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Regal Crafting [Deleted]

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Apr 10, 2017
hmmmm.... what are you trying to craft so I can recreate the issue, I have successfully made 7 of the 8 glass items without issue ( I don't have level for light orbs :( ) If I can recreate the bug I could put a fix in place
unpowered orbs
Nov 21, 2016

Thank you, I will try to figure out what is causing this issue, I normally don't have an issue and I did all the intial testing at this location... Please be patient, it will be a few days to a week before I can push an update, I don't have access to my computer with the source code at present
Apr 10, 2017
Thank you, I will try to figure out what is causing this issue, I normally don't have an issue and I did all the intial testing at this location... Please be patient, it will be a few days to a week before I can push an update, I don't have access to my computer with the source code at present
I just reloaded runemate and re-opened a new client instance and it seems to work fine now. However it does still select the glassblowing pipe while it makes orbs, so when it goes to bank it uses the pipe on the banker. I
Nov 21, 2016
I just reloaded runemate and re-opened a new client instance and it seems to work fine now. However it does still select the glassblowing pipe while it makes orbs, so when it goes to bank it uses the pipe on the banker. I

okay, that is a bug I been trying to resolve, it tends to fail a check that it shouldn't be failing, I will look into why this happening
Oct 9, 2016
Would you please add snakeskin armour when you select the "leather" option?

If you could, please make it so that you can have all snakeskins noted near a bank. Since a piece takes 5+ snakeskins, it would be better this way as you would only need to use the notes on the banker to unnote them. It would also be faster. After making some pieces, bank and repeat.

Overall I really love this script, best crafting script <3
Nov 21, 2016
Would you please add snakeskin armour when you select the "leather" option?

If you could, please make it so that you can have all snakeskins noted near a bank. Since a piece takes 5+ snakeskins, it would be better this way as you would only need to use the notes on the banker to unnote them. It would also be faster. After making some pieces, bank and repeat.

Overall I really love this script, best crafting script <3

Thank you, as soon as I have access to my computer with source code, I will see what I can do to add snakeskin support, as for the banking, ill have to play around with it for a while to do the noted method, with regular banking as needed, at present looking at about a week for an update

Once I'm able to do the work and this support I will give an update post here to let you and others know that there is a few minor bug fixes, and the snakeskin addition
Just an update, I will be working on a Large update to be pushed by end of tomorrow or early Tuesday. Will have multiple minor bug fixes, more updates to playersense, efficiency fixes.

If you are submitting the error report logs, with the submit button on pop-up, please make sure you post here with what you were doing when it happened so that I can recreate the issue for resolution, I know the recent update did break a few things within my code, and all will be addressed, but I can fix a bug if it is not reported here on thread alongside the logs that are submitted.

Thank you for the patience
May 28, 2017
hey i dont know if im doing something wrong but everytime after it crafts a leather vamps or just in general it doesnt deposite it. It just crafts the vamps i was making and then tries to withdraw more leather set of depositing first. Am i the only one with this problem?
Nov 21, 2016
hey i dont know if im doing something wrong but everytime after it crafts a leather vamps or just in general it doesnt deposite it. It just crafts the vamps i was making and then tries to withdraw more leather set of depositing first. Am i the only one with this problem?
Could you post the log file please, do have a large update planned for tomorrow/early tuesday
some minor bug fixes to prevent NPE
a few efficiency adjustments

SnakeSkin Leather support
Improved efficiency
improved anti-ban
more Playersensing
Item made hot swapping support
(you can change items to be made while running bot)

**This bot will become a premium bot**
estimated charge of .05/hr
May or may not do a trial/lite version (TBD)
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Nov 21, 2016
Dark sage updated Illuminati AIO Crafter with a new update entry:

Illuminati AIO Crafter v0.0.88 Released!

Illuminati AIO Crafter updated to v0.0.88.

