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Qve Waterfiends [Deleted]

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Nov 4, 2016
Hi, thank you for the nice scripts. This script sometimes accidentally equips the games necklase and stops working. Please fix this. Also, the script is kinda slow in some situations. For example, when clicking attack or when teleporting to bank.
May 18, 2016
Still keeps getting stuck on ledge instead of moving camera to find it. Done this 4/5 times in a row so I am going to pause using this bot until that gets fixed. Too easy to get noticed as a bot if all you do is sit on the ledge and not go down to the waterfiends.
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
Hi, thank you for the nice scripts. This script sometimes accidentally equips the games necklase and stops working. Please fix this. Also, the script is kinda slow in some situations. For example, when clicking attack or when teleporting to bank.
That is computer related, i don't have problems with this

Still keeps getting stuck on ledge instead of moving camera to find it. Done this 4/5 times in a row so I am going to pause using this bot until that gets fixed. Too easy to get noticed as a bot if all you do is sit on the ledge and not go down to the waterfiends.
Hey do me a favor and post a picture of your client when you try running it
Sep 22, 2015
Damn users help more than I do, sorry guys, i don't get basicly any notifications from this thread. Please make me a list what needs to be done, i'd be happy to see if someone of you can do that from me, cause i barely got time. Thanks guys!

@Squidl @Connorjuice
Nov 15, 2015
Damn users help more than I do, sorry guys, i don't get basicly any notifications from this thread. Please make me a list what needs to be done, i'd be happy to see if someone of you can do that from me, cause i barely got time. Thanks guys!

@Squidl @Connorjuice

People claiming its a little slow, but it's definitely on their side, either them setting up their interface wrong or their computer being slow.

Somebody mentioned the bot accidentally equipping the games necklace which is a problem which has happened to me before, but its a rare occurrence, so if you get a chance perhaps you could make it check if it has a games necklace worn.
Sep 22, 2015
People claiming its a little slow, but it's definitely on their side, either them setting up their interface wrong or their computer being slow.

Somebody mentioned the bot accidentally equipping the games necklace which is a problem which has happened to me before, but its a rare occurrence, so if you get a chance perhaps you could make it check if it has a games necklace worn.
For me it was attacking quickly, i think it's pc causing the slowness. Using games necklace when worn is fixed thanks. Anything more?
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
Damn users help more than I do, sorry guys, i don't get basicly any notifications from this thread. Please make me a list what needs to be done, i'd be happy to see if someone of you can do that from me, cause i barely got time. Thanks guys!

@Squidl @Connorjuice
I gave you my little suggestion to you in skype :p

Happy to help
Sep 12, 2016
Hey qverkk, used the bot for around 8 hours yesterday it's really good for xp/charms, so thanks! Some problems I faced :
  1. The time it takes to rub games necklace and select barb outpost is too long. It also teleported me to the corp beast location and the bot got stuck. ( Happened only once though ).
  2. If the loot location is behind the inventory/mini map, it takes a long time to figure this out while it just clicks an empty space in the inventory until I rotate the camera. So try to add some more camera rotation to fix this.
  3. Instead of attacking the closest water fiend, sometimes it tries to fight the one which is across the river so it wastes a lot of time walking all the way there.
Hope the feedback helps you man. Thanks again!
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