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QuickMiner Lite [Deleted]

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Dec 30, 2016
Any reports from those who used this bot with their average xp/hr? With Awesome Motherlode not working well I'm looking to finish 99 mining. Not looking for profit, just xp.
Apr 16, 2017
With mining iron at ~60 mining, with a rune pickaxe at the mining guild (not the most efficient mining because the f2p mining guild does not have a tri-iron site like in AL-Kharid or in the extended mining guild), it has ranged from ~23,000 - ~31,000 exp per hour.

This bot is not the fastest, but is also not meant to be the fastest. It does not instantly click a rock as soon as it spawns.
Dec 30, 2016
That's about what I made at motherlode. If you were to guesstimate, what's the place for 90 mining to finish up 99?
Jan 4, 2017
With mining iron at ~60 mining, with a rune pickaxe at the mining guild (not the most efficient mining because the f2p mining guild does not have a tri-iron site like in AL-Kharid or in the extended mining guild), it has ranged from ~23,000 - ~31,000 exp per hour.

This bot is not the fastest, but is also not meant to be the fastest. It does not instantly click a rock as soon as it spawns.

?? clicking pretty fast for me...
Apr 16, 2017
You mean like where you should go? I heard tri-site iron mining was second to only granite mining at level 80 and onwards, according to the wiki. If you ask Hyperion to implement tick-mining, granite mining could be even faster. Not sure about this, but it may even reach 100k exp an hour.

You could also try blast mining.

Also, I should elaborate. While the bot does sometimes click the rocks pretty fast, it does not do this every time, which is probably meant to be a pattern-breaking implementation. So, again, it won't be the fastest due to this, but it is still pretty good.
Dec 30, 2016
Only issue with implementing granite is that you need waterskins. Not sure how efficient that'd be considering you'd have to run to the bank and back.
Apr 16, 2017
Well apparently according to the wiki, once at level 41 and above, mining iron could only reach 50-55k exp an hour, at the absolute speed and efficiency.

If you wanted tri-iron sites, Al-Kharid has one. The extended mining guild has 2. Not sure about where else has any. The wiki might have this information though.
Jan 4, 2017
Well apparently according to the wiki, once at level 41 and above, mining iron could only reach 50-55k exp an hour, at the absolute speed and efficiency.
If you believe everything wiki says lol....
Not sure whats the max rate for iron ore power mine but, Wiki most of the time has incorrect info.
Dec 30, 2016
I'll set up camp in AK in a few hours and will report with my experience!
Apr 16, 2017
The exp rate in Al-Kharid would probably be around 30-35k exp/hr with this bot at the tri-iron site, assuming nobody else mines it at the same time.
Jan 4, 2017
If you use awesome mining bot, It has a "Center" Feature so you can power mine pretty good, he also have shift click dropping, which is pretty fast also. I was getting around 23-29k xp/h piron.
Apr 16, 2017
Yeah. Awesome mining was extremely fast, but therefore extremely bot like. This trades a little speed for a much better anti-ban through pattern-breaking implementation.
Jan 4, 2017
Yeah. Awesome mining was extremely fast, but therefore extremely bot like. This trades a little speed for a much better anti-ban through pattern-breaking implementation.
I have two accounts using both his mining bots, got me to 99 mining, I haven't been rip yet lol.
Jan 8, 2015
If you believe everything wiki says lol....
Not sure whats the max rate for iron ore power mine but, Wiki most of the time has incorrect info.
It'd be 42k/hr at 3seconds per ore or 63k/hr at 2 seconds per ore. I think the 50-55k an hour is a bit optimistic indeed.
Oct 8, 2016
Every time i try and run this bot in varrock east for iron ore, the bot crashes about halfway to the mining site. Same thing used to happen last time i used this bot at Varrock west bank. is a real shame as the bot looks like one of the better mining ones if not for that! thanks :)

not sure if this is of any help but:

