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QuickMiner Lite [Deleted]

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Nov 4, 2013
Hey there,

Could you please add action bar dropping for RS3?
Also, sent you some stuff on Slack.
Yes, Action bar dropping will be added with next update.
Can you add support for Unidentified minerals so when powermining in mining guild so it wont drop them.
Yes, will be added with next update.
Randomly crashed while mining gem rocks, I submitted it but I'll get you a log on slack

Patched for next version.
Jul 28, 2013
Got this trying to bank at Al-Kharid. Started the bot at the entrance of the Al-Kharid mine, thinking the bot would mine the two iron right at the entrance. Instead, it went to the 2 iron ore deep in the mine, skipping the ones at the entrance. Nobody was mining the iron at the entrance; they were available.

Once it had a full inventory of iron, it ran out of the mine and got this error not too long after exiting the mine. Using rune pickaxe in inventory (not equipped).

    at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.tryAdvance(ArrayList.java:1353)
    at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEachWithCancel(ReferencePipeline.java:126)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyIntoWithCancel(AbstractPipeline.java:498)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:485)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:471)
    at java.util.stream.MatchOps$MatchOp.evaluateSequential(MatchOps.java:230)
    at java.util.stream.MatchOps$MatchOp.evaluateSequential(MatchOps.java:196)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234)
    at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.allMatch(ReferencePipeline.java:454)
    at nul.iIIiiiiIIiiiI.false(ynb:78)
    at nul.iiIIIiiIIiIIi.try(tnb:60)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.Region.getCollisionFlags(gt:54)
    at robot.IIIiIIIIiI.run(i:205)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.core.LoopingThread.run(zab:12)
Patched this in the last update.
When attempting to mine iron ore at Ardougne South on RS3, it manages to get to the mine perfectly fine and then proceeds to stand near the rocks, and then randomly wander away, then return to the mining area, and wander away again, and the cycle just repeated endlessly. Changing the settings to use a different mine resulted in a smooth transition where it navigated to the newly selected mine and started mining and banking perfectly :)
I suggest that you pause the timer you're using to calculate profit, ores, and experience per hour when onPause is called and having it be resumed when onResume is called, that way time that passes while the user has the bot paused won't affect the accuracy of the per hour statistics.
Another suggestion I have is that when banking, if the game object or npc is visible but interaction fails more than a couple times, rotate the camera and retry, applying slight deviations to the angle and pitch if there are repeated failures, until you're able to successfully interact with the banker/bank booth. I recommend this because it's possible that isVisible is returning true when it's hidden behind an interface like the inventory on rs3's modern interface mode. This isn't as much of a problem on osrs but on both game modes their are quite a few interfaces that aren't taken into account when determining if something is visible for performance reasons. It's also possible that interaction could fail because only a small triangle is actually visible on screen, in which case you could use getVisibility() (which is a much heavier call if the entity is actually on screen) which returns a double representing the percentage of triangles that were projected which are visible (using the same definition of visible as isVisible(), in other words not all interfaces are accounted for when determining the value of getVisibility() either). This is useful for detecting if the entity if only 10% or so of the model is on the screen which, depending on the size of the model, could make interaction difficult (note that when I said 10%, I was just picking a low random number).
Nov 4, 2013
Hyperion updated QuickMiner with a new update entry:

QuickMiner v1.1.0 Released!

QuickMiner updated to v1.1.0.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Update includes:
  • Added Action bar dropping (automatically enabled, just add the items to drop to it) (RS3)
  • The bot will now bank in Dwarven Mine resource dungeon if mining in the Dwarven Mine and you have +15 Dungeoneering (RS3)
  • The bot will no longer drop Unidentified Minerals while powermining in the Mining Guild (OS)
  • Added support for Extended Mining Guild along with all rocks in it (OS)
  • If mining in Mining Guild on a members world, the bot will bank in the extended part of the guild (OS)
  • Added Bank/Deposit Box opening failsafes
  • Fixed a couple of crashing bugs
  • Paint timer is now paused/resumed when the bot is to display more accurate calculations
Apr 10, 2017
New powermining feature in extended guild works great. However how can I set it up so the bot goes back to the same exact spot after banking? Right now I am having the issue that it goes back to the general location of my 3 iron rocks and ends up running between them to mine instead of standing in the middle and just turning around to mine.
Last edited:
Nov 4, 2013
New powermining feature in extended guild works great. However how can I set it up so the bot goes back to the same exact spot after banking? Right now I am having the issue that it goes back to the general location of my 3 iron rocks and ends up running between them to mine instead of standing in the middle and just turning around to mine.
There is currently no way to do that. I might add something in the future to make this possible.
@Hyperion are you intending on adding the motherlode mine to this?
Motherlode will be released as a separate bot.
Jan 4, 2017
When trying to mine the amethyst ore, It would go to the 3 iron ore vein spot and stand there and do nothing...
Jan 8, 2015
When trying to mine the amethyst ore, It would go to the 3 iron ore vein spot and stand there and do nothing...
I wanted to mine the iron ore near the bank in the extended mining guild as well, was standing there too.
Nov 4, 2013
When trying to mine the amethyst ore, It would go to the 3 iron ore vein spot and stand there and do nothing...
Is the area with those crystals loaded on the map?
I wanted to mine the iron ore near the bank in the extended mining guild as well, was standing there too.
Was it trying to mine other rocks or was it just standing there doing nothing?
Jan 4, 2017
Is the area with those crystals loaded on the map?

Was it trying to mine other rocks or was it just standing there doing nothing?
Nvm, No, There is nothing there. It would just go to that 3 Iron Ore Vein spot and stand there looking dumb lol.
Nov 4, 2013
Yes, this is what I experienced too.
I'll try to get it fixed with next update.
Still doing the same thing, its having a hard time detecting the amethyst ore. Once started up, it would go near the Three Iron Ore again and just stand there doing nothing...
This update addressed the RS3 on-start crashing.

I can't currently access the mining guild. Can you please send me the log after you start it in the guild?
Jan 4, 2017
I'll try to get it fixed with next update.

This update addressed the RS3 on-start crashing.

I can't currently access the mining guild. Can you please send me the log after you start it in the guild?

like I said, its just not even detecting the amethyst vein at all , even when I'm like 1 tiles away from it.


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