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Regal Wintertodt [Deleted]

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Feb 25, 2019
use this bot, it runs back and forth and if someone doesn't revive the mage it doens't allow you to move to a different area. in fact it randomly picks and area when the bot starts and unable to move from that spot. as long as youre within 10 spaces to the wood or alter it should be a fine spot. Its very annoying when the bots taking over the controls running back to where youre moving away from as the ticker is going down, needing to pause the bot just to do it manually or lose a lot of FM exp standing there until next game.
otherwise the bot works nicely, particularly the health eater is very good if you're ironman. Pausing the script to do it manually.. shortly after i died on my hardcore iron man when it wasn't resumed and i remained there.
Sep 23, 2017
Just got banned after running this for a total of 6.5~ hours, not sure if the account got flagged prior or something but I haven't botted anything but this 6 hours yesterday and 50 minutes into this run. prior to that I haven't botted in over a week.

I love the bot but I'm wondering if anyone else has had any issues.

i botted from 55 to 99 no break handler atleast 12hrs at a time sometimes more everyday got 99 in less then week no ban
Dec 17, 2019
It says we're out of cakes, even though there are enough in the bank. Anyone else having this issue?
Jan 6, 2020
Not sure if this has been brought to your attention yet or not but I noticed a bug where the bot doesn't want to bank my mahogany seeds (also teak seeds) when I get them as a reward. So far I've caught it everytime, paused the bot, and kept everything running smoothly. Great script.
Last edited:
Jan 12, 2020
The bot was doing pretty good, got me about 60kc so i decided to run it on multiple accounts when i went to run errands... The bot got me killed and I lost A LOT including my fire cape!! Not only that but it got 0 crates today and ran for 5 hours! That means i was charged for 5 hours of bot use for a bot that killed me and then just continued to run like nothing happened. I am absolutely willing to send the logs. I would like a refund for the hours I was charged when all the bot did was kill me and lose all my stuff. I will be leaving a 1 star review as well if i can not get in contact with the owner regarding this first. (I don't want to be a dick and just post a 1 star review out of anger I want this resolved). Thank you.
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015

Was working fine for me 12 hours ago, but now when I try to run it, I enter my settings, select my food and the bot stops, saying I don't have any of my chosen food, when I do in the very first tab at the top of the bank.



00:00:00 INFO    Welcome to Regal Wintertodt!  Please select your desired settings.
00:00:00 DEBUG    Skill FIREMAKING loaded from resources...
00:00:00 DEBUG    Skill FLETCHING loaded from resources...
00:00:00 DEBUG    Skill WOODCUTTING loaded from resources...
00:00:00 WARN    Adding stop time listeners
00:00:03 INFO    Using food Saradomin brew(4)
00:00:03 DEBUG    We have [redacted]max health.  We will next eat at 60
00:00:03 INFO    Depositing unnecessary items
00:00:03 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [12, 35] on the first attempt.
00:00:04 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Members object, quantity: 1, index: 1,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:00:04 DEBUG    Hovered MenuItem{5 : "Deposit-All" : "Saradomin brew(4)" : InterfaceComponent [15, 3, 1]} on the first attempt.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [12, 27] on the first attempt.
00:00:05 INFO    Withdrawing 7 Saradomin brew(4)
00:00:05 SEVERE    We are out of Saradomin brew(4)
00:00:05 INFO    We are out of Saradomin brew(4)
Aug 23, 2015
i agree the actions are very slow like when wintertodt is dead takes ages to exit and bank and come back in alot of the time u miss the bonus xp for starting the fire blazier and i also have to use flectching mode as burn only is just a waste of time rarley get 500 pnts better xp rate using fletching i find
also when you enter it should run directly to fire blazier thing instead of stoppig in the middle then clicking next to blazier providing you have equipment. you should also be able to set the eat when health is low should change from like 30-90

also the food to withdraw input menu should be editble so you can just put how manny you want ...and miniumum food before banking goes up in 12345 then straight to 8 that should also be editible or just a simple 1-10 option ect...

One way to speed up exiting is to not open crates. I'll be pushing an update shortly with faster pathing to speed up the banking process.

New update should also make burn only mode work better.

