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Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA

Sep 15, 2023
Not if this is the best place to comment this, apologies if this should go somewhere else...

I'd like to start by saying the bot is awesome! I've been really blown away by how well it performs.
One issue I have noticed though, and it doesn't happen often, is on occasion, during Sunlight Antelope rumors, the bot will idle out on 'cutting tree for logs'. Not sure what causes it happen, but I'm happy to help where I can!
latest update should address this, pitfalls are currently the weakest tasks. I do have plans to do more with them but they are low on priority atm.
Jan 18, 2018
Something I've found recently which I haven't noticed before - when hunting chins the bot will just stand there and not loot caught traps and let them fall before reassembling them
Sep 15, 2023
Something I've found recently which I haven't noticed before - when hunting chins the bot will just stand there and not loot caught traps and let them fall before reassembling them
ahh yeah this is a reoccuring issue. restart runelite. if it persists. pause the bot and teleport away from the scene ur currently in then either walk back or let it path back. this should refresh the gameobject listener. As it's not picking up game object events when the box trap changes state.
Jan 18, 2018
ahh yeah this is a reoccuring issue. restart runelite. if it persists. pause the bot and teleport away from the scene ur currently in then either walk back or let it path back. this should refresh the gameobject listener. As it's not picking up game object events when the box trap changes state.
Thank you! It is very rare but I have noticed it. Thought I'd let you know in case it hadn't been reported
Dec 6, 2020
When hunting moonlight antelopes, it gets stuck trying to "reset inventory".

It does this without fail once:
1. it's filled the meat and fur pouches
2. Drops half an inventory of furs/meats for inv
3. Picks up 3 logs
4. Stops

double checked all settings, correct pouches selected, open or closed, it gets stuck. It happens every single moonlight antelope task without fail unless the rare part is found prior to the above conditions.

It also gets stuck in a loop trying to get to red chinchompas, where it'll go to your POH Fairy Ring, and put AJS instead of AKS, it'll then tab back home and repeat it. This is less common and doesnt always happen, probably 1/5 red chin rumours.

Fantastic script nonetheless.
Sep 15, 2023
When hunting moonlight antelopes, it gets stuck trying to "reset inventory".

It does this without fail once:
1. it's filled the meat and fur pouches
2. Drops half an inventory of furs/meats for inv
3. Picks up 3 logs
4. Stops

double checked all settings, correct pouches selected, open or closed, it gets stuck. It happens every single moonlight antelope task without fail unless the rare part is found prior to the above conditions.

It also gets stuck in a loop trying to get to red chinchompas, where it'll go to your POH Fairy Ring, and put AJS instead of AKS, it'll then tab back home and repeat it. This is less common and doesnt always happen, probably 1/5 red chin rumours.

Fantastic script nonetheless.
cheers for report, moonlight antelopes is the only task banking is hard coded into currently because the loot is super valuable. Looking into what's causing it to fail banking currently.
Jan 17, 2018
Hi Chall thanks for the bot! Just a heads up - I'm currently getting an error when starting the bot saying that the Main class of the bot could not be initialized (null). happening both on my macbook and windows pc
Sep 15, 2023
Hi Chall thanks for the bot! Just a heads up - I'm currently getting an error when starting the bot saying that the Main class of the bot could not be initialized (null). happening both on my macbook and windows pc
hey mate new update should be out shortly to address this
Jan 17, 2018
Thanks for the quick update, it seems like the bot runs now but then doesn't actually do anything once configured and started, it just checks the rumour, opens the bank and then gets stuck on withdrawing items
Sep 15, 2023
Thanks for the quick update, it seems like the bot runs now but then doesn't actually do anything once configured and started, it just checks the rumour, opens the bank and then gets stuck on withdrawing items
Looking into this now, meat pouch fur pouch whistle and huntsman kit in inventory should bypass this check. Will post when figured it out,
Jan 17, 2018
Looking into this now, meat pouch fur pouch whistle and huntsman kit in inventory should bypass this check. Will post when figured it out,
Yep I've only just got the hunstman kit and dont have the furs for the pouches yet. If I withdraw all the items (teasing stick, knife, axe, food specified) then it'll run until the next inventory reset. Now that I have the huntsman kit, it still doesn't work and fails on the equipment withdrawal check, but I'll post if anything changes when I can craft the pouches
Dec 9, 2023
It's insane. This is not a BETA, this is absolute peak times work. It gets the job done so clean and quickly, join the discord to find out how to basicly 'abuse' it.
It also get a shit ton of prayer xp and some herbs, which made hunter into the best herb/prayer long term method for ironman.
I love you, thanks for existing
Feb 25, 2024
What item is this that's needed for the farm runs?
07:54:33,00:00:46 [WARN ] [Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA] [ FarmingItemManager] Item: ^ $
07:54:33,00:00:46 [INFO ] [Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA] [ RuneMate] Farm runs has been disabled due to missing items in bank
07:54:33,00:00:46 [INFO ] [Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA] [ RuneMate] Missing items ([^ $])
if it's gp i have gp in my bank but it's not grabbing it. i don't have magic sec but that doesn't seem to be the problem, unless ^ $ means secs
Sep 15, 2023
What item is this that's needed for the farm runs?
07:54:33,00:00:46 [WARN ] [Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA] [ FarmingItemManager] Item: ^ $
07:54:33,00:00:46 [INFO ] [Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA] [ RuneMate] Farm runs has been disabled due to missing items in bank
07:54:33,00:00:46 [INFO ] [Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA] [ RuneMate] Missing items ([^ $])
if it's gp i have gp in my bank but it's not grabbing it. i don't have magic sec but that doesn't seem to be the problem, unless ^ $ means secs
ths is likely extra space at end where u are typing in the seeds