Hey i'm not here to report any bugs because it runs without bugs but i do notice how slow it goes. it takes about 30 seconds to do each task. sometimes more soemtimes less. Like mining the mine rock fall to get to the correct passage. Or it will stand there for some seconds till it walks to bank or deposites minerals. Is this because its part of a anti ban thing or just the way the bot works? if so is there anyway to make the task go a little bit faster set of standing there for seconds? Other than that its amazing bot. 
-Edited: I was looking through it again and i noticed its also slow at mining new viens when it pops up. I dont know if its just my bot or what, but it stands there for some seconds and then it mines new minerals set of instantly mining them when they pop up.
-Edited: I was looking through it again and i noticed its also slow at mining new viens when it pops up. I dont know if its just my bot or what, but it stands there for some seconds and then it mines new minerals set of instantly mining them when they pop up.