The minimum health of 40% is deliberate so that people with 10hp can't set it to a value where they will get frequently 1 hit. It is already possible if they don't have warm clothing on or they get unlucky with unlit brazliers + a low fm level.

I'll look into changing the way food quantities are input. I don't really like using text fields but I might swap it to sliders.


lost hours :|

i was acually just waiting for another game and then the error occured

Let me know how many you lost and I'll send over a refund.

Just got banned after running this for a total of 6.5~ hours, not sure if the account got flagged prior or something but I haven't botted anything but this 6 hours yesterday and 50 minutes into this run. prior to that I haven't botted in over a week.

I love the bot but I'm wondering if anyone else has had any issues.

Sorry to hear that. For future use, I've found from personal experience that new accounts and accounts that were recently dormant are more heavily watched.

since rs update it wont run. lost 2 hours . it just stands there after the update.

2h refunded.

use this bot, it runs back and forth and if someone doesn't revive the mage it doens't allow you to move to a different area. in fact it randomly picks and area when the bot starts and unable to move from that spot. as long as youre within 10 spaces to the wood or alter it should be a fine spot. Its very annoying when the bots taking over the controls running back to where youre moving away from as the ticker is going down, needing to pause the bot just to do it manually or lose a lot of FM exp standing there until next game.
otherwise the bot works nicely, particularly the health eater is very good if you're ironman. Pausing the script to do it manually.. shortly after i died on my hardcore iron man when it wasn't resumed and i remained there.

I recommend just letting the bot do its thing. It's programmed to try to emulate a player, and pausing in an attempt to force it to behave a certain way will have unexpected effects (as you found out).

It says we're out of cakes, even though there are enough in the bank. Anyone else having this issue?

Next update will check multiple times that you're out of food before stopping to prevent stoppage due to false negatives received from the client.

Not sure if this has been brought to your attention yet or not but I noticed a bug where the bot doesn't want to bank my mahogany seeds (also teak seeds) when I get them as a reward. So far I've caught it everytime, paused the bot, and kept everything running smoothly. Great script.

I've reviewed the code and can't find a cause of this. Please let me know if it happens again so we can dig a bit deeper.

Hey I can't find how to get limitless version of this, could you please share a link or discription how to set this up?

This is the limitless version. I'm not sure where your confusion is coming from. Please let me know if you're still having issues.

The bot was doing pretty good, got me about 60kc so i decided to run it on multiple accounts when i went to run errands... The bot got me killed and I lost A LOT including my fire cape!! Not only that but it got 0 crates today and ran for 5 hours! That means i was charged for 5 hours of bot use for a bot that killed me and then just continued to run like nothing happened. I am absolutely willing to send the logs. I would like a refund for the hours I was charged when all the bot did was kill me and lose all my stuff. I will be leaving a 1 star review as well if i can not get in contact with the owner regarding this first. (I don't want to be a dick and just post a 1 star review out of anger I want this resolved). Thank you.

Refund sent. Sorry for your poor experience, if you would like me to, logs being posted would allow me to look into it further. I recommend always wearing a ring of life while using bots that involve combat.

is there any chance this will be getting a update soon?

Yes I have an update mostly written, should be out soon.

View attachment 10037
Banned :( ran for 2 days of roughly 3 hours each, even paid for premium.
Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately while I've found this bot to be pretty safe, botting just isn't like it used to be 10yrs ago, and always comes with a risk. I've particularly found that new or recently dormant accounts are more likely to see bans.


Was working fine for me 12 hours ago, but now when I try to run it, I enter my settings, select my food and the bot stops, saying I don't have any of my chosen food, when I do in the very first tab at the top of the bank.

Next update will check multiple times that you're out of food before stopping to prevent stoppage due to false negatives received from the client.
Jan 16, 2020
First of all, this bot is amazing. It does everything is states.

The issue im having is not related to the bot directly, but to the payment. For some reason, it is charging me almost double the amount per hour. The bot states $.08/h however I've only been using the bot for maybe 2-3hrs on and off and its charged me for 7hrs. Can you please shed some light on this?




Last edited:
Aug 23, 2015
First of all, this bot is amazing. It does everything is states.