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Blakeos\RuneMate\logs\06-27 17-00-54 - QuickMiner.txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN Benchmarking: false
00:00:00 WARN Caching flags: true
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:16 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:16 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:16 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
00:00:21 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:21 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:21 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
00:00:22 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:22 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:22 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
00:00:31 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:31 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:31 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
00:00:37 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:37 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:37 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
00:00:45 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:45 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:45 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
00:00:49 DEBUG Executing action -> IiiIiIIiIi
00:00:49 DEBUG Executing action -> iiiIIiIiIi
00:00:49 DEBUG Executing action -> IIIIIIIiII
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream.<init>(MarshalOutputStream.java:66)
at sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream.<init>(MarshalOutputStream.java:55)
at sun.rmi.transport.ConnectionOutputStream.<init>(ConnectionOutputStream.java:62)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.getOutputStream(StreamRemoteCall.java:102)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.getOutputStream(StreamRemoteCall.java:93)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.<init>(StreamRemoteCall.java:71)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(UnicastRef.java:145)
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:227)
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:179)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy8.uid(Unknown Source)
at nul.iIIiIiiIIIiii.this(gob:24)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.Players.getLocal(tkb:204)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:23)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
Dec 30, 2016
Happy to report after about 3 hours I'm getting a steady 40k xp / hr. So far so good.
At 4 hours there are SEVERAL lines of "at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)" and the bot crashing. Shame. Going to just have to babysit.

Edit: Trying to use the bot now and it's just sitting still. About 5 minutes has passed and the bot hasn't done anything.
Nov 4, 2013
Thankfully caught the bot idling with an iron ore selected. I assume it was trying to shift-drop it but just selecting it instead and got stuck. After referring to the logs, it seems to have started at ~1:50:23. I did not post the entire thing, but the errors continued until 1:57:32. So, I assume that for 7 minutes, it just had an iron ore selected. This was in the mining guild, powermining iron. Rune pickaxe in first slot of inventory.

EDIT: Also, using an f2p account doing the mining guild (no bank, no extension). Could there be an option to bank at Falador? The "Mining Guild" and "Mining Guild Extended" settings just mine an inventory of ore and idle, probably because it's looking for the mine within the guild. Using the "Dwarven mine" setting just makes the bot run around, probably looking for the Dwarven mine.
Thank you for the bot logs.

I found the issue with the f2p mining guild, will be fixed in next update.

Similar bug with Silver ore in Alkharid stops on the way to the bank or on the way back from the bank very often
Does it crash or just stop, with the bot still running?
Got this error after 2:45:46. Bot stopped abruptly power mining iron in the f2p mining guild.

Edit: Found this in the log file.

^ That continued until

and kept repeating for almost an hour until:

Idk what the bot looked like while doing this...hopefully not suspicious.
From the log I suspect it just crashed. I've been trying to locate the cause of this for some time now, but it only seems to happen when running the instance from the bot store. A possible fix is implemented for next version.
Only issue with implementing granite is that you need waterskins. Not sure how efficient that'd be considering you'd have to run to the bank and back.
You can use enchanted tiara for unlimited water supply, or select "Humidify Waterskins" in the UI, if you can cast that spell, and it will automatically refill them.
Every time i try and run this bot in varrock east for iron ore, the bot crashes about halfway to the mining site. Same thing used to happen last time i used this bot at Varrock west bank. is a real shame as the bot looks like one of the better mining ones if not for that! thanks :)

not sure if this is of any help but:
Happy to report after about 3 hours I'm getting a steady 40k xp / hr. So far so good.
At 4 hours there are SEVERAL lines of "at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)" and the bot crashing. Shame. Going to just have to babysit.

Edit: Trying to use the bot now and it's just sitting still. About 5 minutes has passed and the bot hasn't done anything.
A possible fix for this will be implemented with next update.
Dec 30, 2016
Appreciate the response, unfortunately I'm on OSRS. Perhaps if I finish LD soon I'll give granite a try.

Looking forward to the fixes.
Jul 2, 2016
That's about what I made at motherlode. If you were to guesstimate, what's the place for 90 mining to finish up 99?

In all honesty, moving away from the motherload mine ban rates are high, i wouldn't power mine for extended periods of time (however haven't ran this bot for extended periods of time yet, am currently testing the boundaries)
Nov 4, 2013
In all honesty, moving away from the motherload mine ban rates are high, i wouldn't power mine for extended periods of time (however haven't ran this bot for extended periods of time yet, am currently testing the boundaries)
Error occurring during mining at alkharid & banking as follows.

at java.util.HashMap$TreeNode.balanceInsertion(HashMap.java:2261)
at java.util.HashMap$TreeNode.putTreeVal(HashMap.java:2007)
at java.util.HashMap.putVal(HashMap.java:637)
at java.util.HashMap.put(HashMap.java:611)
at java.util.HashSet.add(HashSet.java:219)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:160)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)
at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174)

at robot.iiiiiIiIii.catch(s:174) Recuring 100's of times
A possible fix for this will be implemented with next update.
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