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Regal Crafting [Deleted]

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Apr 10, 2017
Making glass orbs. Clicks on blow pipe and doesn't click on molten glass.


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Mar 20, 2017
Tested new update on D'hide bodies. It wouldn't even work before the update, but it is working now. Currently about 1/2 the time the bot gets stuck clicking the needle.

For D'hide bodies it uses the 'make x' option and types in 26. All you need to do is to use the option 'make 10' and it will use all the leather in the inventory.

Really promising bot but and excited to see you keep working on it.
Nov 21, 2016
Making glass orbs. Clicks on blow pipe and doesn't click on molten glass.
"Orbs" or the "Dorgeshuun orbs" ? may be a simple typo in my part

Tested new update on D'hide bodies. It wouldn't even work before the update, but it is working now. Currently about 1/2 the time the bot gets stuck clicking the needle.

For D'hide bodies it uses the 'make x' option and types in 26. All you need to do is to use the option 'make 10' and it will use all the leather in the inventory.

Really promising bot but and excited to see you keep working on it.

will try to recreate the issue on clicking needle to leather, could be playersense issue, make 10 works for bodies but not vambs and legs, I will look into adjusting that for next push
Apr 10, 2017
"Orbs" or the "Dorgeshuun orbs" ? may be a simple typo in my part

will try to recreate the issue on clicking needle to leather, could be playersense issue, make 10 works for bodies but not vambs and legs, I will look into adjusting that for next push
Unpowered orb
Nov 21, 2016
I believe he is referring to the actual glassblowing pipe not interacting with the molten glass to open the interface.

Yes, i realized that afterwards gonna work on fixing it and pushing an update today
Making glass orbs. Clicks on blow pipe and doesn't click on molten glass.

could you check the loggin level in the settings of RM client? if is not at trace could you put it to trace logging, run it for at least 5 seconds then send me the logs again please. I would like to see your playersense values, so that I can resolve the issue
@nigerson if you can load the glass making with orbs, with trace logging set, I just need to see one line in logger "00:00:00 TRACE [PlayerSense] Parsed PSElement "dark_reaction_time" with opcode 0 and value XXX"
V 0.0.7 in queue, fixes the orb making issues, should reduce amount of misclicks, also modified some delay timer issues
Feb 7, 2017
When I start at the edgeville bank the bot runs to the side opposite the furnace, more towards barbarian village? Not sure why this would be happening or if i'm doing something wrong in the setup?
Nov 21, 2016
When I start at the edgeville bank the bot runs to the side opposite the furnace, more towards barbarian village? Not sure why this would be happening or if i'm doing something wrong in the setup?

could you post the logs please?

EDIT -- also be sure that you are setting the location choice box
V 0.0.8 is in queue -- This update brings the BattleStaff support , a few other minor fixes, regarding the location support -> If location is not set within 2 minutes of starting the bot for jewelry crafting, it will stop the bot rather then walk to wrong location
Feb 7, 2017
could you post the logs please?

EDIT -- also be sure that you are setting the location choice box
V 0.0.8 is in queue -- This update brings the BattleStaff support , a few other minor fixes, regarding the location support -> If location is not set within 2 minutes of starting the bot for jewelry crafting, it will stop the bot rather then walk to wrong location
How do I go about doing that?
Nov 21, 2016
On the UI, there is a choice box that populates when you choose jewelry e.g. gem, type, and location, may need to scroll to right on UI if it doesn't show when it initially loads up the choice boxes
If you are refering to log file on the runemate client go to help > view logs
Then use upload file to upload it to forum so i can review the logs.. Be sure to only load ones labeled as Illuminati AIO Crafter
Mar 20, 2017
Will give this another go in the next day or so and give you any feedback on d'hide again.
Feb 7, 2017
On the UI, there is a choice box that populates when you choose jewelry e.g. gem, type, and location, may need to scroll to right on UI if it doesn't show when it initially loads up the choice boxes
If you are refering to log file on the runemate client go to help > view logs
Then use upload file to upload it to forum so i can review the logs.. Be sure to only load ones labeled as Illuminati AIO Crafter
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:09 INFO check area
00:00:09 INFO check area
00:00:09 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:09 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:18 INFO check area
00:00:18 INFO check area
00:00:18 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:18 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:09 INFO check area
00:00:09 INFO check area
00:00:09 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:09 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:18 INFO check area
00:00:18 INFO check area
00:00:18 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:18 INFO inv doesnt have items
The inventory has a mold and the necessary jewelry items when the bot is started.
Nov 21, 2016
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:09 INFO check area
00:00:09 INFO check area
00:00:09 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:09 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:18 INFO check area
00:00:18 INFO check area
00:00:18 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:00:18 INFO inv doesnt have items

The inventory has a mold and the necessary jewelry items when the bot is started.

that is interesting, the logs seem to be incomplete for some reason. You are not required to start with with any items in your inventory on start up. The bot should be logging more information then this even if it has the items or not, which is quite strange, What area are you trying to craft in, and what are you trying to make?
Feb 7, 2017
that is interesting, the logs seem to be incomplete for some reason. You are not required to start with with any items in your inventory on start up. The bot should be logging more information then this even if it has the items or not, which is quite strange, What area are you trying to craft in, and what are you trying to make?
Attempting to do jade amulets in edgeville. I have silver bars, jades, and moulds in the bank. If there is anything else I can provide to help please let me know.
Nov 21, 2016
Attempting to do jade amulets in edgeville. I have silver bars, jades, and moulds in the bank. If there is anything else I can provide to help please let me know.

okay, can you post logs with you running without items in the invent. on start please. The first set you showed were lacking loggers that should be there wether you have items or not, which is quite strange
Okay @ziplock1738 ... Once the UI is setup , what do you see in the game client itself, before you stop bot?? that way I can attempt to resolve this... The loggers are lacking the pertinent information I need to attempt to re-create the issue
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