botting ;(
Ban rates overhyped. It's like the 4th most used bot so how can it stay that high if it is banning everyone? xD
Aug 23, 2015
Looks awe

Anyway, whatever bug that was 100% needs to be addressed.
Sorry about the bug, hopefully your account doesn't get banned. I've had several similar scenarios in the past that didn't lead to a ban so there's definitely hope.

Walking is the main thing holding up the next and "full" release of the new version. I agree it's still too slow.

Can you post the logs from your session please so I can look into & fix that bug?
Aug 18, 2018
Hey, would be nice if u make it drop the empty jugs. Alot of unessecary invent space

EDIT: Also doesnt fix the bracier, losing out on alot of cons xp
Last edited:
Mar 25, 2020
Is it possible to make the bot eat up to full hp and finish like the 1/3 or 2/3 of cake
and bank crate after every round or option for it?
I have premium one
Aug 18, 2018
Does first inventory of roots/kindling, then idles til next game. doesnt work

edit: after yday update.
Nov 15, 2018
this question may have been asked before, but does this bot support using the bruma torch as a tinderbox? just wondering.
Jul 21, 2018
There is a little bug
With walking from bank to wt
Gets stuck
since today
I like this script alot good work btw
Sep 30, 2019
A lot of the time bot struggles to get 500 points due to brazier moving and it doesn’t move quick enough. On the plus side it isn’t killing me anymore though which is pretty awesome
Aug 23, 2015
Hey, would be nice if u make it drop the empty jugs. Alot of unessecary invent space

EDIT: Also doesnt fix the bracier, losing out on alot of cons xp

New version fixes the brazier much more often. I don't think it's worth the time to drop jugs since it just means you walk back and forth between the roots and brazier more often, which is only like 4 tiles. Dropping the jugs would probably cost more time than it would save.

Bot is not working, please refund the .4


Is it possible to make the bot eat up to full hp and finish like the 1/3 or 2/3 of cake
and bank crate after every round or option for it?
I have premium one

You can achieve this by setting the food to bank at to a value of 1 less than what you withdraw. This way if you eat 1 food during the kill, you'll go back to the bank.

It eats unfinished cakes first during the kill, but doesn't use them with banking since it would lead to you having less food than intended.

Does first inventory of roots/kindling, then idles til next game. doesnt work

edit: after yday update.

Was probably broken due to update. If you're still having this problem or others I recommend using the Beta version. It'll replace this one shortly.

this question may have been asked before, but does this bot support using the bruma torch as a tinderbox? just wondering.

The beta one does, I can't remember if this one does.

There is a little bug
With walking from bank to wt
Gets stuck
since today
I like this script alot good work btw

Thank you. Walking is improved in the beta version which will replace this one soon, but I think there are also some client issues with walking right now.

A lot of the time bot struggles to get 500 points due to brazier moving and it doesn’t move quick enough. On the plus side it isn’t killing me anymore though which is pretty awesome

The beta version should be faster than this one if you're finding this one is too slow.
Apr 1, 2020
Unfortunately wasted $0.16 on the regular Regal Winterodt before I read this thread. Testing the Beta version now, and so far it seems to actually work, but sadly it's only available for 1 hour :( Only issues I've seen thus far in beta version is that it is often times slow to take action (i.e. move from root/tree to burning, or so pauses between steps when going to/from bank), and sometimes when it banks it runs to the backside of the bank before running to the actual bank chest.
Last edited:
Aug 23, 2015
Unfortunately wasted $0.16 on the regular Regal Winterodt before I read this thread. Testing the Beta version now, and so far it seems to actually work, but sadly it's only available for 1 hour :( Only issues I've seen thus far in beta version is that it is often times slow to take action (i.e. move from root/tree to burning, or so pauses between steps when going to/from bank), and sometimes when it banks it runs to the backside of the bank before running to the actual bank chest.
If you keep running it the limit should never take effect.

On a general announcement note:
Next update will overwrite this version with the beta version (no longer beta) and reinstate the lite/premium restrictions. I've tested it for about 20 hours now and only encountered it getting stuck once (the cause of which is now fixed) so I think it's ready for a full release.

I've noticed an uptick in reported bans from the bot through various mediums. From what I can tell it's still very few bans relative to the amount of time the bot is ran for, and is probably people running inhuman 12-16 hour days, but I want to maintain the nearly banless history of this bot.

For the next update I've made some changes to the behavior of the bot and tested those on new accounts. For those that don't know, brand new accounts (and accounts that come back from being dormant for an extended period) are the most heavily monitored. I've gained several million xp so far between two new accounts with semi-heavy game hours without being banned, so I believe whatever behavior Jagex's botwatch was picking up on has been removed. I'll be monitoring the situation and making further changes if they turn out to be necessary.
Apr 1, 2020
If you keep running it the limit should never take effect.

On a general announcement note:
Next update will overwrite this version with the beta version (no longer beta) and reinstate the lite/premium restrictions. I've tested it for about 20 hours now and only encountered it getting stuck once (the cause of which is now fixed) so I think it's ready for a full release.

I've noticed an uptick in reported bans from the bot through various mediums. From what I can tell it's still very few bans relative to the amount of time the bot is ran for, and is probably people running inhuman 12-16 hour days, but I want to maintain the nearly banless history of this bot.

For the next update I've made some changes to the behavior of the bot and tested those on new accounts. For those that don't know, brand new accounts (and accounts that come back from being dormant for an extended period) are the most heavily monitored. I've gained several million xp so far between two new accounts with semi-heavy game hours without being banned, so I believe whatever behavior Jagex's botwatch was picking up on has been removed. I'll be monitoring the situation and making further changes if they turn out to be necessary.

Dope! Looking forward to the update :)
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