The issue im having is not related to the bot directly, but to the payment. For some reason, it is charging me almost double the amount per hour. The bot states $.08/h however I've only been using the bot for maybe 2-3hrs on and off and its charged me for 7hrs. Can you please shed some light on this?




Runemate charges each time you start a bot & then at each hour mark from that point forward. I have no control over that
Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ
Tutorial - Wallet and Premium Bots FAQ

Sent you 4h refund, LMK if you have any more questions
Mar 7, 2019
Hey snufalufugus, i know youre a busy person but i was wondering if you could take a look at my recent (12:16 pm est. 2/6/2020) use of you wintertodt bot. I accidentally closed out of my osrs clients which stopped the bot @ about 4mins if I'm not mistaken. This is completely my error but I was hoping you could find it in your wallet to refund me 1hr of your wintertodt bot. I obviously plan to use it more, but it would be nice to have that 8 cents back lol. Thanks for the consideration! - murcid1

- EDIT: corrected some mistakes in spelling and grammer.
hey snufalufugus its me again. i tried using your timer option to only do 4 hours of wintertodt. i just got back on and its been running for 9 and a half hours!! im out 0.40 credits! please help me. should i continue to use the timer option? thanks for reading - murcid1
Aug 23, 2015
Hey snufalufugus, i know youre a busy person but i was wondering if you could take a look at my recent (12:16 pm est. 2/6/2020) use of you wintertodt bot. I accidentally closed out of my osrs clients which stopped the bot @ about 4mins if I'm not mistaken. This is completely my error but I was hoping you could find it in your wallet to refund me 1hr of your wintertodt bot. I obviously plan to use it more, but it would be nice to have that 8 cents back lol. Thanks for the consideration! - murcid1

- EDIT: corrected some mistakes in spelling and grammer.
hey snufalufugus its me again. i tried using your timer option to only do 4 hours of wintertodt. i just got back on and its been running for 9 and a half hours!! im out 0.40 credits! please help me. should i continue to use the timer option? thanks for reading - murcid1
Refunded 0.48.

Can you post logs from where the stop timer option was being used?
Feb 8, 2020
This bot got my account permanently banned, and on the first offense too! I'm positive this is the case because it's the only bot I've used on this account. Here is my story...

I decided to start playing OSRS again a week or two ago after a very long break. I created a new account, and started following OzirisRS's Iron Man v3 guide. I played all the way up to the Wintertodt section, and quickly realized how long it was going to take. I looked around and found Regal, so I decided to test the free version. I watched it the whole hour just to make sure I knew how it would run. After that, I bought $5 in credit and switched to the paid. IMO, there are several obvious issues that can result in detection and ban:

First, support for using Cakes for food is not great. It will eat the cakes in your inventory, but if you have any partial when it banks, it will deposit those and withdraw new whole cakes. This results in a bunch of partially eaten cakes in the bank. Definitely not human like...

Second, using the 'safe' tile was another bad experience. The bot clicks near the tree, walks over, the clicks the safe spot, walks over, and starts chopping. This is pretty obvious bot behavior if Jagex is watching your account.

Third, this one is more like general feedback, and probably didn't contribute to the ban. Using 'Intelligent' Fletching is not really that intelligent. The bot fletches and feeds the whole time, until the Wintertodt gets to about 10-12% and then it will stop Fletching and go feed even if you still have logs. I get that it's trying to maximize your total points by feeding what you have left before the round ends, but you should definitely add some customization options here. One for only fletch below 500, one for fletch X number of logs, ect.

All in all, I'm out the $11 for members, the $3 worth of RuneMate credit I used on this bot, and all the time it's going to take me to get a new account back to this point. I'm incredibly disappointed, and definitely frustrated about this situation.
Aug 11, 2019
Hey Snuf,

I just started using this bot yesterday. The first two times it worked great. The next couple of times late yesterday evening I kept getting stuck in the bank and had to shut it down because I couldn't get past 1 trip (2 kills). The same thing happened this morning and after messing around with it a bit, I got it to work. Needless to say I was charged for all of the 7 attempts that I had last night/this morning to try get the bot running. I didn't realize I would be charged for a full hour for those. I had to stop/start multiple times because it kept getting stuck in the bank and thought the start/stop would fix it. Here are my logs, the highlighted ones are valid charges. All others I was unable to run a successful session:

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