Read the rest of this update entry...
**Update in queue V0.0.91**
SnakeSkin Leather support (banking method is beta)
Improved efficiency
improved anti-ban
more Playersensing
Item made hot swapping support
(you can change items to be made while running bot)
Added a placeholder banking method as to allow for spots to be reserved on re-up supplies

**Future Updates**
New and improved User Interface
Hot swapping items fixes
Snakeskin, banking modications
any potential bugs that may arise between now and next update
**Premium version coming soon**
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Nov 21, 2016
Dark sage updated Illuminati AIO Crafter with a new update entry:

Illuminati AIO Crafter v0.0.91 Released!

Illuminati AIO Crafter updated to v0.0.91.

Read the rest of this update entry...
**Update V0.1.0 is in the works**
Multiple NPE fixes
New UI - will allow for a 1 item queue system --
Queue, once bot has been started you will be able to select an item to make once you run out of an item for intial selection
Will require the start Button to be pressed to start bot (must have item to be made, and location if applicable selected before starting)
the Update Button (may be renamed to queue) will allow you set a second item to be made
Efficiency Improvements
Snakeskin Banking to be fixed completely
any item interaction bugs will be fixed
All banking methods that currently cause an error, will be resolved
Estimated to be in queue by end of this weekend (or Monday)

I do appreciate you patience with me getting this bot working to its full potential
After this update it will still be free to use, until there has been time to discover any new bugs

After this there will be a Premium and Trial versions
Premium will have all item support
Trial will be restricted to X hours daily/weekly
Oct 9, 2016
Dark sage updated Illuminati AIO Crafter with a new update entry:

Illuminati AIO Crafter v0.0.91 Released!

Read the rest of this update entry...
**Update V0.1.0 is in the works**
Multiple NPE fixes
New UI - will allow for a 1 item queue system --
Queue, once bot has been started you will be able to select an item to make once you run out of an item for intial selection
Will require the start Button to be pressed to start bot (must have item to be made, and location if applicable selected before starting)
the Update Button (may be renamed to queue) will allow you set a second item to be made
Efficiency Improvements
Snakeskin Banking to be fixed completely
any item interaction bugs will be fixed
All banking methods that currently cause an error, will be resolved
Estimated to be in queue by end of this weekend (or Monday)

I do appreciate you patience with me getting this bot working to its full potential
After this update it will still be free to use, until there has been time to discover any new bugs

After this there will be a Premium and Trial versions
Premium will have all item support
Trial will be restricted to X hours daily/weekly

Thanks for making snakeskin a viable option. There is a bug however, when I try to make snakeskin chaps it will make 3-4 max, before shutting itself down - an error pops up. 1st bag will have enough snakeskins for 2 chaps, the 2nd bag for 1 and this is when it shuts itself down. An in-game message pops up saying there is not enough snakeskins left to make another chaps, and I think this causes the bot to break.

Please look into it sir :) And thanks for listening to us <3
Nov 21, 2016
Thanks for making snakeskin a viable option. There is a bug however, when I try to make snakeskin chaps it will make 3-4 max, before shutting itself down - an error pops up. 1st bag will have enough snakeskins for 2 chaps, the 2nd bag for 1 and this is when it shuts itself down. An in-game message pops up saying there is not enough snakeskins left to make another chaps, and I think this causes the bot to break.

Please look into it sir :) And thanks for listening to us <3

Thanks for the feedback, I'm aware there are a few bugs with its banking method, which should be completely worked out by end of this weekend for its next update. Again I appreciate your patience while I get this bot fixed
Nov 21, 2016
this do not work

1. that gives me 0 information to work off of to fix this
2. what is not working
3. log files


5. post information for me to know what your issue is assuming I am not aware of the issue
Oct 9, 2016
Does not work. When I click start, it doesn't do anything. I wanted to make emerald rings in phasmaty, but it would just stand there without doing anything, same in edgeville.
Nov 21, 2016
Does not work. When I click start, it doesn't do anything. I wanted to make emerald rings in phasmaty, but it would just stand there without doing anything, same in edgeville.

Thanks for informing me :) This bug I discovered when working on the update that is in queue for release. It will bring jewelry fixes, leather, glass and battlestaff fixes, along with multiple clouse misclick failsafes. A newer and cleaner UI that's easier to use
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