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Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

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Sep 22, 2015

Ran 3 wcers at port sarim on Darkscape. Two ran successfully for 9 hours and got over 300k xp. the other stopped for an unknown reason and logged out on the port sarim dock but worked for a long time aswell.

Overall, successful run. @Bertrand @HailHale

UPDATE: I checked the third woodcutters bank and it must have just shut off cause it has 4k willows.
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Apr 30, 2015
A bit of info I found out which babysitting below Falador, the bot will rotate screen as it should to see of the yew to the east is available or not. The bot will then click over to the yew and begin to chop it for about a second and immediately try walking back to the first Yew tree, even if the Eastern Yew hasn't been chopped yet. So the action of walking to the main Yew tree the bot seems to love is taking priority over cutting the far right Yew tree even when the tree is there to be chopped not just a stump. It needs to sit there and continue to chop the far eastern yew until the tree is a stump and only then go back to the middle yew tree it loves going to. It's so weird how it absolutely will not let its self cut that one yew tree it just wants to walk back to the middle one.
Sep 9, 2015
A bit of info I found out which babysitting below Falador, the bot will rotate screen as it should to see of the yew to the east is available or not. The bot will then click over to the yew and begin to chop it for about a second and immediately try walking back to the first Yew tree, even if the Eastern Yew hasn't been chopped yet. So the action of walking to the main Yew tree the bot seems to love is taking priority over cutting the far right Yew tree even when the tree is there to be chopped not just a stump. It needs to sit there and continue to chop the far eastern yew until the tree is a stump and only then go back to the middle yew tree it loves going to. It's so weird how it absolutely will not let its self cut that one yew tree it just wants to walk back to the middle one.
yes agree stuck
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
I've pushed an update that fixes all known issues including: not depositing axe in deposit box, walking towards every location with 2 backup systems, walking between trees, closing bank before attempting to chop or walk, added Seers Magic back which I somehow deleted, and some more optimisations to the actual chopping logic.
Sep 29, 2015
Hi @Bertrand

Thanks for adding my spot suggestion and fixing it up. It's working perfectly! Incoming proggy!

EDIT: And here's it strong at 15hr, stopping for a break!
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Apr 30, 2015
Sucks it gets updated after I switced to MaxiChopper for edgeville yews and got all my wc accounts banned when before I was using PiChopper I never got banned.. rip
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Sucks it gets updated after I switced to MaxiChopper for edgeville yews and got all my wc accounts banned when before I was using PiChopper I never got banned.. rip

That's sad to hear man, all I can say is don't give up because of a ban. I'm sure it isn't the bot made by Aidden that got you banned, but just bad luck. I hope to see you back soon though. :)
Apr 30, 2015
That's sad to hear man, all I can say is don't give up because of a ban. I'm sure it isn't the bot made by Aidden that got you banned, but just bad luck. I hope to see you back soon though. :)
Yea in the process of starting up again today. Just wish someone who has botted sucessfully for over a year would teach me their secets to not getting banned I've had 100% ban rate, none of my accounts last over a week except one members account that lasted 2 weeks then got banned
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Yea in the process of starting up again today. Just wish someone who has botted sucessfully for over a year would teach me their secets to not getting banned I've had 100% ban rate, none of my accounts last over a week except one members account that lasted 2 weeks then got banned

AFAIK, almost all bans on OSRS are manual bans. This means they're either based on reports by other people or mods catching you in action. To prevent this the only solution seems to be to pick spots that people do not often come.
Sep 29, 2015
Yea in the process of starting up again today. Just wish someone who has botted sucessfully for over a year would teach me their secets to not getting banned I've had 100% ban rate, none of my accounts last over a week except one members account that lasted 2 weeks then got banned

Have you always used the same IP when botting? It could be this.

Same goes for similar emails/usernames.
Apr 30, 2015
Have you always used the same IP when botting? It could be this.

Same goes for similar emails/usernames.
I explained somewhere else on here that I use all different emails with no similarities, the usernames I picked were very noob-ish names a young kid would pick, but yes I did run all bots off of same IP seening as I don't know how VPN or VPS or w/e they are work. I just need help setting up 10+ gold farming accounts with out them being banned in a week.
They worked fine on the same IP with no bans for 7 days and then boom all accounts I've botted on banned, but not my accounts that were on same ip but unbotted accounts.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
@all apparently I forgot to null check and got like 5000 messages with submitted reports, this is ought to be fixed in the next update which is already pushed but not yet approved. Stay tuned! :)
Aug 30, 2015
banking in seers, it clicked the poll booth and was unable to close it.
luckily i have sounds on, when it went silent for longer than usual i looked over to see it confused in the poll booth ;)
Apr 30, 2015
banking in seers, it clicked the poll booth and was unable to close it.
luckily i have sounds on, when it went silent for longer than usual i looked over to see it confused in the poll booth ;)
an vouch this happens some more than just this bot, any bot that accidentally opens poll booth cannot close it and just gets stuck. It's a feature @Cloud would have to implement similar to "NPCDismisser" or "InterfaceCloser"
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