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QuickMiner PRO [Deleted]

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Nov 4, 2013
Will the bot ever support south-western wilderness mining area?
This can be added, yes. Just have to check if web walker supports it.
the bot gets stuck at shilo village banker after depoised gems.
Not supported by the client's web walker yet, sorry!
Hey I was just wondering if you could program Fossil Island into this bot with the bank near the dungeon entrance? Can you also make it to mine volcanic ash, that would be super helpful. Thanks! I haven't tried the bot yet but this seemed to be the best rated one. None of them have Fossil Island and volcanic ash, and that's the only reason I really want it. I'll leave a review once I actually take the opportunity to run the bot, as mining hasn't been a priority of mine too much yet.
I'll have to check if it's supported by web walker. If it is, sure, it can be added.
Dec 17, 2018
Bot walks to bank now and deposits gems at Shilo Village, will even close bank tab but won't walk back to gems.
Nov 4, 2013
Bot walks to bank now and deposits gems at Shilo Village, will even close bank tab but won't walk back to gems.
Client problem with web walker. Unfortunately nothing I can do about it. Please use a different location for now.
Dec 17, 2018
Client problem with web walker. Unfortunately nothing I can do about it. Please use a different location for now.
R.I.P. Thanks, unfortunately its the only place I mine. Will keep trying whenever its updated, thank you.
Jan 12, 2019
Does this work with the most recent mining reqork? seems like i a, have issues with it just running into a wall and doing nothing. Especially on Dwarven mine.
Nov 4, 2013
Does this bot support gem bag as well? it would be pretty usefull at shilo vilalge gem mine
No, unfortunately it doesn't support gem bag yet.
any chance of implementing agility shortcuts eg falador west
This is handled by the client and AFAIK it's already supported?
Will you get a chance to add "dark animica" and "light animica"
Yes, an update for the new mining rework is coming in the following week.
Does this work with the most recent mining reqork? seems like i a, have issues with it just running into a wall and doing nothing. Especially on Dwarven mine.
Not yet, an update is coming in the following week to add support for it.
Dec 17, 2018
Do you happen to know if the Shilo Village banking will be fixed? I remember you saying it being a client issue, have you received any info on that? Currently still not working, no worries though.
Jul 28, 2013
Do you happen to know if the Shilo Village banking will be fixed? I remember you saying it being a client issue, have you received any info on that? Currently still not working, no worries though.
We debugged it a little bit but we unable to figure out the exact reason the issue is occurring in the first place (mainly due to us not having access to the area ourselves)
Jun 9, 2015
We debugged it a little bit but we unable to figure out the exact reason the issue is occurring in the first place (mainly due to us not having access to the area ourselves)
I have access. Hit me up on Slack if you need information.
Dec 17, 2018
We debugged it a little bit but we unable to figure out the exact reason the issue is occurring in the first place (mainly due to us not having access to the area ourselves)
Thank you for the reply, as Robin said, I have access as well to Shilo so if needed, let me know!
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