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Qve AbyssCamper [Deleted]

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Sep 22, 2015
qverkk submitted a new resource:

Qve AbyssCamper - Gets massive experience in combat skills.

Afks in abyss for insane experience. Supports magic, ranged and melee.

Uses abilities for melee and ranged. For magic it's designed to use legacy mode + ancient spells, but you can enable revolution++ so it will automaticly trigger threshold and ultimate abilities.

Guide :
Start in abyss
Set start and reset positions
Enable ability cooldown text

Read more about this resource...
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Sep 22, 2015
I would love to try this with ranged how does it work any setup ?
For ranged it's best to have ss, blood necklace, some chinchompas and an offhand cbow or something, with arma, didnt try this out yet
@hater123 do you have ss on your ability bar on a keybing from 1-0 or a-Z?
Jan 19, 2017
Is there anything you can provide, like logs/screenshots etc that show the script working/potential xp rates?
Oct 5, 2016
Not drinking pray potion 4 , or super restore flask 6.
I'm using blood fury + sara godsword , no soulsplit.
Doesn't seem to use sara godsword spec to heal either.

I'll wait to hear back on whether or not this can be fixed before review , thanks!!

After runemate update , it seems to be working better , but it's still glitchy.
Ran out of pray twice , had to manually sip and re-activate pray

Isn't sticking to tile and re-agro's too often lol
Does work though!
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Nov 25, 2016
Ran for about 10 min and it tried to reset spot about 4-5x. I think something is off with that?
Sep 22, 2015
Ran for about 10 min and it tried to reset spot about 4-5x. I think something is off with that?
Maybe someone crashed u or u had slow internet
Not drinking pray potion 4 , or super restore flask 6.
I'm using blood fury + sara godsword , no soulsplit.
Doesn't seem to use sara godsword spec to heal either.

I'll wait to hear back on whether or not this can be fixed before review , thanks!!

After runemate update , it seems to be working better , but it's still glitchy.
Ran out of pray twice , had to manually sip and re-activate pray

Isn't sticking to tile and re-agro's too often lol
Does work though!
It should drink all super restores or prayer pots, maybe u didn't set the amount to drink at, it has to be above than 0. And saradoming godsword isn't supported here, but i might try and add it
Sep 22, 2015
@qverkk can you make it so that it only uses soulsplit if it's under 60% hp or so? Like your Waterfiends :)
But u can set the percents by your self
@Bagdady It uses emergency teleport if you have a tab in your inventory and you're lower than 20% hp.

- Abilities are handled in an old way of mine, i can add support for my new method for ability queueing which would require u to use cooldown icon, as at the moment it uses RuneMate base api which takes very long and relies on other abilities also, so if you select X ability, and ability Y is spinning, it won't activate it.

- Break system isn't needed as here you're mostly 100% in combat which can get you stuck, or your spot can get stolen.

- Banking for a bot that needs to go through wilderness with gear is really bad, i won't risk users to lose 10m+ of equipment.

- Prayer pots and super restores are drank when you select a checkbox for drink prayer/restore and it goes below that value.

- And i could try and add other pots support other than overloads, i'll see.

Thanks for your review tho!
Aug 11, 2016
But u can set the percents by your self
@Bagdady It uses emergency teleport if you have a tab in your inventory and you're lower than 20% hp.

- Abilities are handled in an old way of mine, i can add support for my new method for ability queueing which would require u to use cooldown icon, as at the moment it uses RuneMate base api which takes very long and relies on other abilities also, so if you select X ability, and ability Y is spinning, it won't activate it.

- Break system isn't needed as here you're mostly 100% in combat which can get you stuck, or your spot can get stolen.

- Banking for a bot that needs to go through wilderness with gear is really bad, i won't risk users to lose 10m+ of equipment.

- Prayer pots and super restores are drank when you select a checkbox for drink prayer/restore and it goes below that value.

- And i could try and add other pots support other than overloads, i'll see.

Thanks for your review tho!
Oh okay I didn't know thanks. It didn't say so in the overview
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