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Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

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Jun 7, 2018
what the fuck is mirror mode
sorry. i had just come back to botting from a couple years ago. A different bot client had the option of mirror mode or injection. using injection always got me banned shortly thereafter, regardless if i was using a 25$+ script or not- and i always botted smartly. breaks, not too log per day, etc.... Basically i was wondering if it avoided injection mode so i dont go through that again. thx.
Jul 20, 2019
Love your bot but I'm having a small issue with chopping trees and banking logs. It will fill my inventory and take it to the bank, but then it just idles and does nothing. I have to take my character back down to the bottom floor of the castle before the bot picks up again.
Aug 9, 2018
Love your bot but I'm having a small issue with chopping trees and banking logs. It will fill my inventory and take it to the bank, but then it just idles and does nothing. I have to take my character back down to the bottom floor of the castle before the bot picks up again.
Many bots can't get down the stairs at lummy due to pathing complications, try another spot, should work fine!
Jul 22, 2019
Ok, so its kind of ridiculous as to how there is absolutely no where to post regarding questions or anything for ppl who don't pay to use this app.
regardless, I can relate to the person above ^
I decided to play OSRS 3 days ago. I leveled my att strength woodcutting, literally skill I could as a F2P to about level 40, did ALL the quests available as F2P, even dragon slayer. Then I came across this app. So I downloaded it, and stuff went well for about a few hours. Decided ok, let me try woodcutting one. Fell asleep for 5 hrs to wake up to go to work this morning, and BOOM. BANHAMMER. I was botting at GE, cutting oaks. I understand its my own fault, but jesus Christ? I played like 15 hrs a day without botting got everything as F2P done possible, personally farmed about 1 mill without botting, then as soon as I decide to bot trees at GE on low pop server, perma BANNED. I just don't get it. How can anyone actually bot on this game without getting banned? I mean botting 1-2hrs and then taking breaks sounds like a really stupid idea, you wont gain a decent amount of XP, or gold... Rather play the game without botting.
So the reason I am making this post is actually because I ofc, was kind of enjoying the game, and am frustrated as to how my main new acc, was banned this morning. What a way to start my day.. From reading on here, I read that GE is heavily watched for bots. I didn't know this, I don't blame anyone for me getting banned. What I am asking is how can you possibly go undetected? I'm 100% I didn't get reported, and if they looked at my statistics on the acc they would have only realized I made the acc 3 days ago, and haven't slept much. but FFS, how is that a reason to ban someone? I legit played the game like 15 hrs a day and did all the F2P quests myself, farmed 1mil, tons of shit. Then as soon as I decide to bot Im banned. My skills were decently high, I was 50 CB. How does anything point to me botting, other then I guess a mod or player did somehow report me? Or came across me while farming trees at GE for a few hrs? Like im just dumbfounded. Its absolutely ridic.. Nobody should be permabanned after putting so much freaking work into the game. I couldn't imagine someone who hit CB 100 on main no bots, then came across this client, and got instabanned. I would be so fucking furious.
ANYWAYS. I am extremely curious as to if I made 2 botting acc's, and then one new main, would they know that its me on all 3 acc's?
For example: If I botted on the bot acc's and NEVER on my main, but traded all my gold/materials to my main, would my main get banned? I'm never going to risk botting again IF I do decide to create a new acc. Its just not worth it. How ever If I could reroll a main, and just make 2 bot acc's to screw around with and try to make some profit, then trade the gold/mats to my main, would they know? Would they ban my main too? Even tho he has never botted before? Like, Is my IP flagged now? Im just so freaking dumbfounded here. Botting for 1 hr and then taking a break does not seem worth it too me. I'd rather just make botting acc's, and see how long they last. and trade my items to my main, IF I CAN..
again there is like nowhere to post on these forums, its hella annoying, took me 30 mins to decide fuck it ill just post a reply on this thread. even tho I doubt anyone will see it any time soon.
Debating on just saying fuck this game, and go back to WoW. Where I have botted for years upon years, and never got banned. Farmed hella rare mounts and rare spawns in WoW, never got banned. This runescape shit is ridiculous. Please anyone who knows the answer to my question respond. I would really like to know if trading bots gold/items to my main will result in my main being banned, If so , then I'll gladly wait till classic comes out. TBH RS is so fuckin grindy its disgusting, makes classic WoW look like a piece of cake, having played them both since 2005.
Jul 29, 2019
when woodcutting in lumbridge, when the bot goes to deposit logs in the castle bank, it won't descend the stairs and just stalls at the top of the castle until I take it down the stairs
Aug 23, 2019
If I leave the bot alone for like an hour or two it suddenly starts running a loop between the wilderness and a wilderness lever in ardougne. I think it ran the loop like six times before I caught it just now
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